from flask import Flask, render_template from flask import Flask, redirect from flask import request from flask import jsonify from flask import Flask, g from random import seed from random import random from flask import json import re import os import sqlite3 import base64 import lnurl import requests import time import json import bech32 from .db import Database, DEFAULT_PATH from .helpers import encrypt INVOICE_KEY = "YOUR-LNTXBOT-INVOICE-KEY" # In the lntxbot bot on telegram type "/api" ADMIN_KEY = "YOUR-LNTXBOT-ADMIN-KEY" API_ENDPOINT = "YOUR-LNTXBOT-API-BASE-URL" app = Flask(__name__) def db_connect(db_path=DEFAULT_PATH): con = sqlite3.connect(db_path) return con @app.route("/") def home(): return render_template("index.html") @app.route("/deletewallet") def deletewallet(): thewal = request.args.get("wal") with Database() as db: rowss = db.fetchall("SELECT * FROM wallets WHERE hash = ?", (thewal,)) if rowss: db.execute("UPDATE wallets SET user = ? WHERE hash = ?", (f"del{rowss[0][4]}", rowss[0][0])) db.execute("UPDATE wallets SET adminkey = ? WHERE hash = ?", (f"del{rowss[0][5]}", rowss[0][0])) db.execute("UPDATE wallets SET inkey = ? WHERE hash = ?", (f"del{rowss[0][6]}", rowss[0][0])) rowsss = db.fetchall("SELECT * FROM wallets WHERE user = ?", (rowss[0][4],)) if rowsss: return render_template("deletewallet.html", theid=rowsss[0][4], thewal=rowsss[0][0]) return render_template("index.html") @app.route("/lnurlwallet") def lnurlwallet(): # put in a function thestr = request.args.get("lightning") lnurll = lnurl.decode(thestr) r = requests.get(url=lnurll) data = r.json() callback = data["callback"] maxwithdraw = data["maxWithdrawable"] withdraw = int(maxwithdraw / 1000) k1 = data["k1"] # get invoice dataj = {"amt": str(withdraw)} headers = {"Authorization": "Basic %s" % INVOICE_KEY} rr = + "/addinvoice", json=dataj, headers=headers) dataa = rr.json() # get callback pay_req = dataa["pay_req"] payment_hash = dataa["payment_hash"] invurl = callback + "&k1=" + k1 + "&pr=" + pay_req rrr = requests.get(url=invurl) dataaa = rrr.json() print(dataaa) print("poo") if dataaa["status"] == "OK": data = "" while data == "": r = + "/invoicestatus/" + str(payment_hash), headers=headers) data = r.json() print(r.json()) adminkey = encrypt(payment_hash)[0:20] inkey = encrypt(adminkey)[0:20] thewal = encrypt(inkey)[0:20] theid = encrypt(thewal)[0:20] thenme = "Bitcoin LN Wallet" con = db_connect() cur = con.cursor() cur.execute("INSERT INTO accounts (userhash) VALUES ('" + theid + "')") con.commit() cur.close() con = db_connect() cur = con.cursor() adminkey = encrypt(theid) inkey = encrypt(adminkey) cur.execute( "INSERT INTO wallets (hash, balance, transactions, name, user, adminkey, inkey) VALUES ('" + thewal + "',',0," + str(withdraw) + "','0','" + thenme + "','" + theid + "','" + adminkey + "','" + inkey + "')" ) con.commit() cur.close() con = db_connect() cur = con.cursor() print(thewal) cur.execute("select * from wallets WHERE user = '" + str(theid) + "'") rows = cur.fetchall() con.commit() cur.close() return render_template( "lnurlwallet.html", len=len("1"), walnme=thenme, walbal=str(withdraw), theid=theid, thewal=thewal, adminkey=adminkey, inkey=inkey, ) else: return render_template("index.html") @app.route("/wallet") def wallet(): theid = request.args.get("usr") thewal = request.args.get("wal") thenme = request.args.get("nme") if not thewal: return render_template("index.html") with Database() as db: user_exists = len(db.fetchall("SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE