@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
import lnurl
import uuid
import os
import requests
from flask import Flask , jsonify , render_template , request
from flask import Flask , jsonify , render_template , request , redirect , url_for
from . import bolt11
from . db import Database
from . helpers import encrypt
from . settings import DATABASE_PATH , LNBITS_PATH , WALLET
app = Flask ( __name__ )
@ -35,21 +35,24 @@ def home():
@app . route ( " /deletewallet " )
def deletewallet ( ) :
theid = request . args . get ( " usr " )
thewal = request . args . get ( " wal " )
with Database ( ) as db :
wallet_row = db . fetchone ( " SELECT * FROM wallets WHERE hash = ? " , ( thewal , ) )
if not wallet_row :
return render_template ( " index.html " )
db . execute ( " UPDATE wallets SET user = ? WHERE hash = ? " , ( f " del { wallet_row [ 4 ] } " , wallet_row [ 0 ] ) )
db . execute ( " UPDATE wallets SET adminkey = ? WHERE hash = ? " , ( f " del { wallet_row [ 5 ] } " , wallet_row [ 0 ] ) )
db . execute ( " UPDATE wallets SET inkey = ? WHERE hash = ? " , ( f " del { wallet_row [ 6 ] } " , wallet_row [ 0 ] ) )
db . execute (
UPDATE wallets AS w SET
user = ' del: ' | | w . user ,
adminkey = ' del: ' | | w . adminkey ,
inkey = ' del: ' | | w . inkey
WHERE id = ? AND user = ?
""" ,
( thewal , theid ) ,
user_wallets = db . fetchall ( " SELECT * FROM wallets WHERE user = ? " , ( wallet_row [ 4 ] , ) )
if user_wallets :
return render_template ( " deletewallet.html " , theid = user_wallets [ 0 ] [ 4 ] , thewal = user_wallets [ 0 ] [ 0 ] )
next_wallet = db . fetchone ( " SELECT hash FROM wallets WHERE user = ? " , ( theid , ) )
if next_wallet :
return redirect ( url_for ( " wallet " , usr = theid , wal = next_wallet [ 0 ] ) )
return render_template ( " index.html " )
@ -60,13 +63,13 @@ def lnurlwallet():
invoice = WALLET . create_invoice ( withdraw_res . max_sats ) . json ( )
payment_hash = invoice [ " payment_hash " ]
rrr = requests . get (
r = requests . get (
withdraw_res . callback . base ,
params = { * * withdraw_res . callback . query_params , * * { " k1 " : withdraw_res . k1 , " pr " : invoice [ " pay_req " ] } } ,
dataaa = rr r. json ( )
data = r . json ( )
if dataaa [ " status " ] != " OK " :
if data [ " status " ] != " OK " :
""" TODO: show some kind of error? """
return render_template ( " index.html " )
@ -76,112 +79,104 @@ def lnurlwallet():
data = r . json ( )
with Database ( ) as db :
adminkey = encrypt ( payment_hash ) [ 0 : 20 ]
inkey = encrypt ( adminkey ) [ 0 : 20 ]
thewal = encrypt ( inkey ) [ 0 : 20 ]
theid = encrypt ( thewal ) [ 0 : 20 ]
thenme = " Bitcoin LN Wallet "
db . execute ( " INSERT INTO accounts (userhash) VALUES (?) " , ( theid , ) )
adminkey = encrypt ( theid )
inkey = encrypt ( adminkey )
adminkey = uuid . uuid4 ( ) . hex
inkey = uuid . uuid4 ( ) . hex
thewal = uuid . uuid4 ( ) . hex
theid = uuid . uuid4 ( ) . hex
db . execute ( " INSERT INTO accounts (id) VALUES (?) " , ( theid , ) )
db . execute (
" INSERT INTO wallets (hash , name, user, adminkey, inkey) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) " ,
" INSERT INTO wallets (id, name, user, adminkey, inkey) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) " ,
( thewal , thenme , theid , adminkey , inkey ) ,
return render_template (
" lnurlwallet.html " ,
len = len ( " 1 " ) ,
walnme = thenme ,
walbal = withdraw_res . max_sats ,
theid = theid ,
thewal = thewal ,
adminkey = adminkey ,
inkey = inkey ,
return redirect ( url_for ( " wallet " , usr = theid , wal = thewal ) )
@app . route ( " /wallet " )
def wallet ( ) :
theid = request . args . get ( " usr " )
thewal = request . args . get ( " wal " )
thenme = request . args . get ( " nme " )
if not thewal :
return render_template ( " index.html " )
usr = request . args . get ( " usr " )
wallet_id = request . args . get ( " wal " )
wallet_name = request . args . get ( " nme " ) or DEFAULT_USER_WALLET_NAME
# just usr: return a the first user wallet or create one if none found
# usr and wallet_id: return that wallet or create it if it doesn't exist
# usr, wallet_id and wallet_name: same as above, but use the specified name
# usr and wallet_name: generate a wallet_id and create
# wallet_id and wallet_name: create a user, then move an existing wallet or create
# just wallet_name: create a user, then generate a wallet_id and create
# nothing: create everything
with Database ( ) as db :
user_exists = db . fetchone ( " SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE userhash = ? " , ( theid , ) )
if not user_exists :
# user does not exist: create an account
# --------------------------------------
db . execute ( " INSERT INTO accounts (userhash) VALUES (?) " , ( theid , ) )
# user exists
# -----------
user_wallets = db . fetchall ( " SELECT * FROM wallets WHERE user = ? " , ( theid , ) )
if user_wallets :
# user has wallets
# ----------------
wallet_row = db . fetchone (
( SELECT balance / 1000 FROM balances WHERE wallet = wallets . hash ) ,
name ,
adminkey ,
FROM wallets
WHERE user = ? AND hash = ?
