* Rdesign Advanced Customization examples to use Neutrino v5 fashion
* Fix cases when there are several 'core-js' instances in the project
* Add 'core-js' alias and lock 'babel-polyfill' version
* Spaces instead of tabs
* Use `dirname` instead of `join`
* Correct hierarchy indentation
* Rdesign Advanced Customization examples to use Neutrino v5 fashion
* Fix polyfills set to match only supported platforms
* Remove 'tranform-regenerator' because according to the babel preset debug log it is already included
* Fix indentation
* Add VSCode local settings to the ignore list
* Separate chunk for polyfills
The current [devtool](https://webpack.js.org/configuration/devtool/) configuration of `eval` makes it very difficult to debug your source code when running the development command `neutrino start`.
I did some digging and there is an issue with sourcemaps and Webpack 2. See https://github.com/webpack/webpack/issues/3165 and https://github.com/webpack/webpack/issues/4423 for more information.
In the meantime, it would be great if the default setting for the development command `neutrino start` would generate correct sourcemaps with a reference to the original source and allow you to set breakpoints correctly. I did some tests in OS X Chrome v56.0.2924.87 (64-bit) by trying different [devtool](https://webpack.js.org/configuration/devtool/) configurations in a custom neutrino config that extends `neutrino-preset-web`.
* `eval`: reports correct line in transformed code, and breakpoints work, but difficult to debug
* `cheap-eval-source-map`: reports incorrect line in transformed code, breakpoints can be added, but are on incorrect line and don't work
* `cheap-source-map`: reports incorrect line in transformed code, breakpoints work, but are on incorrect line
* `cheap-module-eval-source-map`: reports incorrect line in source, breakpoints can be added, but are on incorrect line and don't work
* `cheap-module-source-map`: reports incorrect line in source, breakpoints work, but are on incorrect line
* `eval-source-map`: reports correct line in source, but breakpoints don't work
* `source-map`: reports correct line in source, and breakpoints work
* `nosources-source-map`: reports correct line in source, but no source is generated
If you are just running `neutrino-preset-web` out of the box you should be able to debug your code easily. Making this change can cause slower rebuilds, but I'd be willing to wait a few 100ms (or whatever `--` means in time) to rebuild my code for better debugging.
If and when the above Webpack 2 issues are fixed, I would suggest revisiting the `devtool` option by changing it to `cheap-module-eval-source-map` or `eval-source-map` for speedier rebuilds with sourcemaps that point to source code vs transpiled code.