You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1075 lines
38 KiB

#: wallet/db.c:47
msgid "CREATE TABLE version (version INTEGER)"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:48
msgid "INSERT INTO version VALUES (1)"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:49
msgid "CREATE TABLE outputs ( prev_out_tx BLOB, prev_out_index INTEGER, value BIGINT, type INTEGER, status INTEGER, keyindex INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (prev_out_tx, prev_out_index));"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:58
msgid "CREATE TABLE vars ( name VARCHAR(32), val VARCHAR(255), PRIMARY KEY (name));"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:64
msgid "CREATE TABLE shachains ( id BIGSERIAL, min_index BIGINT, num_valid BIGINT, PRIMARY KEY (id));"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:71
msgid "CREATE TABLE shachain_known ( shachain_id BIGINT REFERENCES shachains(id) ON DELETE CASCADE, pos INTEGER, idx BIGINT, hash BLOB, PRIMARY KEY (shachain_id, pos));"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:79
msgid "CREATE TABLE peers ( id BIGSERIAL, node_id BLOB UNIQUE, address TEXT, PRIMARY KEY (id));"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:86
msgid "CREATE TABLE channels ( id BIGSERIAL, peer_id BIGINT REFERENCES peers(id) ON DELETE CASCADE, short_channel_id TEXT, channel_config_local BIGINT, channel_config_remote BIGINT, state INTEGER, funder INTEGER, channel_flags INTEGER, minimum_depth INTEGER, next_index_local BIGINT, next_index_remote BIGINT, next_htlc_id BIGINT, funding_tx_id BLOB, funding_tx_outnum INTEGER, funding_satoshi BIGINT, funding_locked_remote INTEGER, push_msatoshi BIGINT, msatoshi_local BIGINT, fundingkey_remote BLOB, revocation_basepoint_remote BLOB, payment_basepoint_remote BLOB, htlc_basepoint_remote BLOB, delayed_payment_basepoint_remote BLOB, per_commit_remote BLOB, old_per_commit_remote BLOB, local_feerate_per_kw INTEGER, remote_feerate_per_kw INTEGER, shachain_remote_id BIGINT, shutdown_scriptpubkey_remote BLOB, shutdown_keyidx_local BIGINT, last_sent_commit_state BIGINT, last_sent_commit_id INTEGER, last_tx BLOB, last_sig BLOB, closing_fee_received INTEGER, closing_sig_received BLOB, PRIMARY KEY (id));"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:128
msgid "CREATE TABLE channel_configs ( id BIGSERIAL, dust_limit_satoshis BIGINT, max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat BIGINT, channel_reserve_satoshis BIGINT, htlc_minimum_msat BIGINT, to_self_delay INTEGER, max_accepted_htlcs INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (id));"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:139
msgid "CREATE TABLE channel_htlcs ( id BIGSERIAL, channel_id BIGINT REFERENCES channels(id) ON DELETE CASCADE, channel_htlc_id BIGINT, direction INTEGER, origin_htlc BIGINT, msatoshi BIGINT, cltv_expiry INTEGER, payment_hash BLOB, payment_key BLOB, routing_onion BLOB, failuremsg BLOB, malformed_onion INTEGER, hstate INTEGER, shared_secret BLOB, PRIMARY KEY (id), UNIQUE (channel_id, channel_htlc_id, direction));"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:159
msgid "CREATE TABLE invoices ( id BIGSERIAL, state INTEGER, msatoshi BIGINT, payment_hash BLOB, payment_key BLOB, label TEXT, PRIMARY KEY (id), UNIQUE (label), UNIQUE (payment_hash));"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:171
msgid "CREATE TABLE payments ( id BIGSERIAL, timestamp INTEGER, status INTEGER, payment_hash BLOB, direction INTEGER, destination BLOB, msatoshi BIGINT, PRIMARY KEY (id), UNIQUE (payment_hash));"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:184
msgid "ALTER TABLE invoices ADD expiry_time BIGINT;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:185
msgid "UPDATE invoices SET expiry_time=9223372036854775807;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:187
msgid "ALTER TABLE invoices ADD pay_index BIGINT;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:188
msgid "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX invoices_pay_index ON invoices(pay_index);"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:190
msgid "UPDATE invoices SET pay_index=id WHERE state=1;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:193
msgid "INSERT INTO vars(name, val) VALUES('next_pay_index', COALESCE((SELECT MAX(pay_index) FROM invoices WHERE state=1), 0) + 1 );"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:202
msgid "ALTER TABLE channels ADD first_blocknum BIGINT;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:203
msgid "UPDATE channels SET first_blocknum=1 WHERE short_channel_id IS NOT NULL;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:205
msgid "ALTER TABLE outputs ADD COLUMN channel_id BIGINT;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:206
msgid "ALTER TABLE outputs ADD COLUMN peer_id BLOB;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:207
msgid "ALTER TABLE outputs ADD COLUMN commitment_point BLOB;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:208
msgid "ALTER TABLE invoices ADD COLUMN msatoshi_received BIGINT;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:210
msgid "UPDATE invoices SET msatoshi_received=0 WHERE state=1;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:211
msgid "ALTER TABLE channels ADD COLUMN last_was_revoke INTEGER;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:215 wallet/db.c:508
msgid "ALTER TABLE payments RENAME TO temp_payments;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:216
msgid "CREATE TABLE payments ( id BIGSERIAL, timestamp INTEGER, status INTEGER, payment_hash BLOB, destination BLOB, msatoshi BIGINT, PRIMARY KEY (id), UNIQUE (payment_hash));"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:227
