import os import lnurl import requests import time from flask import Flask, jsonify, render_template, request from .db import Database from .helpers import encrypt from .settings import INVOICE_KEY, ADMIN_KEY, API_ENDPOINT, DATABASE_PATH, LNBITS_PATH app = Flask(__name__) def db_connect(db_path=DATABASE_PATH): import sqlite3 con = sqlite3.connect(db_path) return con @app.before_first_request def init(): with Database() as db: with open(os.path.join(LNBITS_PATH, "data/schema.sql")) as schemafile: for stmt in"\n\n"): db.execute(stmt, []) @app.route("/") def home(): return render_template("index.html") @app.route("/deletewallet") def deletewallet(): thewal = request.args.get("wal") with Database() as db: wallets = db.fetchall("SELECT * FROM wallets WHERE hash = ?", (thewal,)) if wallets: db.execute("UPDATE wallets SET user = ? WHERE hash = ?", (f"del{wallets[0][4]}", wallets[0][0])) db.execute("UPDATE wallets SET adminkey = ? WHERE hash = ?", (f"del{wallets[0][5]}", wallets[0][0])) db.execute("UPDATE wallets SET inkey = ? WHERE hash = ?", (f"del{wallets[0][6]}", wallets[0][0])) user_wallets = db.fetchall("SELECT * FROM wallets WHERE user = ?", (wallets[0][4],)) if user_wallets: return render_template("deletewallet.html", theid=user_wallets[0][4], thewal=user_wallets[0][0]) return render_template("index.html") @app.route("/lnurlwallet") def lnurlwallet(): # put in a function thestr = request.args.get("lightning") lnurll = lnurl.decode(thestr) r = requests.get(url=lnurll) data = r.json() callback = data["callback"] maxwithdraw = data["maxWithdrawable"] withdraw = int(maxwithdraw / 1000) k1 = data["k1"] # get invoice dataj = {"amt": str(withdraw)} headers = {"Authorization": "Basic %s" % INVOICE_KEY} rr = + "/addinvoice", json=dataj, headers=headers) dataa = rr.json() # get callback pay_req = dataa["pay_req"] payment_hash = dataa["payment_hash"] invurl = callback + "&k1=" + k1 + "&pr=" + pay_req rrr = requests.get(url=invurl) dataaa = rrr.json() print(dataaa) print("poo") if dataaa["status"] == "OK": data = "" while data == "": r = + "/invoicestatus/" + str(payment_hash), headers=headers) data = r.json() print(r.json()) adminkey = encrypt(payment_hash)[0:20] inkey = encrypt(adminkey)[0:20] thewal = encrypt(inkey)[0:20] theid = encrypt(thewal)[0:20] thenme = "Bitcoin LN Wallet" con = db_connect() cur = con.cursor() cur.execute("INSERT INTO accounts (userhash) VALUES ('" + theid + "')") con.commit() cur.close() con = db_connect() cur = con.cursor() adminkey = encrypt(theid) inkey = encrypt(adminkey) cur.execute( "INSERT INTO wallets (hash, balance, transactions, name, user, adminkey, inkey) VALUES ('" + thewal + "',',0," + str(withdraw) + "','0','" + thenme + "','" + theid + "','" + adminkey + "','" + inkey + "')" ) con.commit() cur.close() con = db_connect() cur = con.cursor() print(thewal) cur.execute("select * from wallets WHERE user = '" + str(theid) + "'") # rows = cur.fetchall() con.commit() cur.close() return render_template( "lnurlwallet.html", len=len("1"), walnme=thenme, walbal=str(withdraw), theid=theid, thewal=thewal, adminkey=adminkey, inkey=inkey, ) else: return render_template("index.html") @app.route("/wallet") def wallet(): theid = request.args.get("usr") thewal = request.args.get("wal") thenme = request.args.get("nme") if not thewal: return render_template("index.html") with Database() as db: user_exists = len(db.fetchall("SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE userhash = ?", (theid,))) > 0 # user exists # ----------- if user_exists: user_wallets = db.fetchall("SELECT * FROM wallets WHERE user = ?", (theid,)) # user has wallets # ---------------- if user_wallets: wallet = db.fetchall("SELECT * FROM wallets WHERE hash = ?", (thewal,)) if wallet: walb = str(wallet[0][1]).split(",")[-1] return render_template( "wallet.html", thearr=user_wallets, len=len(user_wallets), walnme=wallet[0][3], user=theid, walbal=walb, theid=theid, thewal=thewal, transactions=wallet[0][2], adminkey=wallet[0][5], inkey=wallet[0][6], ) adminkey = encrypt(thewal) inkey = encrypt(adminkey) db.execute( "INSERT INTO wallets (hash, balance, transactions, name, user, adminkey, inkey) " "VALUES (?, 0, 0, ?, ?, ?, ?)", (thewal, thenme, theid, adminkey, inkey), ) rows = db.fetchall("SELECT * FROM wallets WHERE user = ?", (theid,)) return render_template( "wallet.html", thearr=rows, len=len(rows), walnme=thenme, walbal="0", theid=theid, thewal=thewal, adminkey=adminkey, inkey=inkey, ) # user has no wallets # ------------------- adminkey = encrypt(theid) inkey = encrypt(adminkey) db.execute( "INSERT INTO wallets (hash, balance, transactions, name, user, adminkey, inkey) " "VALUES (?, 0, 0, ?, ?, ?, ?)", (thewal, thenme, theid, adminkey, inkey), ) return render_template( "wallet.html", len=len("1"), walnme=thenme, walbal="0", theid=theid, thewal=thewal, adminkey=adminkey, inkey=inkey, ) # user