You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

845 lines
23 KiB

#include "routing.h"
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <bitcoin/block.h>
#include <ccan/array_size/array_size.h>
#include <ccan/crypto/siphash24/siphash24.h>
#include <ccan/endian/endian.h>
#include <ccan/structeq/structeq.h>
#include <ccan/tal/str/str.h>
#include <common/pseudorand.h>
#include <common/status.h>
#include <common/type_to_string.h>
#include <common/wireaddr.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <wire/gen_peer_wire.h>
#define SUPERVERBOSE(...)
/* 365.25 * 24 * 60 / 10 */
#define BLOCKS_PER_YEAR 52596
/* For overflow avoidance, we never deal with msatoshi > 40 bits. */
#define MAX_MSATOSHI (1ULL << 40)
/* Proportional fee must be less than 24 bits, so never overflows. */
#define MAX_PROPORTIONAL_FEE (1 << 24)
static struct node_map *empty_node_map(const tal_t *ctx)
struct node_map *map = tal(ctx, struct node_map);
tal_add_destructor(map, node_map_clear);
return map;
struct routing_state *new_routing_state(const tal_t *ctx,
const struct bitcoin_blkid *chain_hash,
const struct pubkey *local_id)
struct routing_state *rstate = tal(ctx, struct routing_state);
rstate->nodes = empty_node_map(rstate);
rstate->broadcasts = new_broadcast_state(rstate);
rstate->chain_hash = *chain_hash;
rstate->local_id = *local_id;
return rstate;
const secp256k1_pubkey *node_map_keyof_node(const struct node *n)
return &n->id.pubkey;
size_t node_map_hash_key(const secp256k1_pubkey *key)
return siphash24(siphash_seed(), key, sizeof(*key));
bool node_map_node_eq(const struct node *n, const secp256k1_pubkey *key)
return structeq(&n->id.pubkey, key);
static void destroy_node(struct node *node)
/* These remove themselves from the array. */
while (tal_count(node->in))
while (tal_count(node->out))
static struct node *get_node(struct routing_state *rstate,
const struct pubkey *id)
return node_map_get(rstate->nodes, &id->pubkey);
static struct node *new_node(struct routing_state *rstate,
const struct pubkey *id)
struct node *n;
assert(!get_node(rstate, id));
n = tal(rstate, struct node);
n->id = *id;
n->in = tal_arr(n, struct node_connection *, 0);
n->out = tal_arr(n, struct node_connection *, 0);
n->alias = NULL;
n->node_announcement = NULL;
n->last_timestamp = -1;
n->addresses = tal_arr(n, struct wireaddr, 0);
node_map_add(rstate->nodes, n);
tal_add_destructor(n, destroy_node);
return n;
static bool remove_conn_from_array(struct node_connection ***conns,
struct node_connection *nc)
size_t i, n;
n = tal_count(*conns);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if ((*conns)[i] != nc)
memmove(*conns + i, *conns + i + 1, sizeof(**conns) * (n - i));
tal_resize(conns, n);
return true;
return false;
static void destroy_connection(struct node_connection *nc)
if (!remove_conn_from_array(&nc->dst->in, nc)
|| !remove_conn_from_array(&nc->src->out, nc))
/* FIXME! */
static struct node_connection * get_connection(struct routing_state *rstate,
const struct pubkey *from_id,
const struct pubkey *to_id)
int i, n;
struct node *from, *to;
from = get_node(rstate, from_id);
to = get_node(rstate, to_id);
if (!from || ! to)
return NULL;
n = tal_count(to->in);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (to->in[i]->src == from)
return to->in[i];
return NULL;
struct node_connection *get_connection_by_scid(const struct routing_state *rstate,
const struct short_channel_id *schanid,
const u8 direction)
struct node *n;
int i, num_conn;
struct node_map *nodes = rstate->nodes;
struct node_connection *c;
struct node_map_iter it;
//FIXME(cdecker) We probably want to speed this up by indexing by chanid.