msgid "INSERT INTO payments SELECT id, timestamp, status, payment_hash, destination, msatoshi FROM temp_payments WHERE direction=1;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:230 wallet/db.c:583
msgid "DROP TABLE temp_payments;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:232
msgid "ALTER TABLE payments ADD COLUMN payment_preimage BLOB;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:234
msgid "ALTER TABLE payments ADD COLUMN path_secrets BLOB;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:237
msgid "ALTER TABLE invoices ADD paid_timestamp BIGINT;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:238
msgid "UPDATE invoices SET paid_timestamp = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() WHERE state = 1;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:246
msgid "ALTER TABLE payments ADD COLUMN route_nodes BLOB;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:247
msgid "ALTER TABLE payments ADD COLUMN route_channels BLOB;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:248
msgid "CREATE TABLE htlc_sigs (channelid INTEGER REFERENCES channels(id) ON DELETE CASCADE, signature BLOB);"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:251
msgid "CREATE INDEX channel_idx ON htlc_sigs (channelid)"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:253
msgid "DELETE FROM channels WHERE state=1"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:255
msgid "CREATE TABLE db_upgrades (upgrade_from INTEGER, lightning_version TEXT);"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:259 wallet/db.c:449
msgid "DELETE FROM peers WHERE id NOT IN (SELECT peer_id FROM channels);"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:263
msgid "UPDATE channels SET STATE = 8 WHERE state > 8;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:265
msgid "ALTER TABLE invoices ADD bolt11 TEXT;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:269
msgid "CREATE TABLE blocks (height INT, hash BLOB, prev_hash BLOB, UNIQUE(height));"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:279
msgid "ALTER TABLE outputs ADD COLUMN confirmation_height INTEGER REFERENCES blocks(height) ON DELETE SET NULL;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:282
msgid "ALTER TABLE outputs ADD COLUMN spend_height INTEGER REFERENCES blocks(height) ON DELETE SET NULL;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:286
msgid "CREATE INDEX output_height_idx ON outputs (confirmation_height, spend_height);"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:289
msgid "CREATE TABLE utxoset ( txid BLOB, outnum INT, blockheight INT REFERENCES blocks(height) ON DELETE CASCADE, spendheight INT REFERENCES blocks(height) ON DELETE SET NULL, txindex INT, scriptpubkey BLOB, satoshis BIGINT, PRIMARY KEY(txid, outnum));"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:299
msgid "CREATE INDEX short_channel_id ON utxoset (blockheight, txindex, outnum)"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:304
msgid "CREATE INDEX utxoset_spend ON utxoset (spendheight)"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:306
msgid "UPDATE channels SET shutdown_keyidx_local=0 WHERE shutdown_keyidx_local = -1;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:312
msgid "ALTER TABLE payments ADD failonionreply BLOB;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:314
msgid "ALTER TABLE payments ADD faildestperm INTEGER;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:316
msgid "ALTER TABLE payments ADD failindex INTEGER;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:318
msgid "ALTER TABLE payments ADD failcode INTEGER;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:319
msgid "ALTER TABLE payments ADD failnode BLOB;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:320
msgid "ALTER TABLE payments ADD failchannel TEXT;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:322
msgid "ALTER TABLE payments ADD failupdate BLOB;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:326
msgid "UPDATE payments SET path_secrets = NULL , route_nodes = NULL , route_channels = NULL WHERE status <> 0;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:333
msgid "ALTER TABLE channels ADD in_payments_offered INTEGER DEFAULT 0;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:334
msgid "ALTER TABLE channels ADD in_payments_fulfilled INTEGER DEFAULT 0;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:335
msgid "ALTER TABLE channels ADD in_msatoshi_offered BIGINT DEFAULT 0;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:336
msgid "ALTER TABLE channels ADD in_msatoshi_fulfilled BIGINT DEFAULT 0;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:337
msgid "ALTER TABLE channels ADD out_payments_offered INTEGER DEFAULT 0;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:338
msgid "ALTER TABLE channels ADD out_payments_fulfilled INTEGER DEFAULT 0;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:339
msgid "ALTER TABLE channels ADD out_msatoshi_offered BIGINT DEFAULT 0;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:340
msgid "ALTER TABLE channels ADD out_msatoshi_fulfilled BIGINT DEFAULT 0;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:341
msgid "UPDATE channels SET in_payments_offered = 0, in_payments_fulfilled = 0 , in_msatoshi_offered = 0, in_msatoshi_fulfilled = 0 , out_payments_offered = 0, out_payments_fulfilled = 0 , out_msatoshi_offered = 0, out_msatoshi_fulfilled = 0 ;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:350
msgid "ALTER TABLE payments ADD msatoshi_sent BIGINT;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:351
