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import requests
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from requests import Response
class WalletResponse(Response):
"""TODO: normalize different wallet responses
class Wallet(ABC):
def create_invoice(self, amount: int, memo: str = "") -> WalletResponse:
def pay_invoice(self, bolt11: str) -> WalletResponse:
def get_invoice_status(self, payment_hash: str, wait: bool = True) -> WalletResponse:
class LndHubWallet(Wallet):
def __init__(self, *, uri: str):
raise NotImplementedError
class LntxbotWallet(Wallet):
def __init__(self, *, endpoint: str, admin_key: str, invoice_key: str) -> WalletResponse:
self.endpoint = endpoint
self.auth_admin = {"Authorization": f"Basic {admin_key}"}
self.auth_invoice = {"Authorization": f"Basic {invoice_key}"}
def create_invoice(self, amount: int, memo: str = "") -> WalletResponse:
url=f"{self.endpoint}/addinvoice", headers=self.auth_invoice, json={"amt": str(amount), "memo": memo}
def pay_invoice(self, bolt11: str) -> WalletResponse:
return"{self.endpoint}/payinvoice", headers=self.auth_admin, json={"invoice": bolt11})
def get_invoice_status(self, payment_hash: str, wait: bool = True) -> Response:
wait = 'true' if wait else 'false'
return"{self.endpoint}/invoicestatus/{payment_hash}?wait={wait}", headers=self.auth_invoice)
def is_invoice_paid(self, payment_hash: str) -> False:
r = self.get_invoice_status(payment_hash)
if not r.ok or r.json().get('error'):
return False
data = r.json()
if "preimage" not in data or not data["preimage"]:
return False
return True
def get_final_payment_status(self, payment_hash: str) -> str:
r ="{self.endpoint}/paymentstatus/{payment_hash}", headers=self.auth_invoice)
if not r.ok:
return "unknown"
return r.json().get('status', 'unknown')