'use strict'; const yeoman = require('yeoman-environment'); const crypto = require('crypto'); const npm = require('npm'); const os = require('os'); const path = require('path'); const env = yeoman.createEnv(); module.exports = (args, done) => { // For initializing a project, the preset is not installed in the project. // Rather, we install it ourselves into a temp directory and invoke from there. const tempDir = path.join(os.tmpdir(), crypto.randomBytes(8).toString('hex')); const packageName = args.packageName; npm.load({ loglevel: 'silent' }, (err, npm) => { if (err) { console.error(err); return done(1); } const pkg = path.join(tempDir, 'node_modules', packageName.startsWith('@') || !packageName.includes(path.sep) ? packageName : path.basename(packageName)); npm.commands.install(tempDir, [packageName], (err) => { if (err) { console.error(err); return done(1); } env.register(pkg, 'neutrino:init'); env.run('neutrino:init', done); }); }); };