// TODO: These are really a mix of unit and integration tests. var assert = require('assert'); var async = require('async'); var sinon = require('sinon'); var support = require('./support'); var check_err = support.check_err; var caching = require('../index').caching; var memory_store = require('../lib/stores/memory'); var methods = { get_widget: function(name, cb) { cb(null, {name: name}); } }; describe("caching", function() { var cache; var key; var ttl = 1; var name; var value; describe("get() and set()", function() { ['memory'].forEach(function(store) { context("using " + store + " store", function() { beforeEach(function() { cache = caching({store: store}); key = support.random.string(20); value = support.random.string(); }); it("lets us set and get data in cache", function(done) { cache.set(key, value, ttl, function(err) { check_err(err); cache.get(key, function(err, result) { assert.equal(result, value); done(); }); }); }); it("lets us set and get data without a callback", function(done) { cache.set(key, value, ttl); setTimeout(function() { var result = cache.get(key); assert.equal(result, value); done(); }, 20); }); it("lets us set and get data without a ttl or callback", function(done) { cache.set(key, value); setTimeout(function() { var result = cache.get(key); assert.equal(result, value); done(); }, 20); }); }); }); }); describe("del()", function() { ['memory'].forEach(function(store) { context("using " + store + " store", function() { beforeEach(function(done) { cache = caching({store: store}); key = support.random.string(20); value = support.random.string(); cache.set(key, value, ttl, function(err) { check_err(err); done(); }); }); it("deletes data from cache", function(done) { cache.get(key, function(err, result) { assert.equal(result, value); cache.del(key, function(err) { check_err(err); cache.get(key, function(err, result) { assert.ok(!result); done(); }); }); }); }); it("lets us delete data without a callback", function(done) { cache.get(key, function(err, result) { assert.equal(result, value); cache.del(key); setTimeout(function() { cache.get(key, function(err, result) { assert.ok(!result); done(); }); }, 20); }); }); }); }); }); describe("reset()", function() { var key2; var value2; beforeEach(function(done) { cache = caching({store: 'memory'}); key = support.random.string(20); value = support.random.string(); cache.set(key, value, ttl, function(err) { check_err(err); key2 = support.random.string(20); value2 = support.random.string(); cache.set(key2, value2, ttl, done); }); }); it("clears the cache", function(done) { cache.reset(function(err) { check_err(err); cache.get(key, function(err, result) { assert.ok(!result); cache.get(key2, function(err, result) { assert.ok(!result); done(); }); }); }); }); it("lets us clear the cache without a callback (memory store only)", function(done) { cache.reset(); setTimeout(function() { cache.get(key, function(err, result) { assert.ok(!result); cache.get(key2, function(err, result) { assert.ok(!result); done(); }); }); }, 10); }); context("when store has no del() method", function() { var fake_store; beforeEach(function() { fake_store = { get: function() {}, set: function() {}, }; }); it("it doesn't throw an error", function() { assert.doesNotThrow(function() { caching({store: fake_store}); }); }); }); }); describe("setex()", function() { var fake_store; beforeEach(function() { fake_store = { get: function() {}, set: function() {}, del: function() {}, setex: function() {} }; sinon.stub(fake_store, 'setex'); cache = caching({store: fake_store}); }); it("passes the params to the underlying store's setex() method", function() { cache.setex('foo', 'bar', 'blah'); assert.ok(fake_store.setex.calledWith('foo', 'bar', 'blah')); }); }); describe("keys()", function() { var key_count; var saved_keys = []; beforeEach(function(done) { key_count = 10; var processed = 0; cache = caching({store: 'memory'}); function is_done() { return processed === key_count; } async.until(is_done, function(cb) { processed += 1; key = support.random.string(20); saved_keys.push(key); value = support.random.string(); cache.set(key, value, ttl, cb); }, done); }); it("calls back with all keys in cache", function(done) { cache.keys(function(err, keys) { check_err(err); assert.deepEqual(keys.sort, saved_keys.sort); done(); }); }); it("lets us get the keys without a callback (memory store only)", function() { var keys = cache.keys(); assert.deepEqual(keys.sort, saved_keys.sort); }); }); describe("wrap()", function() { describe("using memory (lru-cache) store", function() { var memory_store_stub; beforeEach(function() { ttl = 0.1; memory_store_stub = memory_store.create({ttl: ttl}); sinon.stub(memory_store, 'create').returns(memory_store_stub); cache = caching({store: 'memory', ttl: ttl, ignoreCacheErrors: false}); key = support.random.string(20); name = support.random.string(); }); afterEach(function() { memory_store.create.restore(); }); context("calls back with the result of the wrapped function", function() { beforeEach(function() { sinon.spy(memory_store_stub, 'set'); }); afterEach(function() { memory_store_stub.set.restore(); }); it("when a ttl is passed in", function(done) { cache.wrap(key, function(cb) { methods.get_widget(name, cb); }, ttl, function(err, widget) { check_err(err); assert.deepEqual(widget, {name: name}); sinon.assert.calledWith(memory_store_stub.set, key, {name: name}, ttl); done(); }); }); it("when a ttl is not passed in", function(done) { cache.wrap(key, function(cb) { methods.get_widget(name, cb); }, function(err, widget) { check_err(err); assert.deepEqual(widget, {name: name}); sinon.assert.calledWith(memory_store_stub.set, key, {name: name}, undefined); done(); }); }); }); context("when result is already