<p>Make a list of products to sell, point your list of products at a public indexer. Buyers browse your products on the indexer, and pay you directly. Ratings are managed by the indexer. Your stall can be listed in multiple indexers, even over TOR, if you wish to be anonymous.<br/>
<p>Make a list of products to sell, point your list of products at a public indexer. Buyers browse your products on the indexer, and pay you directly. Ratings are managed by the indexer. Your stall can be listed in multiple indexers, even over TOR, if you wish to be anonymous.<br/>
More information on the <ahref="https://github.com/lnbits/Diagon-Alley">Diagon Alley protocol</a><br/>
<small> Created by, <ahref="https://github.com/benarc">Ben Arc</a></small></p>
<small> Created by, <ahref="https://github.com/benarc">Ben Arc</a></small></p>