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from collections import OrderedDict
from fixtures import * # noqa: F401,F403
from flaky import flaky # noqa: F401
from lightning import RpcError, Millisatoshi
from utils import only_one, wait_for
import os
import pytest
import sqlite3
import subprocess
import time
def test_option_passthrough(node_factory):
""" Ensure that registering options works.
First attempts without the plugin and then with the plugin.
plugin_path = 'contrib/plugins/'
help_out = subprocess.check_output([
assert('--greeting' not in help_out)
help_out = subprocess.check_output([
assert('--greeting' in help_out)
# Now try to see if it gets accepted, would fail to start if the
# option didn't exist
n = node_factory.get_node(options={'plugin': plugin_path, 'greeting': 'Ciao'})
def test_millisatoshi_passthrough(node_factory):
""" Ensure that Millisatoshi arguments and return work.
plugin_path = 'tests/plugins/'
n = node_factory.get_node(options={'plugin': plugin_path, 'log-level': 'io'})
# By keyword
ret ='echo', {'msat': Millisatoshi(17), 'not_an_msat': '22msat'})['echo_msat']
assert type(ret) == Millisatoshi
assert ret == Millisatoshi(17)
# By position
ret ='echo', [Millisatoshi(18), '22msat'])['echo_msat']
assert type(ret) == Millisatoshi
assert ret == Millisatoshi(18)
def test_rpc_passthrough(node_factory):
"""Starting with a plugin exposes its RPC methods.
First check that the RPC method appears in the help output and
then try to call it.
plugin_path = 'contrib/plugins/'
n = node_factory.get_node(options={'plugin': plugin_path, 'greeting': 'Ciao'})
# Make sure that the 'hello' command that the plugin
# has registered is available.
cmd = [hlp for hlp in['help'] if 'hello' in hlp['command']]
assert(len(cmd) == 1)
# Make sure usage message is present.
assert only_one('hello')['help'])['command'] == 'hello [name]'
# While we're at it, let's check that is logging
# correctly via the notifications plugin->lightningd
assert n.daemon.is_in_log('Plugin initialized')
# Now try to call it and see what it returns:
greet = n.rpc.hello(name='World')
assert(greet == "Ciao World")
with pytest.raises(RpcError):
def test_plugin_dir(node_factory):
"""--plugin-dir works"""
plugin_dir = 'contrib/plugins'
node_factory.get_node(options={'plugin-dir': plugin_dir, 'greeting': 'Mars'})
def test_plugin_disable(node_factory):
"""--disable-plugin works"""
plugin_dir = 'contrib/plugins'
# We need plugin-dir before disable-plugin!
n = node_factory.get_node(options=OrderedDict([('plugin-dir', plugin_dir),
with pytest.raises(RpcError):
# Also works by basename.
n = node_factory.get_node(options=OrderedDict([('plugin-dir', plugin_dir),
with pytest.raises(RpcError):
def test_plugin_hook(node_factory, executor):
"""The helloworld plugin registers a htlc_accepted hook.
The hook will sleep for a few seconds and log a
message. `lightningd` should wait for the response and only then
complete the payment.
l1, l2 = node_factory.line_graph(2, opts={'plugin': 'contrib/plugins/'})
start_time = time.time()
f = executor.submit(, l2, 100000)
l2.daemon.wait_for_log(r'on_htlc_accepted called')
# The hook will sleep for 20 seconds before answering, so `f`
# should take at least that long.
end_time = time.time()
assert(end_time >= start_time + 20)
def test_plugin_notifications(node_factory):
l1, l2 = node_factory.get_nodes(2, opts={'plugin': 'contrib/plugins/'})
l1.daemon.wait_for_log(r'Received connect event')
l2.daemon.wait_for_log(r'Received connect event')
l1.daemon.wait_for_log(r'Received disconnect event')
l2.daemon.wait_for_log(r'Received disconnect event')
def test_failing_plugins():
fail_plugins = [
for p in fail_plugins:
with pytest.raises(subprocess.CalledProcessError):
def test_pay_plugin(node_factory):
l1, l2 = node_factory.line_graph(2)
inv = l2.rpc.invoice(123000, 'label', 'description', 3700)
res =['bolt11'])
assert res['status'] == 'complete'
with pytest.raises(RpcError, match=r'missing required parameter'):'pay')