msgid "UPDATE payments SET msatoshi_sent = msatoshi;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:353
msgid "DELETE FROM utxoset WHERE blockheight IN ( SELECT DISTINCT(blockheight) FROM utxoset LEFT OUTER JOIN blocks on (blockheight = blocks.height) WHERE blocks.hash IS NULL);"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:361
msgid "ALTER TABLE channels ADD min_possible_feerate INTEGER;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:362
msgid "ALTER TABLE channels ADD max_possible_feerate INTEGER;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:365
msgid "UPDATE channels SET min_possible_feerate=0, max_possible_feerate=250000;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:369
msgid "ALTER TABLE channels ADD msatoshi_to_us_min BIGINT;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:370
msgid "ALTER TABLE channels ADD msatoshi_to_us_max BIGINT;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:371
msgid "UPDATE channels SET msatoshi_to_us_min = msatoshi_local , msatoshi_to_us_max = msatoshi_local ;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:380
msgid "CREATE TABLE transactions ( id BLOB, blockheight INTEGER REFERENCES blocks(height) ON DELETE SET NULL, txindex INTEGER, rawtx BLOB, PRIMARY KEY (id));"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:389
msgid "ALTER TABLE payments ADD faildetail TEXT;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:390
msgid "UPDATE payments SET faildetail = 'unspecified payment failure reason' WHERE status = 2;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:395
msgid "CREATE TABLE channeltxs ( id BIGSERIAL, channel_id BIGINT REFERENCES channels(id) ON DELETE CASCADE, type INTEGER, transaction_id BLOB REFERENCES transactions(id) ON DELETE CASCADE, input_num INTEGER, blockheight INTEGER REFERENCES blocks(height) ON DELETE CASCADE, PRIMARY KEY(id));"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:411
msgid "DELETE FROM blocks WHERE height > (SELECT MIN(first_blocknum) FROM channels);"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:417
msgid "INSERT INTO blocks (height) VALUES ((SELECT MIN(first_blocknum) FROM channels)) ON CONFLICT(height) DO NOTHING;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:421
msgid "DELETE FROM blocks WHERE height IS NULL;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:423
msgid "ALTER TABLE invoices ADD description TEXT;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:425
msgid "ALTER TABLE payments ADD description TEXT;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:427
msgid "ALTER TABLE channels ADD future_per_commitment_point BLOB;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:429
msgid "ALTER TABLE channels ADD last_sent_commit BLOB;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:434
msgid "CREATE TABLE forwarded_payments ( in_htlc_id BIGINT REFERENCES channel_htlcs(id) ON DELETE SET NULL, out_htlc_id BIGINT REFERENCES channel_htlcs(id) ON DELETE SET NULL, in_channel_scid BIGINT, out_channel_scid BIGINT, in_msatoshi BIGINT, out_msatoshi BIGINT, state INTEGER, UNIQUE(in_htlc_id, out_htlc_id));"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:446
msgid "ALTER TABLE payments ADD faildirection INTEGER;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:451
msgid "ALTER TABLE outputs ADD scriptpubkey BLOB;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:453
msgid "ALTER TABLE payments ADD bolt11 TEXT;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:455
msgid "ALTER TABLE channels ADD feerate_base INTEGER;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:456
msgid "ALTER TABLE channels ADD feerate_ppm INTEGER;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:458
msgid "ALTER TABLE channel_htlcs ADD received_time BIGINT"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:459
msgid "ALTER TABLE forwarded_payments ADD received_time BIGINT"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:460
msgid "ALTER TABLE forwarded_payments ADD resolved_time BIGINT"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:461
msgid "ALTER TABLE channels ADD remote_upfront_shutdown_script BLOB;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:464
msgid "ALTER TABLE forwarded_payments ADD failcode INTEGER;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:466
msgid "ALTER TABLE channels ADD remote_ann_node_sig BLOB;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:467
msgid "ALTER TABLE channels ADD remote_ann_bitcoin_sig BLOB;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:469
msgid "ALTER TABLE transactions ADD type BIGINT;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:474
msgid "ALTER TABLE transactions ADD channel_id BIGINT;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:476
msgid "UPDATE channels SET short_channel_id = REPLACE(short_channel_id, ':', 'x') WHERE short_channel_id IS NOT NULL;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:479
msgid "UPDATE payments SET failchannel = REPLACE(failchannel, ':', 'x') WHERE failchannel IS NOT NULL;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:482
msgid "ALTER TABLE channels ADD COLUMN option_static_remotekey INTEGER DEFAULT 0;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:484
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:485
msgid "ALTER TABLE vars ADD COLUMN blobval BLOB"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:486
msgid "UPDATE vars SET intval = CAST(val AS INTEGER) WHERE name IN ('bip32_max_index', 'last_processed_block', 'next_pay_index')"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:487
msgid "UPDATE vars SET blobval = CAST(val AS BLOB) WHERE name = 'genesis_hash'"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:488
