# Neutrino Web Preset [![NPM version][npm-image]][npm-url] [![NPM downloads][npm-downloads]][npm-url] [![Join Slack][slack-image]][slack-url] `neutrino-preset-web` is a Neutrino preset that supports building generic applications for the web. ## Features - Zero upfront configuration necessary to start developing and building a web app - Modern Babel compilation supporting ES modules, last 2 major browser versions, async functions, and dynamic imports - Webpack loaders for importing HTML, CSS, images, icons, and fonts - Webpack Dev Server during development - Automatic creation of HTML pages, no templating necessary - Hot Module Replacement support - Tree-shaking to create smaller bundles - Production-optimized bundles with Babili minification and easy chunking - Easily extensible to customize your project as needed ## Requirements - Node.js v6.9+ - Yarn or npm client - Neutrino v4 ## Installation `neutrino-preset-web` can be installed via the Yarn or npm clients. Inside your project, make sure `neutrino` and `neutrino-preset-web` are development dependencies. #### Yarn ```bash ❯ yarn add --dev neutrino neutrino-preset-web ``` #### npm ```bash ❯ npm install --save-dev neutrino neutrino-preset-web ``` ## Project Layout `neutrino-preset-web` follows the standard [project layout](../../project-layout.md) specified by Neutrino. This means that by default all project source code should live in a directory named `src` in the root of the project. This includes JavaScript files, CSS stylesheets, images, and any other assets that would be available to your compiled project. ## Quickstart After installing Neutrino and the Web preset, add a new directory named `src` in the root of the project, with a single JS file named `index.js` in it. ```bash ❯ mkdir src && touch src/index.js ``` This Web preset exposes an element in the page with an ID of `root` to which you can mount your application. Edit your `src/index.js` file with the following: ```js const app = document.createElement('main'); const text = document.createTextNode('Hello world!'); app.appendChild(text); document.getElementById('root').appendChild(app); ``` Now edit your project's package.json to add commands for starting and building the application: ```json { "scripts": { "start": "neutrino start --presets neutrino-preset-web", "build": "neutrino build --presets neutrino-preset-web" } } ``` Start the app, then open a browser to the address in the console: #### Yarn ```bash ❯ yarn start ✔ Development server running on: http://localhost:5000 ✔ Build completed ``` #### npm ```bash ❯ npm start ✔ Development server running on: http://localhost:5000 ✔ Build completed ``` ## Building `neutrino-preset-web` builds static assets to the `build` directory by default when running `neutrino build`. Using the quick start example above as a reference: ```bash ❯ yarn build clean-webpack-plugin: /web/build has been removed. Build completed in 0.779s Hash: 55c33df4cd1222a03505 Version: webpack 2.2.1 Time: 784ms Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names index.52f2d06086f51d21f9c9.bundle.js 213 bytes 0, 1 [emitted] index manifest.c10c6464802bf71a2c3f.bundle.js 1.41 kB 1 [emitted] manifest index.html 779 bytes [emitted] ✨ Done in 2.10s. ``` You can either serve or deploy the contents of this `build` directory as a static site. ## Hot Module Replacement While `neutrino-preset-web` supports Hot Module Replacement your app, it does require some application-specific changes in order to operate. Your application should define split points for which to accept modules to reload using `module.hot`: For example: ```js import app from './app'; document .getElementById('root') .appendChild(app('Hello world!')); if (module.hot) { module.hot.accept('./app'); } ``` Or for all paths: ```js import app from './app'; document .getElementById('root') .appendChild(app('Hello world!')); if (module.hot) { module.hot.accept(); } ``` Using dynamic imports with `import()` will automatically create split points and hot replace those modules upon modification during development. ## Customizing To override the build configuration, start with the documentation on [customization](../../customization/README.md). `neutrino-preset-web` creates some conventions to make overriding the configuration easier once you are ready to make changes. By default the Web preset creates a single **main** `index` entry point to your application, and this maps to the `index.js` file in the `src` directory. This value is provided by `neutrino.options.entry`. This means that the Web preset is optimized toward the use case of single-page applications over multi-page applications. ### Rules The following is a list of rules and their identifiers which can be overridden: - `compile`: Compiles JS files from the `src` directory using Babel. Contains a single loader named `babel`. - `html`: Allows importing HTML files from modules. Contains a single loader named `file`. - `style`: Allows importing CSS stylesheets from modules. Contains two loaders named `style` and `css`. - `img`, `svg`, `ico`: Allows import image files from modules. Each contains a single loader named `url`. - `woff`, `ttf`: Allows importing WOFF and TTF font files from modules. Each contains a single loader named `url`. - `eot`: Allows importing EOT font files from modules. Contains a single loader named `file`. ### Plugins The following is a list of plugins and their identifiers which can be overridden: - `env`: Injects the value of `NODE_ENV` into the application as `process.env.NODE_ENV`. - `html`: Creates HTML files when building. Has various options that can be configured via package.json. - `chunk`: Defines chunks for `manifest` and `vendor` entry points. Can be configured via package.json. - `hot`: Enables hot module reloading. - `copy`: Copies non-JS files from `src` to `build` when using `neutrino build`. - `clean`: Clears the contents of `build` prior to creating a production bundle. - `progress`: Displays a progress bar when using `neutrino build`. ### Simple customization By following the [customization guide](../../customization/simple.md) and knowing the rule, loader, and plugin IDs above, you can override and augment the build directly from package.json. #### Vendoring By defining an entry point in package.json named `vendor` you can split out external dependencies into a chunk separate from your application code. _Example: Put lodash into a separate "vendor" chunk:_ ```json { "neutrino": { "config": { "entry": { "vendor": [ "lodash" ] } } }, "dependencies": { "lodash": "*" } } ``` #### HTML files Under the hood `neutrino-preset-web` uses [html-webpack-template](https://www.npmjs.com/package/html-webpack-template) for generating HTML files. If you wish to override how these files are created, define an object in your package.json at `neutrino.options.html` with options matching the format expected by html-webpack-template. _Example: Change the application mount ID from "root" to "app":_ ```json { "neutrino": { "options": { "html": { "appMountId": "app" } } } } ``` ### Advanced configuration By following the [customization guide](../../customization/advanced.md) and knowing the rule, loader, and plugin IDs above, you can override and augment the build by creating a JS module which overrides the config. #### Vendoring By defining an entry point named `vendor` you can split out external dependencies into a chunk separate from your application code. _Example: Put lodash into a separate "vendor" chunk:_ ```js module.exports = neutrino => { neutrino.config .entry('vendor') .add('lodash'); }; ``` #### HTML files _Example: Change the application mount ID from "root" to "app":_ ```js const merge = require('deepmerge'); module.exports = neutrino => { neutrino.options.html.appMountId = 'app'; }; ``` ## Contributing This preset is part of the [neutrino-dev](https://github.com/mozilla-neutrino/neutrino-dev) repository, a monorepo containing all resources for developing Neutrino and its core presets. Follow the [contributing guide](../../contributing/README.md) for details. [npm-image]: https://img.shields.io/npm/v/neutrino-preset-web.svg [npm-downloads]: https://img.shields.io/npm/dt/neutrino-preset-web.svg [npm-url]: https://npmjs.org/package/neutrino-preset-web [slack-image]: https://neutrino-slack.herokuapp.com/badge.svg [slack-url]: https://neutrino-slack.herokuapp.com/