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334 lines
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from concurrent import futures
from db import SqliteDbProvider, PostgresDbProvider
from utils import NodeFactory, BitcoinD, ElementsD
import logging
import os
import pytest
import re
import shutil
import sys
import tempfile
with open('config.vars') as configfile:
config = dict([(line.rstrip().split('=', 1)) for line in configfile])
VALGRIND = os.getenv("VALGRIND", config['VALGRIND']) == "1"
DEVELOPER = os.getenv("DEVELOPER", config['DEVELOPER']) == "1"
TEST_DEBUG = os.getenv("TEST_DEBUG", "0") == "1"
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, stream=sys.stdout)
# A dict in which we count how often a particular test has run so far. Used to
# give each attempt its own numbered directory, and avoid clashes.
__attempts = {}
def test_base_dir():
d = os.getenv("TEST_DIR", "/tmp")
directory = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='ltests-', dir=d)
print("Running tests in {}".format(directory))
yield directory
if os.listdir(directory) == []:
def directory(request, test_base_dir, test_name):
"""Return a per-test specific directory.
This makes a unique test-directory even if a test is rerun multiple times.
global __attempts
# Auto set value if it isn't in the dict yet
__attempts[test_name] = __attempts.get(test_name, 0) + 1
directory = os.path.join(test_base_dir, "{}_{}".format(test_name, __attempts[test_name]))
request.node.has_errors = False
yield directory
# This uses the status set in conftest.pytest_runtest_makereport to
# determine whether we succeeded or failed. Outcome can be None if the
# failure occurs during the setup phase, hence the use to getattr instead
# of accessing it directly.
outcome = getattr(request.node, 'rep_call', None).outcome
failed = not outcome or request.node.has_errors or outcome != 'passed'
if not failed:
logging.debug("Test execution failed, leaving the test directory {} intact.".format(directory))
def test_name(request):
yield request.function.__name__
network_daemons = {
'regtest': BitcoinD,
'liquid-regtest': ElementsD,
def bitcoind(directory, teardown_checks):
chaind = network_daemons[config.get('TEST_NETWORK', 'regtest')]
bitcoind = chaind(bitcoin_dir=directory)
except Exception:
info = bitcoind.rpc.getnetworkinfo()
if info['version'] < 160000:
raise ValueError("bitcoind is too old. At least version 16000 (v0.16.0)"
" is needed, current version is {}".format(info['version']))
info = bitcoind.rpc.getblockchaininfo()
# Make sure we have some spendable funds
if info['blocks'] < 101:
bitcoind.generate_block(101 - info['blocks'])
elif bitcoind.rpc.getwalletinfo()['balance'] < 1:
logging.debug("Insufficient balance, generating 1 block")
yield bitcoind
except Exception:
class TeardownErrors(object):
def __init__(self):
self.errors = []
self.node_errors = []
def add_error(self, msg):
def add_node_error(self, node, msg):
self.node_errors.append((node.daemon.prefix, msg))
def __str__(self):
node_errors = [" - {}: {}".format(*e) for e in self.node_errors]
errors = [" - {}".format(e) for e in self.errors]
errors = ["\nNode errors:"] + node_errors + ["Global errors:"] + errors
return "\n".join(errors)
def has_errors(self):
return len(self.errors) > 0 or len(self.node_errors) > 0
def teardown_checks(request):
"""A simple fixture to collect errors during teardown.
