import { getCurrentTestData, getLinksByMatch } from './common.js';
const reg = 'raspbian_lite-(?<date>[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{1,2})/';
export const target = 'RASPBIAN_IMAGE_URL';
export const checkForUpdates = ({ url, imageName }) =>
getLinksByMatch(url, reg).then(async (links) => {
const matches = links.sort((a, b) => Date.parse(b.match.groups.date) - Date.parse(a.match.groups.date));
const { link, match } = matches[0];
const matchOn = match.input.split('/')[0];
if (matchOn === imageName) {
// We also need to extract the new image name from the index folder, as
// dated folders contain images with different dates in them o_O
console.error("We've got a new release! \\o/");
const newLink = await getLinksByMatch(link, 'raspbian-.*-lite.*.zip$').then((links) => `${target}=\"${links[0].link}\"`);
console.log(`New release: ${newLink}`);
return { newLine: newLink };
export const determineCurrentState = () => getCurrentTestData(target, '.*="(?<url>[a-zA-Z-://._]*)(?<imageName>raspbian_lite-[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{1,2})/');