var caching = require("../../index"); var assert = require("assert"); var support = require("../support"); var check_err = support.check_err; var memoryFlag = ""; var key; var value; var testStore = function(args) { args = args || {}; var self = {}; = "options"; = {}; self.get = function(key, options, cb) { var optionsMapped = false; if (typeof options === "function") { cb = options; options = false; optionsMapped = true; } if (options && options.value) { return cb(null, options.value + "ValueOption"); } else if (options && options.fn) { options.fn("GetFunctionOption"); return cb(null, "GetFunctionOption"); } else if (options && options.runNormal) { return cb(null,[key]); } else if (optionsMapped) { return cb(); } return cb("Error No Options"); }; self.set = function(key, value, options, cb) { var optionsMapped = false; if (typeof options === "function") { cb = options; options = false; optionsMapped = true; } else if (typeof options !== 'object') { options = {ttl: options, runNormal: true}; } if (options && options.value) { memoryFlag = options.value + "ValueOption"; return cb(); } else if (options && options.fn) { options.fn("SetFunctionOption"); return cb(); } else if (options && options.runNormal) {[key] = value; return cb(null,[key]); } else if (optionsMapped) { return cb(); } return cb("Error No Options"); }; self.del = function(key, options, cb) { var optionsMapped = false; if (typeof options === "function") { cb = options; options = false; optionsMapped = true; } if (options && options.value) { memoryFlag = options.value + "ValueOption"; return cb(); } else if (options && options.fn) { options.fn("DeleteFunctionOption"); return cb(); } else if (options && options.runNormal) { delete[key]; return cb(null, ""); } else if (optionsMapped) { return cb(); } return cb("Error No Options"); }; return { create: function() { return self; } }; }; describe("Methods with options", function() { before(function() { key = support.random.string(20); value = support.random.string(20); }); describe("get with options", function() { var testInstance = caching.caching({store: testStore()}); var testCache; before(function() { testCache = caching.multi_caching([testInstance]); }); it("lets us pass options by value", function(done) { var options = {value: value}; testCache.get(key, options, function(err, response) { assert.equal(response, value + "ValueOption"); done(); }); }); it("lets us pass options by function", function(done) { var options = { fn: function(response) { assert.equal(response, "GetFunctionOption"); done(); } }; testCache.get(key, options, function(err, response) { assert.equal(response, "GetFunctionOption"); }); }); }); describe("set with options", function() { var testInstance = caching.caching({store: testStore()}); var testCache; var ttl = 60; before(function() { testCache = caching.multi_caching([testInstance]); }); it("lets us pass options by value", function(done) { var options = {ttl: ttl, value: value}; testCache.set(key, value, options, function() { assert.equal(memoryFlag, value + "ValueOption"); done(); }); }); it("lets us pass options by function", function(done) { var options = { ttl: ttl, fn: function(response) { assert.equal(response, "SetFunctionOption"); done(); } }; testCache.set(key, value, options, function() {}, options); }); }); describe("delete with options", function() { var testInstance = caching.caching({store: testStore()}); var testCache; before(function() { testCache = caching.multi_caching([testInstance]); }); it("lets us pass options by value", function(done) { var options = {value: value}; testCache.del(key, options, function() { assert.equal(memoryFlag,value + "ValueOption"); done(); }); }); it("lets us pass options by function", function(done) { var options = { fn: function(response) { assert.equal(response, "DeleteFunctionOption"); done(); } }; testCache.del(key, options, function() {}, options); }); }); }); describe("Multiple stores with options", function() { var testInstance = caching.caching({store: testStore()}); var memInstance = caching.caching({store: "memory"}); var testCache; var options = {runNormal: true}; var ttl = 1; before(function() { key = support.random.string(20); value = support.random.string(20); testCache = caching.multi_caching([testInstance, memInstance]); }); it("lets us pass options which only one store uses", function() { testCache.set(key, value, options, function(err) { check_err(err); testCache.get(key, options, function(err, response) { check_err(err); assert.equal(response, value); testCache.del(key, options, function(err) { check_err(err); testCache.get(key, options, function(err, response) { check_err(err); assert.equal(response, undefined); }); }); }); }); }); it("lets us not pass options which only one store uses", function() { testCache.set(key, value, ttl, function(err) { check_err(err); testCache.get(key, function(err, response) { check_err(err); assert.equal(response, value); testCache.del(key, function(err) { check_err(err); testCache.get(key, function(err, response) { check_err(err); assert.equal(response, undefined); }); }); }); }); }); });