committed by
13 changed files with 706 additions and 131 deletions
@ -1,50 +1,78 @@ |
module.exports = { |
ecmaVersion: 2017, |
const Neutrino = require('./packages/neutrino'); |
const airbnb = require('./packages/neutrino-preset-airbnb-base'); |
ecmaFeatures: { |
modules: true, |
decorators: true, |
experimentalObjectRestSpread: true, |
}, |
const api = new Neutrino(); |
env: { |
api.use(airbnb, { |
eslint: { |
node: true, |
browser: true, |
es6: true, |
worker: true, |
serviceworker: true, |
}, |
plugins: [ |
'eslint-plugin-prettier', |
], |
rules: { |
// Specify the maximum length of a line in your program
// JSX can get lengthy, so this helps alleviate that a bit
'max-len': ['error', 120, 2, { |
ignoreUrls: true, |
ignoreComments: false, |
ignoreStrings: true, |
ignoreTemplateLiterals: true |
}], |
// Allow using class methods with static/non-instance functionality
// React lifecycle methods commonly do not use an instance context for anything
'class-methods-use-this': 'off', |
// Disallow trailing commas on arrays, objects, functions, et al
'comma-dangle': ['error', 'never'], |
// Allow console during development, otherwise throw an error
'no-console': 'warn', |
// Allow extra parentheses since multiline JSX being wrapped in parens is considered idiomatic
'no-extra-parens': 'off', |
// Our frontend strives to adopt functional programming practices, so we prefer const over let
'prefer-const': 'error', |
plugins: ['eslint-plugin-prettier'], |
rules: { |
// Disable necessitating return after a callback
'callback-return': 'off', |
// Allow using class methods with static/non-instance functionality
// React lifecycle methods commonly do not use an instance context for anything
'class-methods-use-this': 'off', |
// Disallow trailing commas on arrays, objects, functions, et al
'comma-dangle': ['error', 'never'], |
// Require all requires be top-level
'global-require': 'error', |
// Enforces error handling in callbacks (node environment)
'handle-callback-err': 'off', |
// Allow dynamic requires
'import/no-dynamic-require': 'off', |
// Specify the maximum length of a line in your program
// JSX can get lengthy, so this helps alleviate that a bit
'max-len': ['error', 120, 2, { |
ignoreUrls: true, |
ignoreComments: false, |
ignoreStrings: true, |
ignoreTemplateLiterals: true |
}], |
// Allow console during development, otherwise throw an error
'no-console': 'warn', |
// Allow extra parentheses since multiline JSX being wrapped in parens is considered idiomatic
'no-extra-parens': 'off', |
// Disallow mixing regular variable and require declarations
'no-mixed-requires': ['off', false], |
// Disallow use of new operator with the require function
'no-new-require': 'error', |
// Disallow string concatenation with __dirname and __filename
'no-path-concat': 'error', |
// Allow use of process.env
'no-process-env': 'off', |
// Allow process.exit()
'no-process-exit': 'off', |
// Restrict usage of specified node modules
'no-restricted-modules': 'off', |
// Allowing shadowing variable that share the same context as the outer scope
'no-shadow': 'off', |
// Allow use of synchronous methods (off by default)
'no-sync': 'off', |
// Our frontend strives to adopt functional programming practices, so we prefer const over let
'prefer-const': 'error', |
} |
} |
} |
}); |
module.exports = api.eslintrc(); |
@ -1,5 +1,8 @@ |
module.exports = ({ config }) => config.module |
.rule('style') |
.test(/\.css$/) |
.use('style').loader(require.resolve('style-loader')).end() |
.use('css').loader(require.resolve('css-loader')); |
.use('style') |
.loader(require.resolve('style-loader')) |
.end() |
.use('css') |
.loader(require.resolve('css-loader')); |
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Reference in new issue