for (n = node_map_first(nodes, &it); n; n = node_map_next(nodes, &it)) {
num_conn = tal_count(n->out);
for (i = 0; i < num_conn; i++){
c = n->out[i];
if (short_channel_id_eq(&c->short_channel_id, schanid) &&
(c->flags&0x1) == direction)
return c;
return NULL;
static struct node_connection *
get_or_make_connection(struct routing_state *rstate,
const struct pubkey *from_id,
const struct pubkey *to_id)
size_t i, n;
struct node *from, *to;
struct node_connection *nc;
from = get_node(rstate, from_id);
if (!from)
from = new_node(rstate, from_id);
to = get_node(rstate, to_id);
if (!to)
to = new_node(rstate, to_id);
n = tal_count(to->in);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (to->in[i]->src == from) {
status_trace("Updating existing route from %s to %s",
type_to_string(trc, struct pubkey,
type_to_string(trc, struct pubkey,
return to->in[i];
status_trace("Creating new route from %s to %s",
type_to_string(trc, struct pubkey, &from->id),
type_to_string(trc, struct pubkey, &to->id));
nc = tal(rstate, struct node_connection);
nc->src = from;
nc->dst = to;
nc->channel_announcement = NULL;
nc->channel_update = NULL;
/* Hook it into in/out arrays. */
i = tal_count(to->in);
tal_resize(&to->in, i+1);
to->in[i] = nc;
i = tal_count(from->out);
tal_resize(&from->out, i+1);
from->out[i] = nc;
tal_add_destructor(nc, destroy_connection);
return nc;
struct node_connection *half_add_connection(
struct routing_state *rstate,
const struct pubkey *from,
const struct pubkey *to,
const struct short_channel_id *schanid,
const u16 flags
struct node_connection *nc;
nc = get_or_make_connection(rstate, from, to);
nc->short_channel_id = *schanid;
nc->active = false;
nc->flags = flags;
nc->last_timestamp = -1;
return nc;
/* Too big to reach, but don't overflow if added. */
static void clear_bfg(struct node_map *nodes)
struct node *n;
struct node_map_iter it;
for (n = node_map_first(nodes, &it); n; n = node_map_next(nodes, &it)) {
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(n->bfg); i++) {
n->bfg[i].total = INFINITE;
n->bfg[i].risk = 0;
static u64 connection_fee(const struct node_connection *c, u64 msatoshi)
u64 fee;
assert(msatoshi < MAX_MSATOSHI);
assert(c->proportional_fee < MAX_PROPORTIONAL_FEE);
fee = (c->proportional_fee * msatoshi) / 1000000;
/* This can't overflow: c->base_fee is a u32 */
return c->base_fee + fee;
/* Risk of passing through this channel. We insert a tiny constant here
* in order to prefer shorter routes, all things equal. */
static u64 risk_fee(u64 amount, u32 delay, double riskfactor)
return 1 + amount * delay * riskfactor;
/* We track totals, rather than costs. That's because the fee depends
* on the current amount passing through. */
static void bfg_one_edge(struct node *node, size_t edgenum, double riskfactor)
struct node_connection *c = node->in[edgenum];
size_t h;
assert(c->dst == node);
for (h = 0; h < ROUTING_MAX_HOPS; h++) {
/* FIXME: Bias against smaller channels. */
u64 fee;
u64 risk;
if (node->bfg[h].total == INFINITE)
fee = connection_fee(c, node->bfg[h].total);
risk = node->bfg[h].risk + risk_fee(node->bfg[h].total + fee,
c->delay, riskfactor);
if (node->bfg[h].total + fee + risk >= MAX_MSATOSHI) {
SUPERVERBOSE("...extreme %"PRIu64
" + fee %"PRIu64
" + risk %"PRIu64" ignored",
node->bfg[h].total, fee, risk);
