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#include <ccan/short_types/short_types.h>
#include <ccan/tal/tal.h>
#include "shadouble.h"
/* We unpack varints for our in-memory representation */
#define varint_t u64
struct bitcoin_tx {
u32 version;
varint_t input_count;
struct bitcoin_tx_input *input;
/* Only in alpha. */
u64 fee;
varint_t output_count;
struct bitcoin_tx_output *output;
u32 lock_time;
struct bitcoin_tx_output {
u64 amount;
varint_t script_length;
u8 *script;
struct bitcoin_tx_input {
/* In alpha, this is hashed for signature */
u64 input_amount;
struct sha256_double txid;
u32 index; /* output number referred to by above */
varint_t script_length;
u8 *script;
u32 sequence_number;
/* SHA256^2 the tx: simpler than sha256_tx */
void bitcoin_txid(const struct bitcoin_tx *tx, struct sha256_double *txid);
/* Useful for signature code. */
void sha256_tx_for_sig(struct sha256_ctx *ctx, const struct bitcoin_tx *tx);
/* Linear bytes of tx. */
u8 *linearize_tx(const tal_t *ctx, const struct bitcoin_tx *tx);
/* Allocate a tx: you just need to fill in inputs and outputs (they're
* zeroed with inputs' sequence_number set to FFFFFFFF) */
struct bitcoin_tx *bitcoin_tx(const tal_t *ctx, varint_t input_count,
varint_t output_count);
struct bitcoin_tx *bitcoin_tx_from_file(const tal_t *ctx,
const char *filename);
bool bitcoin_tx_write(int fd, const struct bitcoin_tx *tx);
/* Parse hex string to get txid (reversed, a-la bitcoind). */
bool bitcoin_txid_from_hex(const char *hexstr, size_t hexstr_len,
struct sha256_double *txid);