userhash = ?", (theid,))) > 0 # user exists # ----------- if user_exists: user_wallets = db.fetchall("SELECT * FROM wallets WHERE user = ?", (theid,)) # user has wallets # ---------------- if user_wallets: wallet = db.fetchall("SELECT * FROM wallets WHERE hash = ?", (thewal,)) if wallet: walb = wallet[0][1].split(",")[-1] return render_template( "wallet.html", thearr=user_wallets, len=len(user_wallets), walnme=wallet[0][3], user=theid, walbal=walb, theid=theid, thewal=thewal, transactions=wallet[0][2], adminkey=wallet[0][5], inkey=wallet[0][6], ) adminkey = encrypt(thewal) inkey = encrypt(adminkey) db.execute( "INSERT INTO wallets (hash, balance, transactions, name, user, adminkey, inkey) " "VALUES (?, 0, 0, ?, ?, ?, ?)", (thewal, thenme, theid, adminkey, inkey), ) rows = db.fetchall("SELECT * FROM wallets WHERE user = ?", (theid,)) return render_template( "wallet.html", thearr=rows, len=len(rows), walnme=thenme, walbal="0", theid=theid, thewal=thewal, adminkey=adminkey, inkey=inkey, ) # user has no wallets # ------------------- adminkey = encrypt(theid) inkey = encrypt(adminkey) db.execute( "INSERT INTO wallets (hash, balance, transactions, name, user, adminkey, inkey) " "VALUES (?, 0, 0, ?, ?, ?, ?)", (thewal, thenme, theid, adminkey, inkey), ) return render_template( "wallet.html", len=len("1"), walnme=thenme, walbal="0", theid=theid, thewal=thewal, adminkey=adminkey, inkey=inkey, ) # user does not exist: create an account # -------------------------------------- db.execute("INSERT INTO accounts (userhash) VALUES (?)", (theid,)) adminkey = encrypt(theid) inkey = encrypt(adminkey) db.execute( "INSERT INTO wallets (hash, balance, transactions, name, user, adminkey, inkey) " "VALUES (?, 0, 0, ?, ?, ?, ?)", (thewal, thenme, theid, adminkey, inkey), ) return render_template( "wallet.html", len=len("1"), walnme=thenme, walbal="0", theid=theid, thewal=thewal, adminkey=adminkey, inkey=inkey, ) @app.route("/v1/invoices", methods=["GET", "POST"]) def api_invoices(): if request.headers["Content-Type"] != "application/json": return jsonify({"ERROR": "MUST BE JSON"}), 200 postedjson = request.json if "value" not in postedjson: return jsonify({"ERROR": "NO VALUE"}), 200 if not postedjson["value"].isdigit(): return jsonify({"ERROR": "VALUE MUST BE A NUMMBER"}), 200 if "memo" not in postedjson: return jsonify({"ERROR": "NO MEMO"}), 200 with Database() as db: rows = db.fetchall("SELECT * FROM wallets WHERE inkey = ?", (request.headers["Grpc-Metadata-macaroon"],)) if not rows: return jsonify({"ERROR": "NO KEY"}), 200 dataj = {"amt": postedjson["value"], "memo": postedjson["memo"]} headers = {"Authorization": f"Basic {INVOICE_KEY}"} r ="{API_ENDPOINT}/addinvoice", json=dataj, headers=headers) data = r.json() pay_req = data["pay_req"] payment_hash = data["payment_hash"] db.execute( "INSERT INTO apipayments (payhash, amount, wallet, paid, inkey, memo) VALUES (?, ?, ?, 0, ?, ?)'", ( payment_hash, postedjson["value"], rows[0][0], request.headers["Grpc-Metadata-macaroon"], postedjson["memo"], ), ) return jsonify({"pay_req": pay_req, "payment_hash": payment_hash}), 200 # API requests @app.route("/v1/channels/transactions", methods=["GET", "POST"]) def api_transactions(): if request.headers["Content-Type"] == "application/json": postedjson = request.json print(postedjson) print(postedjson["payment_request"]) if "payment_request" in postedjson: con = db_connect() cur = con.cursor() print(request.headers["Grpc-Metadata-macaroon"]) print() cur.execute("select * from wallets WHERE adminkey = '" + request.headers["Grpc-Metadata-macaroon"] + "'") rows = cur.fetchall() if len(rows) > 0: cur.close() s = postedjson["payment_request"] result ="lnbc(.