""" ,
( theid , thewal , ) ,
transactions = [ ]
return render_template (
" wallet.html " ,
thearr = user_wallets ,
len = len ( user_wallets ) ,
walnme = wallet_row [ 1 ] ,
user = theid ,
walbal = wallet_row [ 0 ] ,
theid = theid ,
thewal = thewal ,
transactions = transactions ,
adminkey = wallet_row [ 2 ] ,
inkey = wallet_row [ 3 ] ,
# user has no wallets
# -------------------
adminkey = encrypt ( theid )
inkey = encrypt ( adminkey )
# ensure this user exists
# -------------------------------
if not usr :
usr = uuid . uuid4 ( ) . hex
return redirect ( url_for ( " wallet " , usr = usr , wal = wallet_id , nme = wallet_name ) )
db . execute (
" INSERT INTO wallets (hash, name, user, adminkey, inkey) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) " ,
( thewal , thenme , theid , adminkey , inkey ) ,
INSERT INTO accounts ( id ) VALUES ( ? )
""" ,
( usr , ) ,
user_wallets = db . fetchall ( " SELECT * FROM wallets WHERE user = ? " , ( usr , ) )
if not wallet_id :
# if not given, fetch the first wallet from this user or create
# -------------------------------------------------------------
if user_wallets :
wallet_id = user_wallets [ 0 ] [ " id " ]
else :
wallet_id = uuid . uuid4 ( ) . hex
db . execute (
INSERT INTO wallets ( id , name , user , adminkey , inkey )
VALUES ( ? , ? , ? , ? , ? )
""" ,
( wallet_id , wallet_name , usr , uuid . uuid4 ( ) . hex , uuid . uuid4 ( ) . hex ) ,
return redirect ( url_for ( " wallet " , usr = usr , wal = wallet_id , nme = wallet_name ) )
# if wallet_id is given, try to move it to this user or create
# ------------------------------------------------------------
db . execute (
INSERT INTO wallets ( id , name , user , adminkey , inkey )
VALUES ( ? , ? , ? , ? , ? )
""" ,
( wallet_id , wallet_name , usr , uuid . uuid4 ( ) . hex , uuid . uuid4 ( ) . hex , usr ) ,
# finally, get the wallet with balance and transactions
# -----------------------------------------------------
wallet = db . fetchone (
coalesce (
( SELECT balance / 1000 FROM balances WHERE wallet = wallets . id ) ,
) AS balance ,
name ,
adminkey ,
FROM wallets
WHERE user = ? AND id = ?