if (node->bfg[h].total + fee + risk
< c->src->bfg[h+1].total + c->src->bfg[h+1].risk) {
SUPERVERBOSE("...%s can reach here in hoplen %zu total %"PRIu64,
type_to_string(trc, struct pubkey,
h, node->bfg[h].total + fee);
c->src->bfg[h+1].total = node->bfg[h].total + fee;
c->src->bfg[h+1].risk = risk;
c->src->bfg[h+1].prev = c;
/* riskfactor is already scaled to per-block amount */
static struct node_connection *
find_route(const tal_t *ctx, struct routing_state *rstate,
const struct pubkey *from, const struct pubkey *to, u64 msatoshi,
double riskfactor, u64 *fee, struct node_connection ***route)
struct node *n, *src, *dst;
struct node_map_iter it;
struct node_connection *first_conn;
int runs, i, best;
/* Note: we map backwards, since we know the amount of satoshi we want
* at the end, and need to derive how much we need to send. */
dst = get_node(rstate, from);
src = get_node(rstate, to);
if (!src) {
status_trace("find_route: cannot find %s",
type_to_string(trc, struct pubkey, to));
return NULL;
} else if (!dst) {
status_trace("find_route: cannot find myself (%s)",
type_to_string(trc, struct pubkey, to));
return NULL;
} else if (dst == src) {
status_trace("find_route: this is %s, refusing to create empty route",
type_to_string(trc, struct pubkey, to));
return NULL;
if (msatoshi >= MAX_MSATOSHI) {
status_trace("find_route: can't route huge amount %"PRIu64,
return NULL;
/* Reset all the information. */
/* Bellman-Ford-Gibson: like Bellman-Ford, but keep values for
* every path length. */
src->bfg[0].total = msatoshi;
src->bfg[0].risk = 0;
for (runs = 0; runs < ROUTING_MAX_HOPS; runs++) {
SUPERVERBOSE("Run %i", runs);
/* Run through every edge. */
for (n = node_map_first(rstate->nodes, &it);
n = node_map_next(rstate->nodes, &it)) {
size_t num_edges = tal_count(n->in);
for (i = 0; i < num_edges; i++) {
SUPERVERBOSE("Node %s edge %i/%zu",
type_to_string(trc, struct pubkey,
i, num_edges);
if (!n->in[i]->active) {
bfg_one_edge(n, i, riskfactor);
best = 0;
for (i = 1; i <= ROUTING_MAX_HOPS; i++) {
if (dst->bfg[i].total < dst->bfg[best].total)
best = i;
/* No route? */
if (dst->bfg[best].total >= INFINITE) {
status_trace("find_route: No route to %s",
type_to_string(trc, struct pubkey, to));
return NULL;
/* Save route from *next* hop (we return first hop as peer).
* Note that we take our own fees into account for routing, even
* though we don't pay them: it presumably effects preference. */
first_conn = dst->bfg[best].prev;
dst = dst->bfg[best].prev->dst;
*fee = dst->bfg[best].total - msatoshi;
*route = tal_arr(ctx, struct node_connection *, best);
for (i = 0, n = dst;
i < best;
n = n->bfg[best-i].prev->dst, i++) {
(*route)[i] = n->bfg[best-i].prev;
assert(n == src);
msatoshi += *fee;
status_trace("find_route: via %s",
type_to_string(trc, struct pubkey, &first_conn->dst->id));
/* If there are intermediaries, dump them, and total fees. */
if (best != 0) {
for (i = 0; i < best; i++) {
status_trace(" %s (%i+%i=%"PRIu64")",
type_to_string(trc, struct pubkey,
connection_fee((*route)[i], msatoshi));
msatoshi -= connection_fee((*route)[i], msatoshi);
status_trace(" =%"PRIi64"(%+"PRIi64")",
(*route)[best-1]->dst->bfg[best-1].total, *fee);
return first_conn;
static struct node_connection *
add_channel_direction(struct routing_state *rstate, const struct pubkey *from,