We need to collect the errors and raise them as the very last step in the
fixture tree, otherwise some fixtures may not be cleaned up
correctly. Require this fixture in all other fixtures that need to either
cleanup before reporting an error or want to add an error that is to be
errors = TeardownErrors()
yield errors
if errors.has_errors():
# Format a nice list of everything that went wrong and raise an exception
request.node.has_errors = True
raise ValueError(str(errors))
def node_factory(request, directory, test_name, bitcoind, executor, db_provider, teardown_checks):
nf = NodeFactory(
yield nf
ok, errs = nf.killall([not n.may_fail for n in nf.nodes])
for e in errs:
def map_node_error(nodes, f, msg):
for n in nodes:
if n and f(n):
teardown_checks.add_node_error(n, msg)
map_node_error(nf.nodes, printValgrindErrors, "reported valgrind errors")
map_node_error(nf.nodes, printCrashLog, "had crash.log files")
map_node_error(nf.nodes, lambda n: not n.allow_broken_log and n.daemon.is_in_log(r'\*\*BROKEN\*\*'), "had BROKEN messages")
map_node_error(nf.nodes, checkReconnect, "had unexpected reconnections")
map_node_error(nf.nodes, checkBadGossip, "had bad gossip messages")
map_node_error(nf.nodes, lambda n: n.daemon.is_in_log('Bad reestablish'), "had bad reestablish")
map_node_error(nf.nodes, lambda n: n.daemon.is_in_log('bad hsm request'), "had bad hsm requests")
map_node_error(nf.nodes, checkMemleak, "had memleak messages")
if not ok:
teardown_checks.add_error("At least one lightning exited with unexpected non-zero return code")
def getValgrindErrors(node):
for error_file in os.listdir(node.daemon.lightning_dir):
if not re.fullmatch(r"valgrind-errors.\d+", error_file):
with open(os.path.join(node.daemon.lightning_dir, error_file), 'r') as f:
errors =
if errors:
return errors, error_file
return None, None
def printValgrindErrors(node):
errors, fname = getValgrindErrors(node)
if errors:
print("-" * 31, "Valgrind errors", "-" * 32)
print("Valgrind error file:", fname)
print("-" * 80)
return 1 if errors else 0
def getCrashLog(node):
if node.may_fail:
return None, None
crashlog = os.path.join(node.daemon.lightning_dir, 'crash.log')
with open(crashlog, 'r') as f:
return f.readlines(), crashlog
except Exception:
return None, None
def printCrashLog(node):
errors, fname = getCrashLog(node)
if errors:
print("-" * 10, "{} (last 50 lines)".format(fname), "-" * 10)
print("-" * 80)
return 1 if errors else 0
def checkReconnect(node):
# Without DEVELOPER, we can't suppress reconnection.
if node.may_reconnect or not DEVELOPER:
return 0
if node.daemon.is_in_log('Peer has reconnected'):
return 1
return 0
def checkBadGossip(node):
if node.allow_bad_gossip:
return 0
# We can get bad gossip order from inside error msgs.
if node.daemon.is_in_log('Bad gossip order from (?!error)'):
# This can happen if a node sees a node_announce after a channel
# is deleted, however.
if node.daemon.is_in_log('Deleting channel'):
return 0
return 1
# Other 'Bad' messages shouldn't happen.
if node.daemon.is_in_log(r'gossipd.*Bad (?!gossip order from error)'):
return 1
return 0
def checkBroken(node):
if node.allow_broken_log:
return 0
# We can get bad gossip order from inside error msgs.
if node.daemon.is_in_log(r'\*\*BROKEN\*\*'):
return 1
return 0
def checkBadReestablish(node):
if node.daemon.is_in_log('Bad reestablish'):
return 1
return 0
def checkBadHSMRequest(node):
if node.daemon.is_in_log('bad hsm request'):
return 1
return 0
def checkMemleak(node):
if node.daemon.is_in_log('MEMLEAK:'):
return 1
return 0
# Mapping from TEST_DB_PROVIDER env variable to class to be used
providers = {
'sqlite3': SqliteDbProvider,
'postgres': PostgresDbProvider,
def db_provider(test_base_dir):
provider = providers[os.getenv('TEST_DB_PROVIDER', 'sqlite3')](test_base_dir)
yield provider
def executor(teardown_checks):
ex = futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=20)
yield ex
def chainparams():
chainparams = {
'regtest': {
"bip173_prefix": "bcrt",
"elements": False,
"name": "regtest",
"p2sh_prefix": '2',
"elements": False,
"example_addr": "bcrt1qeyyk6sl5pr49ycpqyckvmttus5ttj25pd0zpvg",
"feeoutput": False,
'liquid-regtest': {
"bip173_prefix": "ert",
"elements": True,
"name": "liquid-regtest",
"p2sh_prefix": 'X',
"elements": True,
"example_addr": "ert1qq8adjz4u6enf0cjey9j8yt0y490tact9fahkwf",
"feeoutput": True,
return chainparams[config['TEST_NETWORK']]