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lightning-waitsendpay -- Command for sending a payment via a route


waitsendpay payment_hash [timeout] [partid]


The waitsendpay RPC command polls or waits for the status of an outgoing payment that was initiated by a previous sendpay invocation.

The partid argument must match that of the sendpay command.

Optionally the client may provide a timeout, an integer in seconds, for this RPC command to return. If the timeout is provided and the given amount of time passes without the payment definitely succeeding or definitely failing, this command returns with a 200 error code (payment still in progress). If timeout is not provided this call will wait indefinitely.

Indicating a timeout of 0 effectively makes this call a pollable query of the status of the payment.

If the payment completed with success, this command returns with success. Otherwise, if the payment completed with failure, this command returns an error.


On success, an object similar to the output of listsendpays will be returned. This object will have a status field that is the string "complete".

On error, and even if the error occurred from a node other than the final destination, the route table will no longer be updated. Use the exclude parameter of the getroute command to ignore the failing route.

The following error codes may occur:

  • -1: Catchall nonspecific error.
  • 200: Timed out before the payment could complete.
  • 202: Unparseable onion reply. The data field of the error will have an onionreply field, a hex string representation of the raw onion reply.
  • 203: Permanent failure at destination. The data field of the error will be routing failure object.
  • 204: Failure along route; retry a different route. The data field of the error will be routing failure object.
  • 208: A payment for payment_hash was never made and there is nothing to wait for.
  • 209: The payment already failed, but the reason for failure was not stored. This should only occur when querying failed payments on very old databases.

A routing failure object has the fields below:

  • erring_index: The index of the node along the route that reported the error. 0 for the local node, 1 for the first hop, and so on.
  • erring_node: The hex string of the pubkey id of the node that reported the error.
  • erring_channel: The short channel ID of the channel that has the error (or the final channel if the destination raised the error).
  • erring_direction: The direction of traversing the erring_channel:
  • failcode: The failure code, as per BOLT #4.
  • failcodename: The human-readable name corresponding to failcode, if known.


ZmnSCPxj <> is mainly responsible.


lightning-sendpay(7), lightning-pay(7).


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