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<h2 class="title"><a id="writeforwarding"></a>Chapter 5. Configuring for Write Forwarding</h2>
<div class="toc">
<b>Table of Contents</b>
<span class="sect1">
<a href="writeforwarding.html#wrforapp_overview">Application with Write Forwarding Overview</a>
<span class="sect1">
<a href="wrfor_programlisting.html">Program Listing</a>
<span class="sect2">
<a href="wrfor_programlisting.html#repwrforconfiginfo_cxx">
<span>Class: RepConfigInfo</span>
<span class="sect2">
<a href="wrfor_programlisting.html#repwrformgr_cxx">Class: excxx_repquote_gsg_RepMgrWrforGSG</a>
<span class="sect2">
<a href="wrfor_programlisting.html#wrforusage_cxx">Function: usage()</a>
<span class="sect2">
<a href="wrfor_programlisting.html#wrformain_cxx">Function: main()</a>
<span class="sect2">
<a href="wrfor_programlisting.html#wrfor_init_cxx">Method: RepMgrWrforGSG::init()</a>
<span class="sect2">
<a href="wrfor_programlisting.html#doloop_wrforcxx">Method: RepMgrWrforGSG::doloop()</a>
<span class="sect2">
<a href="wrfor_programlisting.html#wrfor_printstocks_c">
<span>Method: RepMgrWrforGSG::print_stocks()</span>
By default, write operations cannot be performed on a replication
client site. Replication Manager provides automatic write forwarding
as a configurable option for applications with simple data and
transaction models. (See the
<a href="../../programmer_reference/comm_repsites.html#conf_writeforw" class="olink">Configuring for Write Forwarding</a>
section in the <em class="citetitle">Berkeley DB Programmer's Reference Guide</em> for more information.)
In this chapter, we configure write forwarding for the simple
transaction-protected DB application that you created in
the <a class="xref" href="txnapp.html" title="Chapter 2. Transactional Application">Transactional Application</a> chapter.
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<h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="wrforapp_overview"></a>Application with Write Forwarding Overview</h2>
Write forwarding simplifies adding replication to the stock
market quotes database application. Once write forwarding is
configured, this application allows any site to accept stock quote
updates. There is no need to confine write operations to the
master or even to know which site is the master.
The application operates by presenting you with a command line
prompt. You then enter the stock symbol and its value, separated by
a space. The application takes this information and writes it to the
To see the contents of the database, simply press
<code class="literal">return</code> at the command prompt.
To quit the application, type 'quit' or 'exit' at the command
For example, the following illustrates the application's usage.
In it, we use entirely fictitious stock market symbols and price
<pre class="programlisting">node01&gt; ./excxx_repquote_gsg_RepMgrWrforGSG -h env_home_dir -L node01:5000
QUOTESERVER&gt; stock1 88
QUOTESERVER&gt; stock2 .08
Symbol Price
====== =====
stock1 88
stock2 .08 </pre>
where <code class="literal">L</code> is used to identify the local site
as group creator, which creates the database and starts
this site as master.
With write forwarding, we can add a new stock value in the client
site. In the client site (node02), specify the new
local client site and the existing remote site in the replication group.
<pre class="programlisting">node02&gt; ./excxx_repquote_gsg_RepMgrWrforGSG -l node02:5001 -r node01:5000
QUOTESERVER&gt; stock3 99
Symbol Price
====== =====
stock1 88
stock2 .08
stock3 99
QUOTESERVER&gt; quit </pre>
Finally, verify that the <code class="literal">stock3</code> value replicated
to the master:
<pre class="programlisting">QUOTESERVER&gt;
Symbol Price
====== =====
stock1 88
stock2 .08
stock3 99
QUOTESERVER&gt; quit </pre>
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