does not exist: create an account # -------------------------------------- db.execute("INSERT INTO accounts (userhash) VALUES (?)", (theid,)) adminkey = encrypt(theid) inkey = encrypt(adminkey) db.execute( "INSERT INTO wallets (hash, balance, transactions, name, user, adminkey, inkey) " "VALUES (?, 0, 0, ?, ?, ?, ?)", (thewal, thenme, theid, adminkey, inkey), ) return render_template( "wallet.html", len=len("1"), walnme=thenme, walbal="0", theid=theid, thewal=thewal, adminkey=adminkey, inkey=inkey, ) @app.route("/v1/invoices", methods=["GET", "POST"]) def api_invoices(): if request.headers["Content-Type"] != "application/json": return jsonify({"ERROR": "MUST BE JSON"}), 200 postedjson = request.json if "value" not in postedjson: return jsonify({"ERROR": "NO VALUE"}), 200 if not postedjson["value"].isdigit(): return jsonify({"ERROR": "VALUE MUST BE A NUMMBER"}), 200 if "memo" not in postedjson: return jsonify({"ERROR": "NO MEMO"}), 200 with Database() as db: rows = db.fetchall("SELECT * FROM wallets WHERE inkey = ?", (request.headers["Grpc-Metadata-macaroon"],)) if not rows: return jsonify({"ERROR": "NO KEY"}), 200 dataj = {"amt": postedjson["value"], "memo": postedjson["memo"]} headers = {"Authorization": f"Basic {INVOICE_KEY}"} r ="{API_ENDPOINT}/addinvoice", json=dataj, headers=headers) data = r.json() pay_req = data["pay_req"] payment_hash = data["payment_hash"] db.execute( "INSERT INTO apipayments (payhash, amount, wallet, paid, inkey, memo) VALUES (?, ?, ?, 0, ?, ?)", ( payment_hash, postedjson["value"], rows[0][0], request.headers["Grpc-Metadata-macaroon"], postedjson["memo"], ), ) return jsonify({"pay_req": pay_req, "payment_hash": payment_hash}), 200 @app.route("/v1/channels/transactions", methods=["GET", "POST"]) def api_transactions(): if request.headers["Content-Type"] != "application/json": return jsonify({"ERROR": "MUST BE JSON"}), 200 postedjson = request.json if "payment_request" not in postedjson: return jsonify({"ERROR": "NO PAY REQ"}), 200 with Database() as db: wallets = db.fetchall("SELECT * FROM wallets WHERE adminkey = ?", (request.headers["Grpc-Metadata-macaroon"],)) if not wallets: return jsonify({"ERROR": "BAD AUTH"}), 200 # TODO: check this unused code # move sats calculation to a helper # --------------------------------- """ s = postedjson["payment_request"] result ="lnbc(.*)1p", s) tempp = alpha = "" num = "" for i in range(len(tempp)): if tempp[i].isdigit(): num = num + tempp[i] else: alpha += tempp[i] sats = "" if alpha == "n": sats = int(num) / 10 elif alpha == "u": sats = int(num) * 100 elif alpha == "m": sats = int(num) * 100000 """ # --------------------------------- dataj = {"invoice": postedjson["payment_request"]} headers = {"Authorization": f"Basic {ADMIN_KEY}"} r ="{API_ENDPOINT}/payinvoice", json=dataj, headers=headers) data = r.json() db.execute( "INSERT INTO apipayments (payhash, amount, wallet, paid, adminkey, memo) VALUES (?, ?, ?, 1, ?, ?)'", ( data["decoded"]["payment_hash"], str(-int(data["decoded"]["num_satoshis"])), wallets[0][0], request.headers["Grpc-Metadata-macaroon"], data["decoded"]["description"], ), ) payment = db.fetchall("SELECT * FROM apipayments WHERE payhash = ?", (data["decoded"]["payment_hash"],))[0] lastamt = str(wallets[0][1]).split(",") newamt = int(lastamt[-1]) - int(data["decoded"]["num_satoshis"]) updamt = wallets[0][1] + "," + str(newamt) transactions = f"{wallets[0][2]}!{payment[5]},{time.time()},{payment[1]},{newamt}" db.execute( "UPDATE wallets SET balance = ?, transactions = ? WHERE hash = ?", (updamt, transactions, wallets[0][0]) ) return jsonify({"PAID": "TRUE"}), 200 @app.route("/v1/invoice/", methods=["GET"]) def api_checkinvoice(payhash): if request.headers["Content-Type"] != "application/json": return jsonify({"ERROR": "MUST BE JSON"}), 200 with Database() as db: payment = db.fetchall("SELECT * FROM apipayments WHERE payhash = ?", (payhash,))[0] if request.headers["Grpc-Metadata-macaroon"] != payment[4]: return jsonify({"ERROR": "WRONG KEY"}), 400 if payment[3] != "0": return jsonify({"PAID": "TRUE"}), 200 headers = {"Authorization": f"Basic {INVOICE_KEY}"} r ="{API_ENDPOINT}/invoicestatus/{payhash}", headers=headers) data = r.json() if data == "": return jsonify({"PAID": "FALSE"}), 400 wallet = db.fetchall("SELECT * FROM wallets WHERE hash = ?", (payment[2],))[0] lastamt = wallet[1].split(",") newamt = int(lastamt[-1]) + int(payment[1]) updamt = wallet[1] + "," + str(newamt) transactions = f"{wallet[2]}!{payment[5]},{time.time()},{payment[1]},{newamt}" db.execute( "UPDATE wallets SET balance = ?, transactions = ? WHERE hash = ?", (updamt, transactions, payment[2]) ) db.execute("UPDATE apipayments SET paid = '1' WHERE payhash = ?", (payhash,)) return jsonify({"PAID": "TRUE"}), 200