const struct pubkey *to,
const struct short_channel_id *short_channel_id,
const u8 *announcement)
struct node_connection *c1, *c2, *c;
u16 direction = get_channel_direction(from, to);
c1 = get_connection(rstate, from, to);
c2 = get_connection_by_scid(rstate, short_channel_id, direction);
if(c2) {
/* We already know the channel by its scid, just
* update the announcement below */
c = c2;
} else if (c1) {
/* We found the channel by its endpoints, not by scid,
* so update its scid */
memcpy(&c1->short_channel_id, short_channel_id,
c1->flags = direction;
c = c1;
} else {
/* We don't know this channel at all, create it */
c = half_add_connection(rstate, from, to, short_channel_id, direction);
/* Remember the announcement so we can forward it to new peers */
if (announcement) {
c->channel_announcement = tal_dup_arr(c, u8, announcement,
tal_count(announcement), 0);
return c;
/* Verify the signature of a channel_update message */
static bool check_channel_update(const struct pubkey *node_key,
const secp256k1_ecdsa_signature *node_sig,
const u8 *update)
/* 2 byte msg type + 64 byte signatures */
int offset = 66;
struct sha256_double hash;
sha256_double(&hash, update + offset, tal_len(update) - offset);
return check_signed_hash(&hash, node_sig, node_key);
static bool check_channel_announcement(
const struct pubkey *node1_key, const struct pubkey *node2_key,
const struct pubkey *bitcoin1_key, const struct pubkey *bitcoin2_key,
const secp256k1_ecdsa_signature *node1_sig,
const secp256k1_ecdsa_signature *node2_sig,
const secp256k1_ecdsa_signature *bitcoin1_sig,
const secp256k1_ecdsa_signature *bitcoin2_sig, const u8 *announcement)
/* 2 byte msg type + 256 byte signatures */
int offset = 258;
struct sha256_double hash;
sha256_double(&hash, announcement + offset,
tal_len(announcement) - offset);
return check_signed_hash(&hash, node1_sig, node1_key) &&
check_signed_hash(&hash, node2_sig, node2_key) &&
check_signed_hash(&hash, bitcoin1_sig, bitcoin1_key) &&
check_signed_hash(&hash, bitcoin2_sig, bitcoin2_key);
bool handle_channel_announcement(
struct routing_state *rstate,
const u8 *announce)
u8 *serialized;
bool forward = false, local, sigfail;
secp256k1_ecdsa_signature node_signature_1;
secp256k1_ecdsa_signature node_signature_2;
struct short_channel_id short_channel_id;
secp256k1_ecdsa_signature bitcoin_signature_1;
secp256k1_ecdsa_signature bitcoin_signature_2;
struct pubkey node_id_1;
struct pubkey node_id_2;
struct pubkey bitcoin_key_1;
struct pubkey bitcoin_key_2;
struct bitcoin_blkid chain_hash;
struct node_connection *c0, *c1;
const tal_t *tmpctx = tal_tmpctx(rstate);
u8 *features;
char *tag;
size_t len = tal_len(announce);
serialized = tal_dup_arr(tmpctx, u8, announce, len, 0);
if (!fromwire_channel_announcement(tmpctx, serialized, NULL,
&node_signature_1, &node_signature_2,
&node_id_1, &node_id_2,
&bitcoin_key_1, &bitcoin_key_2)) {
return false;
tag = type_to_string(tmpctx, struct short_channel_id,
/* BOLT #7:
* The receiving node MUST ignore the message if the specified
* `chain_hash` is unknown to the receiver.
if (!structeq(&chain_hash, &rstate->chain_hash)) {
"Received channel_announcement %s for unknown chain %s",
type_to_string(tmpctx, struct bitcoin_blkid, &chain_hash));
return false;
// FIXME: Check features!
