<p>Login functionality to be released in v0.2, for now, <strong>make sure you bookmark this page for future access to your wallet</strong>!</p>
<p>This service is in BETA, and we hold no responsibility for people losing access to funds. To encourage you to run your own LNbits installation, any balance on {% raw %}{{ disclaimerDialog.location.host }}{% endraw %} will incur a charge of <strong>1% service fee</strong> per week.</p>
<p>Login functionality to be released in v0.2, for now, <strong>make sure you bookmark this page for future access to your wallet</strong>!</p>
<p>This service is in BETA, and we hold no responsibility for people losing access to funds. To encourage you to run your own LNbits installation, any balance on {% raw %}{{ disclaimerDialog.location.host }}{% endraw %} will incur a charge of <strong>{{ service_fee }}% service fee</strong> per week.</p>