*)1p", s) tempp = alpha = "" num = "" for i in range(len(tempp)): if tempp[i].isdigit(): num = num + tempp[i] else: alpha += tempp[i] sats = "" if alpha == "n": sats = int(num) / 10 elif alpha == "u": sats = int(num) * 100 elif alpha == "m": sats = int(num) * 100000 print(sats) print(alpha) print(num) dataj = {"invoice": postedjson["payment_request"]} headers = {"Authorization": "Basic %s" % ADMIN_KEY} r = + "/payinvoice", json=dataj, headers=headers) data = r.json() print(data) con = db_connect() cur = con.cursor() cur.execute( "INSERT INTO apipayments (payhash, amount, wallet, paid, adminkey, memo) VALUES ('" + data["decoded"]["payment_hash"] + "','" + str(-int(data["decoded"]["num_satoshis"])) + "','" + rows[0][0] + "','1','" + request.headers["Grpc-Metadata-macaroon"] + "','" + data["decoded"]["description"] + "')" ) con.commit() cur.close() con = db_connect() cur = con.cursor() cur.execute("select * from apipayments WHERE payhash = '" + data["decoded"]["payment_hash"] + "'") rowss = cur.fetchall() cur.close() data["decoded"]["num_satoshis"] lastamt = rows[0][1].split(",") newamt = int(lastamt[-1]) - int(data["decoded"]["num_satoshis"]) updamt = rows[0][1] + "," + str(newamt) thetime = time.time() transactions = ( rows[0][2] + "!" + rowss[0][5] + "," + str(thetime) + "," + str(rowss[0][1]) + "," + str(newamt) ) con = db_connect() cur = con.cursor() cur.execute( "UPDATE wallets SET balance = '" + updamt + "', transactions = '" + transactions + "' WHERE hash = '" + rows[0][0] + "'" ) con.commit() cur.close() return jsonify({"PAID": "TRUE"}), 200 else: return jsonify({"ERROR": "BAD AUTH"}), 200 return jsonify({"ERROR": "NO PAY REQ"}), 200 return jsonify({"ERROR": "MUST BE JSON"}), 200 @app.route("/v1/invoice/", methods=["GET"]) def api_checkinvoice(payhash): if request.headers["Content-Type"] == "application/json": print(request.headers["Grpc-Metadata-macaroon"]) con = db_connect() cur = con.cursor() cur.execute("select * from apipayments WHERE payhash = '" + payhash + "'") rows = cur.fetchall() cur.close() print(payhash) if request.headers["Grpc-Metadata-macaroon"] == rows[0][4]: if rows[0][3] == "0": print(rows[0][3]) print("did it work?") headers = {"Authorization": "Basic %s" % INVOICE_KEY} r = + "/invoicestatus/" + payhash, headers=headers) data = r.json() print(r.json()) print("no") if data == "": return jsonify({"PAID": "FALSE"}), 400 else: con = db_connect() cur = con.cursor() cur.execute("select * from wallets WHERE hash = '" + rows[0][2] + "'") rowsss = cur.fetchall() con.commit() cur.close() lastamt = rowsss[0][1].split(",") newamt = int(lastamt[-1]) + int(rows[0][1]) updamt = rowsss[0][1] + "," + str(newamt) thetime = time.time() transactions = ( rowsss[0][2] + "!" + rows[0][5] + "," + str(thetime) + "," + str(rows[0][1]) + "," + str(newamt) ) con = db_connect() cur = con.cursor() cur.execute( "UPDATE wallets SET balance = '" + updamt + "', transactions = '" + transactions + "' WHERE hash = '" + rows[0][2] + "'" ) con.commit() cur.close() con = db_connect() cur = con.cursor() cur.execute("UPDATE apipayments SET paid = '1' WHERE payhash = '" + payhash + "'") con.commit() cur.close() return jsonify({"PAID": "TRUE"}), 200 else: return jsonify({"PAID": "TRUE"}), 200 else: return jsonify({"ERROR": "WRONG KEY"}), 400 else: return jsonify({"ERROR": "NEEDS TO BE JSON"}), 400 if __name__ == "__main__":, host="")