msgid "CREATE TABLE transaction_annotations ( txid BLOB, idx INTEGER, location INTEGER, type INTEGER, channel BIGINT REFERENCES channels(id), UNIQUE(txid, idx));"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:500
msgid "ALTER TABLE channels ADD shutdown_scriptpubkey_local BLOB;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:503
msgid "UPDATE forwarded_payments SET received_time=0 WHERE received_time IS NULL;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:505
msgid "ALTER TABLE invoices ADD COLUMN features BLOB DEFAULT '';"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:509
msgid "CREATE TABLE payments ( id BIGSERIAL, timestamp INTEGER, status INTEGER, payment_hash BLOB, destination BLOB, msatoshi BIGINT, payment_preimage BLOB, path_secrets BLOB, route_nodes BLOB, route_channels BLOB, failonionreply BLOB, faildestperm INTEGER, failindex INTEGER, failcode INTEGER, failnode BLOB, failchannel TEXT, failupdate BLOB, msatoshi_sent BIGINT, faildetail TEXT, description TEXT, faildirection INTEGER, bolt11 TEXT, total_msat BIGINT, partid BIGINT, PRIMARY KEY (id), UNIQUE (payment_hash, partid))"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:536
msgid "INSERT INTO payments (id, timestamp, status, payment_hash, destination, msatoshi, payment_preimage, path_secrets, route_nodes, route_channels, failonionreply, faildestperm, failindex, failcode, failnode, failchannel, failupdate, msatoshi_sent, faildetail, description, faildirection, bolt11)SELECT id, timestamp, status, payment_hash, destination, msatoshi, payment_preimage, path_secrets, route_nodes, route_channels, failonionreply, faildestperm, failindex, failcode, failnode, failchannel, failupdate, msatoshi_sent, faildetail, description, faildirection, bolt11 FROM temp_payments;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:581
msgid "UPDATE payments SET total_msat = msatoshi;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:582
msgid "UPDATE payments SET partid = 0;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:584
msgid "ALTER TABLE channel_htlcs ADD partid BIGINT;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:585
msgid "UPDATE channel_htlcs SET partid = 0;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:586
msgid "CREATE TABLE channel_feerates ( channel_id BIGINT REFERENCES channels(id) ON DELETE CASCADE, hstate INTEGER, feerate_per_kw INTEGER, UNIQUE (channel_id, hstate));"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:597
msgid "INSERT INTO channel_feerates(channel_id, hstate, feerate_per_kw) SELECT id, 4, local_feerate_per_kw FROM channels WHERE funder = 0;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:601
msgid "INSERT INTO channel_feerates(channel_id, hstate, feerate_per_kw) SELECT id, 1, remote_feerate_per_kw FROM channels WHERE funder = 0 and local_feerate_per_kw != remote_feerate_per_kw;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:606
msgid "INSERT INTO channel_feerates(channel_id, hstate, feerate_per_kw) SELECT id, 14, remote_feerate_per_kw FROM channels WHERE funder = 1;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:610
msgid "INSERT INTO channel_feerates(channel_id, hstate, feerate_per_kw) SELECT id, 11, local_feerate_per_kw FROM channels WHERE funder = 1 and local_feerate_per_kw != remote_feerate_per_kw;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:614
msgid "INSERT INTO vars (name, intval) VALUES ('data_version', 0);"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:617
msgid "ALTER TABLE channel_htlcs ADD localfailmsg BLOB;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:618
msgid "UPDATE channel_htlcs SET localfailmsg=decode('2002', 'hex') WHERE malformed_onion != 0 AND direction = 1;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:619
msgid "ALTER TABLE channels ADD our_funding_satoshi BIGINT DEFAULT 0;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:620
msgid "CREATE TABLE penalty_bases ( channel_id BIGINT REFERENCES channels(id) ON DELETE CASCADE, commitnum BIGINT, txid BLOB, outnum INTEGER, amount BIGINT, PRIMARY KEY (channel_id, commitnum));"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:630
msgid "ALTER TABLE channel_htlcs ADD we_filled INTEGER;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:632
msgid "INSERT INTO vars (name, intval) VALUES ('coin_moves_count', 0);"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:634
msgid "ALTER TABLE outputs ADD reserved_til INTEGER DEFAULT NULL;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:862
msgid "UPDATE vars SET intval = intval + 1 WHERE name = 'data_version' AND intval = ?"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:962
msgid "SELECT version FROM version LIMIT 1"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:1020
msgid "UPDATE version SET version=?;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:1028
msgid "INSERT INTO db_upgrades VALUES (?, ?);"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:1040
msgid "SELECT intval FROM vars WHERE name = 'data_version'"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:1067
msgid "SELECT intval FROM vars WHERE name= ? LIMIT 1"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:1083
msgid "UPDATE vars SET intval=? WHERE name=?;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:1092
msgid "INSERT INTO vars (name, intval) VALUES (?, ?);"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:1106
msgid "UPDATE channels SET feerate_base = ?, feerate_ppm = ?;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:1127
msgid "UPDATE channels SET our_funding_satoshi = funding_satoshi WHERE funder = 0;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:1143