//FIXME(cdecker) Check chain topology for the anchor TX
local = pubkey_eq(&node_id_1, &rstate->local_id) ||
pubkey_eq(&node_id_2, &rstate->local_id);
sigfail = !check_channel_announcement(
&node_id_1, &node_id_2, &bitcoin_key_1, &bitcoin_key_2,
&node_signature_1, &node_signature_2, &bitcoin_signature_1,
&bitcoin_signature_2, serialized);
status_trace("Received channel_announcement for channel %s, local=%d, sigfail=%d",
tag, local, sigfail);
if (sigfail) {
"Signature verification of channel_announcement for %s failed", tag);
return false;
/* Is this a new connection? It is if we don't know the
* channel yet, or do not have a matching announcement in the
* case of side-loaded channels*/
c0 = get_connection(rstate, &node_id_2, &node_id_1);
c1 = get_connection(rstate, &node_id_1, &node_id_2);
forward = !c0 || !c1 || !c0->channel_announcement || !c1->channel_announcement;
add_channel_direction(rstate, &node_id_1, &node_id_2, &short_channel_id,
add_channel_direction(rstate, &node_id_2, &node_id_1, &short_channel_id,
if (forward) {
if (queue_broadcast(rstate->broadcasts,
(u8*)tag, serialized))
"Announcement %s was replaced?",
tal_hex(trc, serialized));
return local && forward;
void handle_channel_update(struct routing_state *rstate, const u8 *update)
u8 *serialized;
struct node_connection *c;
secp256k1_ecdsa_signature signature;
struct short_channel_id short_channel_id;
u32 timestamp;
u16 flags;
u16 expiry;
u64 htlc_minimum_msat;
u32 fee_base_msat;
u32 fee_proportional_millionths;
const tal_t *tmpctx = tal_tmpctx(rstate);
struct bitcoin_blkid chain_hash;
size_t len = tal_len(update);
serialized = tal_dup_arr(tmpctx, u8, update, len, 0);
if (!fromwire_channel_update(serialized, NULL, &signature,
&chain_hash, &short_channel_id,
&timestamp, &flags, &expiry,
&htlc_minimum_msat, &fee_base_msat,
&fee_proportional_millionths)) {
/* BOLT #7:
* The receiving node MUST ignore the channel update if the specified
* `chain_hash` value is unknown, meaning it isn't active on the
* specified chain. */
if (!structeq(&chain_hash, &rstate->chain_hash)) {
status_trace("Received channel_update for unknown chain %s",
type_to_string(tmpctx, struct bitcoin_blkid,
status_trace("Received channel_update for channel %s(%d)",
type_to_string(trc, struct short_channel_id,
flags & 0x01);
c = get_connection_by_scid(rstate, &short_channel_id, flags & 0x1);
if (!c) {
status_trace("Ignoring update for unknown channel %s",
type_to_string(trc, struct short_channel_id,
} else if (c->last_timestamp >= timestamp) {
status_trace("Ignoring outdated update.");
} else if (!check_channel_update(&c->src->id, &signature, serialized)) {
status_trace("Signature verification failed.");
//FIXME(cdecker) Check signatures
c->last_timestamp = timestamp;
c->delay = expiry;
c->htlc_minimum_msat = htlc_minimum_msat;
c->base_fee = fee_base_msat;
c->proportional_fee = fee_proportional_millionths;
c->active = (flags & ROUTING_FLAGS_DISABLED) == 0;
status_trace("Channel %s(%d) was updated.",
type_to_string(trc, struct short_channel_id,
if (c->proportional_fee >= MAX_PROPORTIONAL_FEE) {
status_trace("Channel %s(%d) massive proportional fee %u:"
" disabling.",
type_to_string(trc, struct short_channel_id,
c->active = false;
u8 *tag = tal_arr(tmpctx, u8, 0);
towire_short_channel_id(&tag, &short_channel_id);
towire_u16(&tag, flags & 0x1);
c->channel_update = tal_steal(c, serialized);
static struct wireaddr *read_addresses(const tal_t *ctx, const u8 *ser)
const u8 *cursor = ser;
size_t max = tal_len(ser);
struct wireaddr *wireaddrs = tal_arr(ctx, struct wireaddr, 0);
int numaddrs = 0;
while (cursor && cursor < ser + max) {
struct wireaddr wireaddr;
/* Skip any padding */
while (max && cursor[0] == ADDR_TYPE_PADDING)
fromwire_u8(&cursor, &max);
/* BOLT #7:
* The receiving node SHOULD ignore the first `address
* descriptor` which does not match the types defined
* above.
