Mender is an open source over-the-air (OTA) software updater for embedded Linux devices. Mender comprises a client running at the embedded device, as well as a server that manages deployments across many devices.
This repository contains mender-convert, which is used to convert pre-built disk images (Debian, Ubuntu, Raspbian, etc) to a Mender compatible
image by restructuring partition table and injecting the necessary files.
Currently official Raspberry Pi 3 and BeagleBone Black images are supported and this will be extended.

## Getting started
To start using Mender, we recommend that you begin with the Getting started
section in [the Mender documentation ](https://docs.mender.io/ ).
## Docker environment for mender-convert
In order to correctly set up partitions and bootloaders, mender-convert has many dependencies,
and their version and name vary between Linux distributions.
To make using mender-convert easier, a reference setup using a Ubuntu 18.04 Docker container
is provided.
You need to [install Docker Engine ](https://docs.docker.com/install ) to use this environment.
### Build the mender-convert container image
To build a container based on Ubuntu 18.04 with all required dependencies for mender-convert,
copy this directory to your workstation and change the current directory to it.
Then run
This will create a container image you can use to run mender-convert.
### Use the mender-convert container image
Create a directory `input` under the directory where you copied these files (`docker-build`, `docker-mender-convert` , etc.):
mkdir input
Then put your raw disk image into `input/` , e.g.
mv ~/Downloads/2018-11-13-raspbian-stretch.img input/2018-11-13-raspbian-stretch.img
You can run mender-convert from inside the container with your desired options, e.g.
./docker-mender-convert from-raw-disk-image \
--raw-disk-image $RAW_DISK_IMAGE \
--mender-disk-image $MENDER_DISK_IMAGE \
--device-type $DEVICE_TYPE \
--artifact-name $ARTIFACT_NAME \
--bootloader-toolchain arm-buildroot-linux-gnueabihf \
--server-url "https://hosted.mender.io" \
--tenant-token $TENANT_TOKEN
By default conversion in containter uses GCC 7.3.0 bootlin toolchain tuned for
ARMv6 architecture (especially for ARM1176(F)-S single-core processor).
The aim of that is to provide a support for the Raspberry Pi Zero W development board.
ARMv7 is backward compatible with ARMv6, so binaries compiled for ARMv6 should also work on ARMv7.
Note that the default Mender client is the latest stable and cross-compiled for generic ARM boards,
which should work well in most cases. If you would like to use a different Mender client,
place it in `input/` and adjust the `--mender-client` argument.
Conversion will take 10-15 minutes, depending on your storage and resources available.
You can watch `output/build.log` for progress and diagnostics information.
After it finishes, you can find your images in the `output` directory on your host machine!
### Known issues
* An issue for `Raspberry Pi Zero W` has been spotted with the `mender-convert` tool version 1.1.0.
After an initial boot, having last partition resized to the end of the SD card, the correct device
tree cannot be found. As a result the boot cannot succeed.
For more information and current status, see [issue tracker ](https://tracker.mender.io/browse/MEN-2436 ).
* If building U-boot fails with:
D scripts/Kconfig
input in flex scanner failed
include/linux/kconfig.h:4:32: fatal error: generated/autoconf.h: No such file or directory
#include < generated / autoconf . h >
you might be using a case-sensitive filesystem which is not supported. Case-sensitive filesystems are typically used on OSX (Mac) and Windows but you can also run in to this on Linux if running on a NTFS formatted partition.
For details see this [discussion ](https://hub.mender.io/t/raspberry-pi-3-model-b-b-raspbian/140/10 )
## Contributing
We welcome and ask for your contribution. If you would like to contribute to Mender, please read our guide on how to best get started [contributing code or documentation ](https://github.com/mendersoftware/mender/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md ).
## License
Mender is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See [LICENSE ](https://github.com/mendersoftware/mender-crossbuild/blob/master/LICENSE ) for the full license text.
## Security disclosure
We take security very seriously. If you come across any issue regarding
security, please disclose the information by sending an email to
[security@mender.io ](security@mender.io ). Please do not create a new public
issue. We thank you in advance for your cooperation.
## Connect with us
* Join the [Mender Hub discussion forum ](https://hub.mender.io )
* Follow us on [Twitter ](https://twitter.com/mender_io ). Please
feel free to tweet us questions.
* Fork us on [Github ](https://github.com/mendersoftware )
* Create an issue in the [bugtracker ](https://tracker.mender.io/projects/MEN )
* Email us at [contact@mender.io ](mailto:contact@mender.io )
* Connect to the [#mender IRC channel on Freenode ](http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=mender )