msgid "SELECT type, keyindex, prev_out_tx, prev_out_index, channel_id, peer_id, commitment_point FROM outputs WHERE scriptpubkey IS NULL;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:1205
msgid "UPDATE outputs SET scriptpubkey = ? WHERE prev_out_tx = ? AND prev_out_index = ?"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:1229
msgid "SELECT, p.node_id, c.last_tx, c.funding_satoshi, c.fundingkey_remote, c.last_sig FROM channels c LEFT OUTER JOIN peers p ON = c.peer_id;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/db.c:1295
msgid "UPDATE channels SET last_tx = ? WHERE id = ?;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/invoices.c:129
msgid "UPDATE invoices SET state = ? WHERE state = ? AND expiry_time <= ?;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/invoices.c:177
msgid "SELECT id FROM invoices WHERE state = ? AND expiry_time <= ?"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/invoices.c:216
msgid "SELECT MIN(expiry_time) FROM invoices WHERE state = ?;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/invoices.c:282
msgid "INSERT INTO invoices ( payment_hash, payment_key, state , msatoshi, label, expiry_time , pay_index, msatoshi_received , paid_timestamp, bolt11, description, features) VALUES ( ?, ?, ? , ?, ?, ? , NULL, NULL , NULL, ?, ?, ?);"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/invoices.c:330
msgid "SELECT id FROM invoices WHERE label = ?;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/invoices.c:352
msgid "SELECT id FROM invoices WHERE payment_hash = ?;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/invoices.c:373
msgid "SELECT id FROM invoices WHERE payment_hash = ? AND state = ?;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/invoices.c:397
msgid "DELETE FROM invoices WHERE id=?;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/invoices.c:417
msgid "DELETE FROM invoices WHERE state = ? AND expiry_time <= ?;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/invoices.c:431
msgid "SELECT state, payment_key, payment_hash, label, msatoshi, expiry_time, pay_index, msatoshi_received, paid_timestamp, bolt11, description, features FROM invoices ORDER BY id;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/invoices.c:488
msgid "SELECT state FROM invoices WHERE id = ?;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/invoices.c:515
msgid "UPDATE invoices SET state=? , pay_index=? , msatoshi_received=? , paid_timestamp=? WHERE id=?;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/invoices.c:571
msgid "SELECT id FROM invoices WHERE pay_index IS NOT NULL AND pay_index > ? ORDER BY pay_index ASC LIMIT 1;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/invoices.c:620
msgid "SELECT state, payment_key, payment_hash, label, msatoshi, expiry_time, pay_index, msatoshi_received, paid_timestamp, bolt11, description, features FROM invoices WHERE id = ?;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:50
msgid "SELECT txid, outnum FROM utxoset WHERE spendheight is NULL"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:92 wallet/wallet.c:586
msgid "SELECT * from outputs WHERE prev_out_tx=? AND prev_out_index=?"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:106 wallet/wallet.c:600
msgid "INSERT INTO outputs ( prev_out_tx, prev_out_index, value, type, status, keyindex, channel_id, peer_id, commitment_point, confirmation_height, spend_height, scriptpubkey) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:223
msgid "UPDATE outputs SET status=? WHERE status=? AND prev_out_tx=? AND prev_out_index=?"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:231
msgid "UPDATE outputs SET status=? WHERE prev_out_tx=? AND prev_out_index=?"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:250
msgid "SELECT prev_out_tx, prev_out_index, value, type, status, keyindex, channel_id, peer_id, commitment_point, confirmation_height, spend_height, scriptpubkey , reserved_til FROM outputs"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:266
msgid "SELECT prev_out_tx, prev_out_index, value, type, status, keyindex, channel_id, peer_id, commitment_point, confirmation_height, spend_height, scriptpubkey , reserved_til FROM outputs WHERE status= ? "
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:303
msgid "SELECT prev_out_tx, prev_out_index, value, type, status, keyindex, channel_id, peer_id, commitment_point, confirmation_height, spend_height, scriptpubkey, reserved_til FROM outputs WHERE channel_id IS NOT NULL AND confirmation_height IS NULL"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:339
msgid "SELECT prev_out_tx, prev_out_index, value, type, status, keyindex, channel_id, peer_id, commitment_point, confirmation_height, spend_height, scriptpubkey, reserved_til FROM outputs WHERE prev_out_tx = ? AND prev_out_index = ?"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:430
msgid "UPDATE outputs SET status=?, reserved_til=?WHERE prev_out_tx=? AND prev_out_index=?"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:536
msgid "SELECT prev_out_tx, prev_out_index, value, type, status, keyindex, channel_id, peer_id, commitment_point, confirmation_height, spend_height, scriptpubkey , reserved_til FROM outputs WHERE status = ? OR (status = ? AND reserved_til <= ?)ORDER BY RANDOM();"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:871
msgid "INSERT INTO shachains (min_index, num_valid) VALUES (?, 0);"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:915
msgid "UPDATE shachains SET num_valid=?, min_index=? WHERE id=?"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:922
msgid "UPDATE shachain_known SET idx=?, hash=? WHERE shachain_id=? AND pos=?"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:934