""" ,
( usr , wallet_id ) ,
transactions = [ ]
return render_template (
" wallet.html " ,
len = 1 ,
walnme = thenme ,
walbal = 0 ,
theid = theid ,
thewal = thewal ,
adminkey = adminkey ,
inkey = inkey ,
transactions = [ ] ,
" wallet.html " , user_wallets = user_wallets , wallet = wallet , user = usr , transactions = transactions ,
@ -205,12 +200,12 @@ def api_invoices():
return jsonify ( { " ERROR " : " NO MEMO " } ) , 400
with Database ( ) as db :
wallet_row = db . fetchone (
" SELECT hash FROM wallets WHERE inkey = ? OR adminkey = ? " ,
wallet = db . fetchone (
" SELECT id FROM wallets WHERE inkey = ? OR adminkey = ? " ,
( request . headers [ " Grpc-Metadata-macaroon " ] , request . headers [ " Grpc-Metadata-macaroon " ] , ) ,
if not wallet_row :
if not wallet :
return jsonify ( { " ERROR " : " NO KEY " } ) , 200
r = WALLET . create_invoice ( postedjson [ " value " ] , postedjson [ " memo " ] )
@ -218,10 +213,11 @@ def api_invoices():
pay_req = data [ " pay_req " ]
payment_hash = data [ " payment_hash " ]
amount_msat = int ( postedjson [ " value " ] ) * 1000
db . execute (
" INSERT INTO apipayments (payhash, amount, wallet, pending, memo) VALUES (?, ?, ?, true, ?) " ,
( payment_hash , int ( postedjson [ " value " ] ) * 1000 , wallet_row [ 0 ] , postedjson [ " memo " ] , ) ,
( payment_hash , amount_msat , wallet [ " id " ] , postedjson [ " memo " ] , ) ,
return jsonify ( { " pay_req " : pay_req , " payment_hash " : payment_hash } ) , 200
@ -238,39 +234,11 @@ def api_transactions():
return jsonify ( { " ERROR " : " NO PAY REQ " } ) , 200
with Database ( ) as db :
wallet_row = db . fetchone (
" SELECT hash FROM wallets WHERE adminkey = ? " , ( request . headers [ " Grpc-Metadata-macaroon " ] , )
wallet = db . fetchone ( " SELECT id FROM wallets WHERE adminkey = ? " , ( request . headers [ " Grpc-Metadata-macaroon " ] , ) )
if not wallet_row :
if not wallet :
return jsonify ( { " ERROR " : " BAD AUTH " } ) , 200
# TODO: check this unused code
# move sats calculation to a helper
# ---------------------------------
s = postedjson [ " payment_request " ]
result = re . search ( " lnbc(.*)1p " , s )
tempp = result . group ( 1 )
alpha = " "
num = " "
for i in range ( len ( tempp ) ) :
if tempp [ i ] . isdigit ( ) :
num = num + tempp [ i ]
else :
alpha + = tempp [ i ]
sats = " "
if alpha == " n " :
sats = int ( num ) / 10
elif alpha == " u " :
sats = int ( num ) * 100
elif alpha == " m " :
sats = int ( num ) * 100000
# ---------------------------------
# decode the invoice
invoice = bolt11 . decode ( data [ " payment_request " ] )
if invoice . amount_msat == 0 :
@ -283,13 +251,13 @@ def api_transactions():
invoice . payment_hash ,
- int ( invoice . amount_msat ) ,
- int ( invoice . amount_msat * 0.01 ) ,
wallet_row [ 0 ] ,
wallet [ " id " ] ,
invoice . description ,
) ,
# check balance
balance = db . fetchone ( " SELECT balance/1000 FROM balances WHERE wallet = ? " , ( wallet_row [ 0 ] , ) ) [ 0 ]
balance = db . fetchone ( " SELECT balance/1000 FROM balances WHERE wallet = ? " , ( wallet [ " id " ] , ) ) [ 0 ]
if balance < 0 :
return jsonify ( { " ERROR " : " INSUFFICIENT BALANCE " } ) , 403
@ -321,24 +289,23 @@ def api_checkinvoice(payhash):
return jsonify ( { " ERROR " : " MUST BE JSON " } ) , 200
with Database ( ) as db :
payment_row = db . fetchone (
payment = db . fetchone (
SELECT pending FROM apipayments
INNER JOIN wallets AS w ON apipayments . wallet = w . hash
INNER JOIN wallets AS w ON apipayments . wallet = w . id
WHERE payhash = ?
AND ( w . adminkey = ? OR w . inkey = ? )
""" ,
( payhash , request . headers [ " Grpc-Metadata-macaroon " ] , request . headers [ " Grpc-Metadata-macaroon " ] ) ,
if not payment_row :
if not payment :
return jsonify ( { " ERROR " : " NO INVOICE " } ) , 404
if not payment_row [ 0 ] : # pending
if not payment [ " pending " ] : # pending
return jsonify ( { " PAID " : " TRUE " } ) , 200
r = WALLET . get_invoice_status ( payhash )
if not r . ok :
return jsonify ( { " PAID " : " FALSE " } ) , 400