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'\" t
.\" Title: lightning-pay
.\" Author: [see the "AUTHOR" section]
.\" Generator: DocBook XSL Stylesheets v1.79.1 <>
.\" Date: 04/26/2018
.\" Manual: \ \&
.\" Source: \ \&
.\" Language: English
.TH "LIGHTNING\-PAY" "7" "04/26/2018" "\ \&" "\ \&"
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.\" * Define some portability stuff
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lightning-pay \- Command for sending a payment to a BOLT11 invoice
\fBpay\fR \fIbolt11\fR [\fImsatoshi\fR] [\fIdescription\fR] [\fIriskfactor\fR] [\fImaxfeepercent\fR] [\fIretry_for\fR] [\fImaxdelay\fR]
The \fBpay\fR RPC command attempts to find a route to the given destination, and send the funds it asks for\&. If the \fIbolt11\fR does not contain an amount, \fImsatoshi\fR is required, otherwise if it is specified it must be \fInull\fR\&. If \fIbolt11\fR contains a description hash (\fIh\fR field) \fIdescription\fR is required, otherwise it is unused\&. The \fIriskfactor\fR is described in detail in lightning\-getroute(7), and defaults to 1\&.0\&. The \fImaxfeepercent\fR limits the money paid in fees, and defaults to 0\&.5\&. The \(oqmaxfeepercent\(cq is a percentage of the amount that is to be paid\&.
The \fBpay\fR RPC command will randomize routes slightly, as long as the route achieves the targeted \fImaxfeepercent\fR and \fImaxdelay\fR\&.
The response will occur when the payment fails or succeeds\&. Once a payment has succeeded, calls to \fBpay\fR with the same \fIbolt11\fR will succeed immediately\&.
The command will keep finding routes and retrying the payment until it succeeds, or the given \fIretry_for\fR seconds passes\&. Note that the command may stop retrying while a pending payment is ongoing, which you need to monitor with \fBlistpayments\fR or \fBwaitsendpay\fR\&. \fIretry_for\fR defaults to 60 seconds and can only be an integer\&.
When using \fIlightning\-cli\fR, you may skip optional parameters by using \fInull\fR\&. Alternatively, use \fB\-k\fR option to provide parameters by name\&.
On success, this returns the payment \fIpreimage\fR which hashes to the \fIpayment_hash\fR to prove that the payment was successful\&. It will also return, a \fIgetroute_tries\fR and a \fIsendpay_tries\fR statistics for the number of times it internally called \fBgetroute\fR and \fBsendpay\fR\&.
On error, if the error occurred from a node other than the final destination, the route table will be updated so that getroute(7) should return an alternate route (if any)\&. An error from the final destination implies the payment should not be retried\&.
The following error codes may occur:
.RS 4
.ie n \{\
.el \{\
.sp -1
.IP \(bu 2.3
\-1\&. Catchall nonspecific error\&.
.RS 4
.ie n \{\
.el \{\
.sp -1
.IP \(bu 2.3
200\&. Payment timed out while a payment is in progress\&. Monitor the status of that payment with
command, or wait for that payment to complete with
.RS 4
.ie n \{\
.el \{\
.sp -1
.IP \(bu 2.3
201\&. Already paid with this
using different amount or destination\&.
.RS 4
.ie n \{\
.el \{\
.sp -1
.IP \(bu 2.3
203\&. Permanent failure at destination\&. The
field of the error will be routing failure object\&.
.RS 4
.ie n \{\
.el \{\
.sp -1
.IP \(bu 2.3
205\&. Unable to find a route\&.
.RS 4
.ie n \{\
.el \{\
.sp -1
.IP \(bu 2.3
206\&. Route too expensive\&. Either the fee or the needed total locktime for the route exceeds your
settings, respectively\&. The
field of the error will indicate the actual
as well as the
percentage that the fee has of the destination payment amount\&. It will also indicate the actual
along the route\&.
.RS 4
.ie n \{\
.el \{\
.sp -1
.IP \(bu 2.3
207\&. Invoice expired\&. Payment took too long before expiration, or already expired at the time you initiated payment\&. The
field of the error indicates
(the current time) and
(the invoice expiration) as UNIX epoch time in seconds\&.
.RS 4
.ie n \{\
.el \{\
.sp -1
.IP \(bu 2.3
210\&. Payment timed out without a payment in progress\&.
Error codes 202 and 204 will only get reported at \fBsendpay\fR; in \fBpay\fR we will keep retrying if we would have gotten those errors\&.
A routing failure object has the fields below:
.RS 4
.ie n \{\
.el \{\
.sp -1
.IP \(bu 2.3
\fIerring_index\fR\&. The index of the node along the route that reported the error\&. 0 for the local node, 1 for the first hop, and so on\&.
.RS 4
.ie n \{\
.el \{\
.sp -1
.IP \(bu 2.3
\fIerring_node\fR\&. The hex string of the pubkey id of the node that reported the error\&.
.RS 4
.ie n \{\
.el \{\
.sp -1
.IP \(bu 2.3
\fIerring_channel\fR\&. The short channel ID of the channel that has the error, or
if the destination node raised the error\&.
.RS 4
.ie n \{\
.el \{\
.sp -1
.IP \(bu 2.3
\fIfailcode\fR\&. The failure code, as per BOLT #4\&.
.RS 4
.ie n \{\
.el \{\
.sp -1
.IP \(bu 2.3
\fIchannel_update\fR\&. The hex string of the
message received from the remote node\&. Only present if error is from the remote node and the
has the UPDATE bit set, as per BOLT #4\&.
The \fIdata\fR field of errors will include statistics \fIgetroute_tries\fR and \fIsendpay_tries\fR\&. It will also contain a \fIfailures\fR field with detailed data about routing errors\&.
Rusty Russell <rusty@rustcorp\&.com\&.au> is mainly responsible\&.
lightning\-listpayments(7), lightning\-decodepay(7), lightning\-listinvoice(7), lightning\-delinvoice(7), lightning\-getroute(7), lightning\-invoice(7)\&.
Main web site: https://github\&.com/ElementsProject/lightning