msgid "INSERT INTO shachain_known (shachain_id, pos, idx, hash) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?);"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:956
msgid "SELECT min_index, num_valid FROM shachains WHERE id=?"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:971
msgid "SELECT idx, hash, pos FROM shachain_known WHERE shachain_id=?"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:994
msgid "SELECT id, node_id, address FROM peers WHERE id=?;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:1023
msgid "SELECT signature FROM htlc_sigs WHERE channelid = ?"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:1047
msgid "SELECT remote_ann_node_sig, remote_ann_bitcoin_sig FROM channels WHERE id = ?"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:1091
msgid "SELECT hstate, feerate_per_kw FROM channel_feerates WHERE channel_id = ?"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:1294
msgid "SELECT id FROM channels ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:1311
msgid "SELECT id, peer_id, short_channel_id, channel_config_local, channel_config_remote, state, funder, channel_flags, minimum_depth, next_index_local, next_index_remote, next_htlc_id, funding_tx_id, funding_tx_outnum, funding_satoshi, our_funding_satoshi, funding_locked_remote, push_msatoshi, msatoshi_local, fundingkey_remote, revocation_basepoint_remote, payment_basepoint_remote, htlc_basepoint_remote, delayed_payment_basepoint_remote, per_commit_remote, old_per_commit_remote, local_feerate_per_kw, remote_feerate_per_kw, shachain_remote_id, shutdown_scriptpubkey_remote, shutdown_keyidx_local, last_sent_commit_state, last_sent_commit_id, last_tx, last_sig, last_was_revoke, first_blocknum, min_possible_feerate, max_possible_feerate, msatoshi_to_us_min, msatoshi_to_us_max, future_per_commitment_point, last_sent_commit, feerate_base, feerate_ppm, remote_upfront_shutdown_script, option_static_remotekey, shutdown_scriptpubkey_local FROM channels WHERE state < ?;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:1398
msgid "UPDATE channels SET in_payments_offered = COALESCE(in_payments_offered, 0) + 1 , in_msatoshi_offered = COALESCE(in_msatoshi_offered, 0) + ? WHERE id = ?;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:1403
msgid "UPDATE channels SET in_payments_fulfilled = COALESCE(in_payments_fulfilled, 0) + 1 , in_msatoshi_fulfilled = COALESCE(in_msatoshi_fulfilled, 0) + ? WHERE id = ?;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:1408
msgid "UPDATE channels SET out_payments_offered = COALESCE(out_payments_offered, 0) + 1 , out_msatoshi_offered = COALESCE(out_msatoshi_offered, 0) + ? WHERE id = ?;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:1413
msgid "UPDATE channels SET out_payments_fulfilled = COALESCE(out_payments_fulfilled, 0) + 1 , out_msatoshi_fulfilled = COALESCE(out_msatoshi_fulfilled, 0) + ? WHERE id = ?;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:1455
msgid "SELECT in_payments_offered, in_payments_fulfilled, in_msatoshi_offered, in_msatoshi_fulfilled, out_payments_offered, out_payments_fulfilled, out_msatoshi_offered, out_msatoshi_fulfilled FROM channels WHERE id = ?"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:1484
msgid "SELECT MIN(height), MAX(height) FROM blocks;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:1506
msgid "INSERT INTO channel_configs DEFAULT VALUES;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:1518
msgid "UPDATE channel_configs SET dust_limit_satoshis=?, max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat=?, channel_reserve_satoshis=?, htlc_minimum_msat=?, to_self_delay=?, max_accepted_htlcs=? WHERE id=?;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:1542
msgid "SELECT id, dust_limit_satoshis, max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat, channel_reserve_satoshis, htlc_minimum_msat, to_self_delay, max_accepted_htlcs FROM channel_configs WHERE id= ? ;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:1576
msgid "UPDATE channels SET remote_ann_node_sig=?, remote_ann_bitcoin_sig=? WHERE id=?"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:1595
msgid "UPDATE channels SET shachain_remote_id=?, short_channel_id=?, state=?, funder=?, channel_flags=?, minimum_depth=?, next_index_local=?, next_index_remote=?, next_htlc_id=?, funding_tx_id=?, funding_tx_outnum=?, funding_satoshi=?, our_funding_satoshi=?, funding_locked_remote=?, push_msatoshi=?, msatoshi_local=?, shutdown_scriptpubkey_remote=?, shutdown_keyidx_local=?, channel_config_local=?, last_tx=?, last_sig=?, last_was_revoke=?, min_possible_feerate=?, max_possible_feerate=?, msatoshi_to_us_min=?, msatoshi_to_us_max=?, feerate_base=?, feerate_ppm=?, remote_upfront_shutdown_script=?, option_static_remotekey=?, shutdown_scriptpubkey_local=? WHERE id=?"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:1681
msgid "UPDATE channels SET fundingkey_remote=?, revocation_basepoint_remote=?, payment_basepoint_remote=?, htlc_basepoint_remote=?, delayed_payment_basepoint_remote=?, per_commit_remote=?, old_per_commit_remote=?, channel_config_remote=?, future_per_commitment_point=? WHERE id=?"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:1708
msgid "DELETE FROM channel_feerates WHERE channel_id=?"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:1718
msgid "INSERT INTO channel_feerates VALUES(?, ?, ?)"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:1732
msgid "UPDATE channels SET last_sent_commit=? WHERE id=?"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:1750
msgid "SELECT id FROM peers WHERE node_id = ?"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:1762
