import test from 'ava'; import Neutrino from '../src/neutrino'; test('initializes with no arguments', t => { t.notThrows(() => new Neutrino()); }); test('initializes with options', t => { t.notThrows(() => new Neutrino({ testing: true })); }); test('initialization stores options', t => { const options = { alpha: 'a', beta: 'b', gamma: 'c' }; const api = new Neutrino(options); t.deepEqual(options, api.options); }); test('creates an instance of webpack-chain', t => { const api = new Neutrino(); api.config.toConfig, 'function'); }); test('middleware receives API instance', t => { const api = new Neutrino(); api.use(n =>, api)); }); test('middleware receives default options', t => { const api = new Neutrino(); api.use((api, options) => { t.deepEqual(options, {}); }); }); test('middleware receives options parameter', t => { const api = new Neutrino(); const defaults = { alpha: 'a', beta: 'b', gamma: 'c' }; api.use((api, options) => { t.deepEqual(options, defaults); }, defaults); }); test('triggers promisified event handlers', t => { const api = new Neutrino(); api.on('test', () => t.pass('test event triggered')); api.emitForAll('test'); }); test('events handle promise resolution', async t => { const api = new Neutrino(); api.on('test', () => Promise.resolve('alpha')); const [value] = await api.emitForAll('test');, 'alpha'); }); test('events handle promise rejection', async t => { const api = new Neutrino(); api.on('test', () => Promise.reject(new Error('beta'))); const err = await t.throws(api.emitForAll('test'));, 'beta'); }); test('events handle multiple promise resolutions', async t => { const api = new Neutrino(); api.on('test', () => Promise.resolve('alpha')); api.on('test', () => Promise.resolve('beta')); api.on('test', () => Promise.resolve('gamma')); const values = await api.emitForAll('test'); t.deepEqual(values, ['alpha', 'beta', 'gamma']); }); test('creates a Webpack config', t => { const api = new Neutrino(); api.use(api => { api.config.module .rule('compile') .test(/\.js$/) .include('src') .loader('babel', 'babel-loader', { alpha: 'a', beta: 'b' }); }); t.deepEqual(api.getWebpackOptions(), { resolve: { modules: [], extensions: [] }, resolveLoader: { modules: [] }, plugins: [], module: { rules: [ { test: /\.js$/, include: ['src'], use: [ { loader: 'babel-loader', options: { alpha: 'a', beta: 'b' } } ] } ] } }); });