# Make sure usage messages are present.
assert only_one('pay')['help'])['command'] == 'pay bolt11 [msatoshi] [label] [riskfactor] [maxfeepercent] [retry_for] [maxdelay] [exemptfee]'
assert only_one('paystatus')['help'])['command'] == 'paystatus [bolt11]'
def test_plugin_connected_hook(node_factory):
""" l1 uses the reject plugin to reject connections.
l1 is configured to accept connections from l2, but not from l3.
opts = [{'plugin': 'tests/plugins/'}, {}, {}]
l1, l2, l3 = node_factory.get_nodes(3, opts=opts)
l1.daemon.wait_for_log(r"{} is allowed".format(['id']))
assert len(l1.rpc.listpeers(['id'])['peers']) == 1
l1.daemon.wait_for_log(r"{} is in reject list".format(['id']))
# FIXME: this error occurs *after* connection, so we connect then drop.
l3.daemon.wait_for_log(r"lightning_openingd-{} chan #1: peer_in WIRE_ERROR"
l3.daemon.wait_for_log(r"You are in reject list")
def check_disconnect():
peers = l1.rpc.listpeers(['id'])['peers']
return peers == [] or not peers[0]['connected']
def test_async_rpcmethod(node_factory, executor):
"""This tests the async rpcmethods.
It works in conjunction with the `asynctest` plugin which stashes
requests and then resolves all of them on the fifth call.
l1 = node_factory.get_node(options={'plugin': 'tests/plugins/'})
results = []
for i in range(10):
# None of these should have returned yet
assert len([r for r in results if r.done()]) == 0
# This last one triggers the release and all results should be 42,
# since the last number is returned for all
assert [r.result() for r in results] == [42] * len(results)
def test_db_hook(node_factory, executor):
"""This tests the db hook."""
dbfile = os.path.join(, "dblog.sqlite3")
l1 = node_factory.get_node(options={'plugin': 'tests/plugins/',
'dblog-file': dbfile})
# It should see the db being created, and sometime later actually get
# initted.
# This precedes startup, so needle already past
assert l1.daemon.is_in_log(' deferring 1 commands')
l1.daemon.logsearch_start = 0
l1.daemon.wait_for_log(' replaying pre-init data:')
l1.daemon.wait_for_log(' PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON;')
l1.daemon.wait_for_log(' CREATE TABLE version \\(version INTEGER\\)')
l1.daemon.wait_for_log(' initialized')
# Databases should be identical.
db1 = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(l1.daemon.lightning_dir, 'lightningd.sqlite3'))
db2 = sqlite3.connect(dbfile)
assert [x for x in db1.iterdump()] == [x for x in db2.iterdump()]
def test_utf8_passthrough(node_factory, executor):
l1 = node_factory.get_node(options={'plugin': 'tests/plugins/',
'log-level': 'io'})
# This works because Python unmangles.
res ='utf8', ['ナンセンス 1杯'])
assert '\\u' not in res['utf8']
assert res['utf8'] == 'ナンセンス 1杯'
# Now, try native.
out = subprocess.check_output(['cli/lightning-cli',
'utf8', 'ナンセンス 1杯']).decode('utf-8')
assert '\\u' not in out
assert out == '{\n "utf8" : "ナンセンス 1杯"\n}\n'
def test_invoice_payment_hook(node_factory):
""" l1 uses the reject-payment plugin to reject invoices with odd preimages.
opts = [{}, {'plugin': 'tests/plugins/'}]
l1, l2 = node_factory.line_graph(2, opts=opts)
# This one works
inv1 = l2.rpc.invoice(123000, 'label', 'description', preimage='1' * 64)['bolt11'])
l2.daemon.wait_for_log('preimage=' + '1' * 64)
# This one will be rejected.
inv2 = l2.rpc.invoice(123000, 'label2', 'description', preimage='0' * 64)
with pytest.raises(RpcError):['bolt11'])
pstatus ='paystatus', [inv2['bolt11']])['pay'][0]
assert pstatus['attempts'][0]['failure']['data']['failcodename'] == 'WIRE_TEMPORARY_NODE_FAILURE'
l2.daemon.wait_for_log('preimage=' + '0' * 64)
def test_openchannel_hook(node_factory, bitcoind):
""" l2 uses the reject_odd_funding_amounts plugin to reject some openings.