msgid "UPDATE peers SET address = ? WHERE id = ?"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:1771
msgid "INSERT INTO peers (node_id, address) VALUES (?, ?);"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:1789
msgid "INSERT INTO channels (peer_id, first_blocknum, id) VALUES (?, ?, ?);"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:1815
msgid "DELETE FROM channel_htlcs WHERE channel_id=?"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:1821
msgid "DELETE FROM htlc_sigs WHERE channelid=?"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:1827
msgid "DELETE FROM channeltxs WHERE channel_id=?"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:1833
msgid "DELETE FROM shachains WHERE id IN ( SELECT shachain_remote_id FROM channels WHERE"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:1843
msgid "UPDATE channels SET state=?, peer_id=?WHERE"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:1857
msgid "SELECT * FROM channels WHERE peer_id = ?;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:1865
msgid "DELETE FROM peers WHERE id=?"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:1876
msgid "UPDATE outputs SET confirmation_height = ? WHERE prev_out_tx = ?"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:1979
msgid "INSERT INTO channel_htlcs ( channel_id, channel_htlc_id, direction, msatoshi, cltv_expiry, payment_hash, payment_key, hstate, shared_secret, routing_onion, received_time) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:2032
msgid "INSERT INTO channel_htlcs ( channel_id, channel_htlc_id, direction, origin_htlc, msatoshi, cltv_expiry, payment_hash, payment_key, hstate, routing_onion, partid) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:2092
msgid "UPDATE channel_htlcs SET hstate=?, payment_key=?, malformed_onion=?, failuremsg=?, localfailmsg=?, we_filled=? WHERE id=?"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:2311
msgid "SELECT id, channel_htlc_id, msatoshi, cltv_expiry, hstate, payment_hash, payment_key, routing_onion, failuremsg, malformed_onion, origin_htlc, shared_secret, received_time, we_filled FROM channel_htlcs WHERE direction= ? AND channel_id= ? AND hstate != ?"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:2358
msgid "SELECT id, channel_htlc_id, msatoshi, cltv_expiry, hstate, payment_hash, payment_key, routing_onion, failuremsg, malformed_onion, origin_htlc, shared_secret, received_time, partid, localfailmsg FROM channel_htlcs WHERE direction = ? AND channel_id = ? AND hstate != ?"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:2488
msgid "SELECT channel_id, direction, cltv_expiry, channel_htlc_id, payment_hash FROM channel_htlcs WHERE channel_id = ?;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:2522
msgid "DELETE FROM channel_htlcs WHERE direction = ? AND origin_htlc = ? AND payment_hash = ? AND partid = ?;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:2575
msgid "SELECT status FROM payments WHERE payment_hash=? AND partid = ?;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:2593
msgid "INSERT INTO payments ( status, payment_hash, destination, msatoshi, timestamp, path_secrets, route_nodes, route_channels, msatoshi_sent, description, bolt11, total_msat, partid) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:2676
msgid "DELETE FROM payments WHERE payment_hash = ? AND partid = ?"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:2774
msgid "SELECT id, status, destination, msatoshi, payment_hash, timestamp, payment_preimage, path_secrets, route_nodes, route_channels, msatoshi_sent, description, bolt11, failonionreply, total_msat, partid FROM payments WHERE payment_hash = ? AND partid = ?"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:2823
msgid "UPDATE payments SET status=? WHERE payment_hash=? AND partid=?"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:2833
msgid "UPDATE payments SET payment_preimage=? WHERE payment_hash=? AND partid=?"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:2843
msgid "UPDATE payments SET path_secrets = NULL , route_nodes = NULL , route_channels = NULL WHERE payment_hash = ? AND partid = ?;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:2875
msgid "SELECT failonionreply, faildestperm, failindex, failcode, failnode, failchannel, failupdate, faildetail, faildirection FROM payments WHERE payment_hash=? AND partid=?;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:2942
msgid "UPDATE payments SET failonionreply=? , faildestperm=? , failindex=? , failcode=? , failnode=? , failchannel=? , failupdate=? , faildetail=? , faildirection=? WHERE payment_hash=? AND partid=?;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:3006
msgid "SELECT id, status, destination, msatoshi, payment_hash, timestamp, payment_preimage, path_secrets, route_nodes, route_channels, msatoshi_sent, description, bolt11, failonionreply, total_msat, partid FROM payments WHERE payment_hash = ?;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:3027
msgid "SELECT id, status, destination, msatoshi, payment_hash, timestamp, payment_preimage, path_secrets, route_nodes, route_channels, msatoshi_sent, description, bolt11, failonionreply, total_msat, partid FROM payments ORDER BY id;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:3071
msgid "DELETE FROM htlc_sigs WHERE channelid = ?"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:3078
msgid "INSERT INTO htlc_sigs (channelid, signature) VALUES (?, ?)"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:3090
msgid "SELECT blobval FROM vars WHERE name='genesis_hash'"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:3114
