layout: default
parent: For developers
title: Installation
nav_order: 1
Download the latest stable release https://github.com/lnbits/lnbits/releases
Application dependencies
The application uses [Pipenv][pipenv] to manage Python packages.
While in development, you will need to install all dependencies:
$ pipenv shell
$ pipenv install --dev
If you wish to use a version of Python higher than 3.7:
$ pipenv --python 3.8 install --dev
You will need to copy `.env.example` to `.env`, then set variables there.

You might also need to install additional packages, depending on the [backend wallet](../guide/wallets.md) you use.
E.g. when you want to use LND you have to `pipenv run pip install lndgrpc` and `pipenv run pip install purerpc`.
Take a look at [Polar][polar] for an excellent way of spinning up a Lightning Network dev environment.
Running the server
LNbits uses [Quart][quart] as an application server.
$ pipenv run python -m lnbits
The frontend uses [Vue.js and Quasar][quasar].
[quart]: https://pgjones.gitlab.io/
[pipenv]: https://pipenv.pypa.io/
[polar]: https://lightningpolar.com/
[quasar]: https://quasar.dev/start/how-to-use-vue