opts = [{}, {'plugin': 'tests/plugins/'}]
l1, l2 = node_factory.line_graph(2, fundchannel=False, opts=opts)
# Get some funds.
addr = l1.rpc.newaddr()['bech32']
bitcoind.rpc.sendtoaddress(addr, 10)
numfunds = len(l1.rpc.listfunds()['outputs'])
wait_for(lambda: len(l1.rpc.listfunds()['outputs']) > numfunds)
# Even amount: works.
l1.rpc.fundchannel(['id'], 100000)
# Make sure plugin got all the vars we expect
l2.daemon.wait_for_log(' 11 VARS')
l2.daemon.wait_for_log(' channel_flags=1')
l2.daemon.wait_for_log(' channel_reserve_satoshis=1000000msat')
l2.daemon.wait_for_log(' dust_limit_satoshis=546000msat')
l2.daemon.wait_for_log(' feerate_per_kw=7500')
l2.daemon.wait_for_log(' funding_satoshis=100000000msat')
l2.daemon.wait_for_log(' htlc_minimum_msat=0msat')
l2.daemon.wait_for_log(' id={}'.format(['id']))
l2.daemon.wait_for_log(' max_accepted_htlcs=483')
l2.daemon.wait_for_log(' max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat=18446744073709551615msat')
l2.daemon.wait_for_log(' push_msat=0msat')
l2.daemon.wait_for_log(' to_self_delay=5')
# Close it.
wait_for(lambda: len(bitcoind.rpc.getrawmempool()) > 0)
wait_for(lambda: [c['state'] for c in only_one(l1.rpc.listpeers(['id'])['peers'])['channels']] == ['ONCHAIN'])
# Odd amount: fails
with pytest.raises(RpcError, match=r"I don't like odd amounts"):
l1.rpc.fundchannel(['id'], 100001)
def test_htlc_accepted_hook_fail(node_factory):
"""Send payments from l1 to l2, but l2 just declines everything.
l2 is configured with a plugin that'll hook into htlc_accepted and
always return failures. The same should also work for forwarded
htlcs in the second half.
l1, l2, l3 = node_factory.line_graph(3, opts=[
{'plugin': 'tests/plugins/'},
], wait_for_announce=True)
# This must fail
inv = l2.rpc.invoice(1000, "lbl", "desc")['bolt11']
with pytest.raises(RpcError) as excinfo:
assert excinfo.value.error['data']['failcode'] == 16399
assert excinfo.value.error['data']['erring_index'] == 1
# And the invoice must still be unpaid
inv = l2.rpc.listinvoices("lbl")['invoices']
assert len(inv) == 1 and inv[0]['status'] == 'unpaid'
# Now try with forwarded HTLCs: l2 should still fail them
# This must fail
inv = l3.rpc.invoice(1000, "lbl", "desc")['bolt11']
with pytest.raises(RpcError) as excinfo:
# And the invoice must still be unpaid
inv = l3.rpc.listinvoices("lbl")['invoices']
assert len(inv) == 1 and inv[0]['status'] == 'unpaid'
def test_htlc_accepted_hook_resolve(node_factory):
"""l3 creates an invoice, l2 knows the preimage and will shortcircuit.
l1, l2, l3 = node_factory.line_graph(3, opts=[
{'plugin': 'tests/plugins/'},
], wait_for_announce=True)
inv = l3.rpc.invoice(msatoshi=1000, label="lbl", description="desc", preimage="00" * 32)['bolt11']
# And the invoice must still be unpaid
inv = l3.rpc.listinvoices("lbl")['invoices']
assert len(inv) == 1 and inv[0]['status'] == 'unpaid'