msgid "INSERT INTO vars (name, blobval) VALUES ('genesis_hash', ?);"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:3132
msgid "SELECT txid, outnum FROM utxoset WHERE spendheight < ?"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:3144
msgid "DELETE FROM utxoset WHERE spendheight < ?"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:3152 wallet/wallet.c:3296
msgid "INSERT INTO blocks (height, hash, prev_hash) VALUES (?, ?, ?);"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:3171
msgid "DELETE FROM blocks WHERE hash = ?"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:3177
msgid "SELECT * FROM blocks WHERE height >= ?;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:3186
msgid "DELETE FROM blocks WHERE height > ?"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:3202
msgid "UPDATE outputs SET spend_height = ? WHERE prev_out_tx = ? AND prev_out_index = ?"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:3218
msgid "UPDATE utxoset SET spendheight = ? WHERE txid = ? AND outnum = ?"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:3237
msgid "SELECT blockheight, txindex FROM utxoset WHERE txid = ? AND outnum = ?"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:3269 wallet/wallet.c:3307
msgid "INSERT INTO utxoset ( txid, outnum, blockheight, spendheight, txindex, scriptpubkey, satoshis) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:3334
msgid "SELECT height FROM blocks WHERE height = ?"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:3347
msgid "SELECT txid, spendheight, scriptpubkey, satoshis FROM utxoset WHERE blockheight = ? AND txindex = ? AND outnum = ? AND spendheight IS NULL"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:3389 wallet/wallet.c:3549
msgid "SELECT blockheight FROM transactions WHERE id=?"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:3399
msgid "INSERT INTO transactions ( id, blockheight, txindex, rawtx) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?);"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:3420
msgid "UPDATE transactions SET blockheight = ?, txindex = ? WHERE id = ?"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:3437
msgid "INSERT INTO transaction_annotations (txid, idx, location, type, channel) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) ON CONFLICT(txid,idx) DO NOTHING;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:3469
msgid "SELECT type, channel_id FROM transactions WHERE id=?"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:3485
msgid "UPDATE transactions SET type = ?, channel_id = ? WHERE id = ?"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:3504
msgid "SELECT type FROM transactions WHERE id=?"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:3527
msgid "SELECT rawtx FROM transactions WHERE id=?"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:3573
msgid "SELECT blockheight, txindex FROM transactions WHERE id=?"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:3601
msgid "SELECT id FROM transactions WHERE blockheight=?"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:3620
msgid "INSERT INTO channeltxs ( channel_id, type, transaction_id, input_num, blockheight) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?);"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:3644
msgid "SELECT DISTINCT(channel_id) FROM channeltxs WHERE type = ?;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:3665
msgid "SELECT c.type, c.blockheight, t.rawtx, c.input_num, c.blockheight - t.blockheight + 1 AS depth, as txid FROM channeltxs c JOIN transactions t ON = c.transaction_id WHERE c.channel_id = ? ORDER BY ASC;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:3710
msgid "UPDATE forwarded_payments SET in_msatoshi=?, out_msatoshi=?, state=?, resolved_time=?, failcode=? WHERE in_htlc_id=?"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:3768
msgid "INSERT INTO forwarded_payments ( in_htlc_id, out_htlc_id, in_channel_scid, out_channel_scid, in_msatoshi, out_msatoshi, state, received_time, resolved_time, failcode) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:3827
msgid "SELECT CAST(COALESCE(SUM(in_msatoshi - out_msatoshi), 0) AS BIGINT)FROM forwarded_payments WHERE state = ?;"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:3851
msgid "SELECT f.state, in_msatoshi, out_msatoshi, hin.payment_hash as payment_hash, in_channel_scid, out_channel_scid, f.received_time, f.resolved_time, f.failcode FROM forwarded_payments f LEFT JOIN channel_htlcs hin ON (f.in_htlc_id ="
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:4018
msgid "SELECT, t.rawtx, t.blockheight, t.txindex, t.type as txtype, c2.short_channel_id as txchan, a.location, a.idx as ann_idx, a.type as annotation_type, c.short_channel_id FROM transactions t LEFT JOIN transaction_annotations a ON (a.txid = LEFT JOIN channels c ON ( = LEFT JOIN channels c2 ON (t.channel_id = ORDER BY t.blockheight, t.txindex ASC"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:4112
msgid "INSERT INTO penalty_bases ( channel_id, commitnum, txid, outnum, amount) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?);"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:4137
msgid "SELECT commitnum, txid, outnum, amount FROM penalty_bases WHERE channel_id = ?"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/wallet.c:4161
msgid "DELETE FROM penalty_bases WHERE channel_id = ? AND commitnum = ?"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/test/run-db.c:115
msgid "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table';"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/test/run-db.c:120
msgid "not a valid SQL statement"
msgstr ""
#: wallet/test/run-wallet.c:1329
msgid "INSERT INTO channels (id) VALUES (1);"
msgstr ""