@ -223,9 +223,26 @@ rootfsb_end=$(( ${rootfsb_start} + ${rootfs_part_sectors} - 1 ))
data_start=$(disk_align_sectors ${rootfsb_end} ${MENDER_PARTITION_ALIGNMENT} )
data_end=$(( ${data_start} + ${data_part_sectors} - 1 ))
# Create partition table. TODO: GPT support
run_and_log_cmd "${PARTED} -s ${img_path} mklabel msdos"
run_and_log_cmd "${PARTED} -s ${img_path} unit s mkpart primary fat32 ${boot_part_start} ${boot_part_end}"
if [ -n "${MENDER_PARTITION_SCHEME}" ]; then
# Force partition scheme to the one from configs
log_info "Forcing partition scheme defined by MENDER_PARTITION_SCHEME to: ${partition_scheme}"
# By default use the partition scheme from the input image
partition_scheme=$(disk_get_part_value ${disk_image} 1 SCHEME)
log_info "Using input diskimage partition scheme (${partition_scheme})"
# Create partition table.
if [ "${partition_scheme}" == "gpt" ]; then
log_info "Writing GPT partition table"
run_and_log_cmd "${PARTED} -s ${img_path} mklabel gpt"
run_and_log_cmd "${PARTED} -s ${img_path} unit s mkpart ESP fat32 ${boot_part_start} ${boot_part_end}"
log_info "Writing DOS (MBR) partition table"
run_and_log_cmd "${PARTED} -s ${img_path} mklabel msdos"
run_and_log_cmd "${PARTED} -s ${img_path} unit s mkpart primary fat32 ${boot_part_start} ${boot_part_end}"
run_and_log_cmd "${PARTED} -s ${img_path} set 1 boot on"
run_and_log_cmd "${PARTED} -s ${img_path} -- unit s mkpart primary ext2 ${rootfsa_start} ${rootfsa_end}"
run_and_log_cmd "${PARTED} -s ${img_path} -- unit s mkpart primary ext2 ${rootfsb_start} ${rootfsb_end}"