if (!fromwire_wireaddr(&cursor, &max, &wireaddr)) {
if (!cursor)
/* Parsing address failed */
return tal_free(wireaddrs);
/* Unknown type, stop there. */
tal_resize(&wireaddrs, numaddrs+1);
wireaddrs[numaddrs] = wireaddr;
return wireaddrs;
void handle_node_announcement(
struct routing_state *rstate, const u8 *node_ann)
u8 *serialized;
struct sha256_double hash;
struct node *node;
secp256k1_ecdsa_signature signature;
u32 timestamp;
struct pubkey node_id;
u8 rgb_color[3];
u8 alias[32];
u8 *features, *addresses;
const tal_t *tmpctx = tal_tmpctx(rstate);
struct wireaddr *wireaddrs;
size_t len = tal_len(node_ann);
serialized = tal_dup_arr(tmpctx, u8, node_ann, len, 0);
if (!fromwire_node_announcement(tmpctx, serialized, NULL,
&signature, &features, &timestamp,
&node_id, rgb_color, alias,
&addresses)) {
// FIXME: Check features!
status_trace("Received node_announcement for node %s",
type_to_string(trc, struct pubkey, &node_id));
sha256_double(&hash, serialized + 66, tal_count(serialized) - 66);
if (!check_signed_hash(&hash, &signature, &node_id)) {
status_trace("Ignoring node announcement, signature verification failed.");
node = get_node(rstate, &node_id);
if (!node) {
status_trace("Node not found, was the node_announcement preceded by at least channel_announcement?");
} else if (node->last_timestamp >= timestamp) {
status_trace("Ignoring node announcement, it's outdated.");
wireaddrs = read_addresses(tmpctx, addresses);
if (!wireaddrs) {
status_trace("Unable to parse addresses.");
node->addresses = tal_steal(node, wireaddrs);
node->last_timestamp = timestamp;
memcpy(node->rgb_color, rgb_color, 3);
u8 *tag = tal_arr(tmpctx, u8, 0);
towire_pubkey(&tag, &node_id);
node->node_announcement = tal_steal(node, serialized);
struct route_hop *get_route(tal_t *ctx, struct routing_state *rstate,
const struct pubkey *source,
const struct pubkey *destination,
const u32 msatoshi, double riskfactor,
u32 final_cltv)
struct node_connection **route;
u64 total_amount;
unsigned int total_delay;
u64 fee;
struct route_hop *hops;
int i;
struct node_connection *first_conn;
first_conn = find_route(ctx, rstate, source, destination, msatoshi,
riskfactor / BLOCKS_PER_YEAR / 10000,
&fee, &route);
if (!first_conn) {
return NULL;
/* Fees, delays need to be calculated backwards along route. */
hops = tal_arr(ctx, struct route_hop, tal_count(route) + 1);
total_amount = msatoshi;
total_delay = final_cltv;
for (i = tal_count(route) - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
hops[i + 1].channel_id = route[i]->short_channel_id;
hops[i + 1].nodeid = route[i]->dst->id;
hops[i + 1].amount = total_amount;
total_amount += connection_fee(route[i], total_amount);
hops[i + 1].delay = total_delay;
total_delay += route[i]->delay;
/* Backfill the first hop manually */
hops[0].channel_id = first_conn->short_channel_id;
hops[0].nodeid = first_conn->dst->id;
/* We don't charge ourselves any fees, nor require delay */
hops[0].amount = total_amount;
hops[0].delay = total_delay;
/* FIXME: Shadow route! */
return hops;