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<h1 id="developing-neutrino">Developing Neutrino</h1>
<p>Developing and contributing to Neutrino and its core presets is done through our monorepo located at
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>. The code is broken up into a couple different sections:
packages and documentation.</p>
<p><em>Note: In this guide, commands executable from the command line are prepended with <code>&#x276F;</code>. Lines not starting
with this symbol show sample console output from running the previous command.</em></p>
8 years ago
<h2 id="requirements">Requirements</h2>
<p>Developing for neutrino-dev requires:</p>
<li>Node.js v6.9+</li>
<li>Yarn client, installation instructions at <a href="" target="_blank"></a></li>
<li>git, GitHub account</li>
8 years ago
<h2 id="getting-started">Getting started</h2>
<p>The first step to start developing neutrino-dev is forking the repository to your own GitHub account.</p>
<p><a href="" target="_blank">Fork mozilla-neutrino/neutrino-dev on GitHub</a></p>
<p>Once that is done, you can clone your copy of the repository on your computer, replacing <code>USER</code> with the username
of the account you forked the repository to:</p>
<pre class="language-"><code class="lang-bash">&#x276F; <span class="token function">git</span> clone
&#x276F; <span class="token function">cd</span> neutrino-dev
8 years ago
<p>Upon cloning, you should install dependencies and bootstrap the project:</p>
<pre class="language-"><code class="lang-bash">&#x276F; yarn
&#x276F; yarn bootstrap
<p>This will create symlinks between the various packages, making local development much easier. It also creates yarn links
for testing out these packages elsewhere on your system.</p>
<h2 id="development-commands">Development commands</h2>
<p>The package.json for neutrino-dev defines several commands to assist in the development and deployment process.</p>
<p>Installs all sub-package dependencies using yarn. External dependencies are installed normally, whereas those belonging
to the neutrino-dev monorepo itself are <code>yarn link</code>ed.</p>
<pre class="language-"><code class="lang-bash">&#x276F; yarn bootstrap
<p><code>deps:add [--dev] <span class="token tag"><span class="token tag"><span class="token punctuation">&lt;</span>package</span><span class="token punctuation">&gt;</span></span> &lt;...dependencies&gt;</code></p>
<p>Adds one or more new dependencies or development dependencies to a sub-package. Any flags used, such as <code>--dev</code> are
passed on to <code>yarn add</code>. For example, if you wanted to add &quot;lodash.clonedeep&quot; to the neutrino package:</p>
<pre class="language-"><code class="lang-bash">&#x276F; yarn deps:add neutrino lodash.clonedeep
<p><code>deps:remove <span class="token tag"><span class="token tag"><span class="token punctuation">&lt;</span>package</span><span class="token punctuation">&gt;</span></span> &lt;...dependencies&gt;</code></p>
<p>Removes one or more dependencies from a sub-package. Any flags used are
passed on to <code>yarn remove</code>. For example, if you wanted to remove &quot;lodash.clonedeep&quot; from the neutrino package:</p>
<pre class="language-"><code class="lang-bash">&#x276F; yarn deps:remove neutrino lodash.clonedeep
<p><code>deps:upgrade <span class="token tag"><span class="token tag"><span class="token punctuation">&lt;</span>package</span><span class="token punctuation">&gt;</span></span> &lt;...dependencies&gt;</code></p>
<p>Upgrades one or more dependencies in a sub-package. Any flags used are
passed on to <code>yarn upgrade</code>. For example, if you wanted to upgrade &quot;lodash.clonedeep&quot; in the neutrino package:</p>
<pre class="language-"><code class="lang-bash">&#x276F; yarn deps:upgrade neutrino lodash.clonedeep
<p>Removes the <code>node_modules</code> directory from all sub-packages. After running this you will need to re-bootstrap
neutrino-dev in order to continue development. Useful if you have somehow put your local development environment in an
unworkable state with regards to local inter-dependencies.</p>
<pre class="language-"><code class="lang-bash">&#x276F; yarn deps:clean
<p>Starts a local development server which builds the documentation in <code>docs</code> to a gitbook running on port 4000.</p>
<pre class="language-"><code class="lang-bash">&#x276F; yarn docs:serve
<p>Generates a static site by building the documentation in <code>docs</code> to a gitbook to the <code>_book</code> directory.</p>
<pre class="language-"><code class="lang-bash">&#x276F; yarn docs:build
<p>Generates a static site by building the documentation in <code>docs</code> to a gitbook to the <code>_book</code> directory, then pushing the
contents of <code>_book</code> to a <code>gh-pages</code> branch on GitHub. In order to run this command, you must have an <code>upstream</code> remote
configured pointing to the root neutrino-dev repo, and have sufficient rights to push to the repository.</p>
<pre class="language-"><code class="lang-bash">&#x276F; yarn docs:deploy
8 years ago
<h2 id="making-changes">Making changes</h2>
<p>When you make changes to neutrino-dev, you should make them in a branch separate from <code>master</code>. Start from the
master branch and create a new branch for your changes.</p>
<p><em>Example: You want to create a core preset for JavaScript Standard Style. You need a new branch for this work.</em></p>
<pre class="language-"><code class="lang-bash">&#x276F; <span class="token function">git</span> checkout -b standard-style
Switched to a new branch <span class="token string">&apos;standard-style&apos;</span>
<p>While making changes, be sure to test your code out for expected operation. If possible or applicable, write a
test that can verify these changes in the future.</p>
<h2 id="submitting-a-pull-request">Submitting a pull request</h2>
<p>Once you are satisified with your changes, you should commit them and submit a pull request. Use <code>git add</code>
8 years ago
in order to add files that should be committed. Give your changes a descriptive but not overly verbose message.</p>
8 years ago
<pre class="language-"><code class="lang-bash">&#x276F; <span class="token function">git</span> add <span class="token keyword">.</span>
&#x276F; <span class="token function">git</span> commit -m <span class="token string">&quot;Feature: Adding new core preset for JavaScript Standard Style&quot;</span>
&#x276F; <span class="token function">git</span> push origin standard-style
<p>Now if you open the GitHub page for your repository, GitHub should display a button to open a pull request for
the branch and commit you just pushed. When filling out the details of the pull request, try to be as descriptive
as possible, following our detailed <a href="./">contribution guidelines</a>.</p>
8 years ago
<h3 id="congrats">Congrats!</h3>
<p>You just made a contribution to Neutrino! We are so happy to have your help! &#x1F389;</p>
8 years ago
<h2 id="receiving-updates">Receiving updates</h2>
<p>If you need to update your local copy of neutrino-dev to be in sync with the main neutrino-dev repository, you
will want to fetch upstream changes. Add the main neutrino-dev repo as an upstream to your local copy, then fetch
the latest changes from the master branch.</p>
<pre class="language-"><code class="lang-bash">&#x276F; <span class="token function">git</span> checkout master
&#x276F; <span class="token function">git</span> remote add upstream
&#x276F; <span class="token function">git</span> pull upstream master
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