cached", function() { function get_cached_widget(name, cb) { cache.wrap(key, function(cache_cb) { methods.get_widget(name, cache_cb); }, ttl, cb); } beforeEach(function(done) { get_cached_widget(name, function(err, widget) { check_err(err); assert.ok(widget); memory_store_stub.get(key, function(err, result) { check_err(err); assert.ok(result); sinon.spy(memory_store_stub, 'get'); done(); }); }); }); afterEach(function() { memory_store_stub.get.restore(); }); it("retrieves data from cache", function(done) { var func_called = false; cache.wrap(key, function(cb) { methods.get_widget(name, function(err, result) { func_called = true; cb(err, result); }); }, ttl, function(err, widget) { check_err(err); assert.deepEqual(widget, {name: name}); assert.ok(memory_store_stub.get.calledWith(key)); assert.ok(!func_called); done(); }); }); }); it("lets us make nested calls", function(done) { function get_cached_widget(name, cb) { cache.wrap(key, function(cache_cb) { methods.get_widget(name, cache_cb); }, cb); } get_cached_widget(name, function(err, widget) { check_err(err); assert.equal(widget.name, name); get_cached_widget(name, function(err, widget) { check_err(err); assert.equal(widget.name, name); get_cached_widget(name, function(err, widget) { check_err(err); assert.equal(widget.name, name); done(); }); }); }); }); it("expires cached result after ttl seconds", function(done) { cache.wrap(key, function(cb) { methods.get_widget(name, cb); }, ttl, function(err, widget) { check_err(err); assert.deepEqual(widget, {name: name}); memory_store_stub.get(key, function(err, result) { check_err(err); assert.ok(result); var func_called = false; setTimeout(function() { cache.wrap(key, function(cb) { methods.get_widget(name, function(err, result) { func_called = true; cb(err, result); }); }, function(err, widget) { check_err(err); assert.ok(func_called); assert.deepEqual(widget, {name: name}); done(); }); }, (ttl * 1000 + 10)); }); }); }); context("when an error is thrown in the work function", function() { var fake_error; beforeEach(function() { fake_error = new Error(support.random.string()); }); it("bubbles up that error", function(done) { cache.wrap(key, function() { throw fake_error; }, ttl, function(err) { assert.equal(err, fake_error); done(); }); }); }); context("when store.get() calls back with an error", function() { context("and ignoreCacheErrors is not set (default is false)", function() { it("bubbles up that error", function(done) { var fake_error = new Error(support.random.string()); sinon.stub(memory_store_stub, 'get', function(key, options, cb) { cb(fake_error); }); cache.wrap(key, function(cb) { methods.get_widget(name, cb); }, ttl, function(err) { assert.equal(err, fake_error); memory_store_stub.get.restore(); done(); }); }); }); context("and ignoreCacheErrors is set to true", function() { it("does not bubble up that error", function(done) { cache = caching({store: 'memory', ttl: ttl, ignoreCacheErrors: true}); var fake_error = new Error(support.random.string()); sinon.stub(memory_store_stub, 'get', function(key, options, cb) { cb(fake_error); }); cache.wrap(key, function(cb) { methods.get_widget(name, cb); }, ttl, function(err) { assert.equal(err, null); memory_store_stub.get.restore(); done(); }); }); }); }); context("when store.set() calls back with an error", function() { context("and ignoreCacheErrors is not set", function() { it("bubbles up that error", function(done) { var fake_error = new Error(support.random.string()); sinon.stub(memory_store_stub, 'set', function(key, val, ttl, cb) { cb(fake_error); }); cache.wrap(key, function(cb) { methods.get_widget(name, cb); }, ttl, function(err) { assert.equal(err, fake_error); memory_store_stub.set.restore(); done(); }); }); }); context("and ignoreCacheErrors is set to true", function() { it("does not bubbles up that error", function(done) { cache = caching({store: 'memory', ttl: ttl, ignoreCacheErrors: true}); var fake_error = new Error(support.random.string()); sinon.stub(memory_store_stub, 'set', function(key, val, ttl, cb) { cb(fake_error); }); cache.wrap(key, function(cb) { methods.get_widget(name, cb); }, ttl, function(err) { assert.equal(err, null); memory_store_stub.set.restore(); done(); }); }); }); }); context("when wrapped function calls back with an error", function() { it("calls back with that error", function(done) { var fake_error = new Error(support.random.string()); sinon.stub(methods, 'get_widget', function(name, cb) { cb(fake_error, {name: name}); }); cache.wrap(key, function(cb) { methods.get_widget(name, cb); }, ttl, function(err, widget) { methods.get_widget.restore(); assert.equal(err, fake_error); assert.ok(!widget); done(); }); }); }); }); describe("when called multiple times in parallel with same key", function() { var construct; beforeEach(function() { cache = caching({ store: 'memory', max: 50, ttl: 5 * 60 }); construct = sinon.spy(function(val, cb) { var timeout = support.random.number(100); setTimeout(function() { cb(null, 'value'); }, timeout); }); }); it("calls the wrapped function once", function(done) { var values = []; for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) { values.push(i); } async.each(values, function(val, async_cb) { cache.wrap('key', function(cb) { construct(val, cb); }, ttl, function(err, result) { assert.equal(result, 'value'); async_cb(err); }); }, function(err) { check_err(err); assert.equal(construct.callCount, 1); done(); }); }); }); }); describe("instantiating with no store passed in", function() { it("defaults to 'memory' store", function() { var cache = caching(); assert.equal(cache.store.name, 'memory'); }); }); describe("instantiating with custom store", function() { it("allows us to pass in our own store object", function(done) { var store = memory_store.create({ttl: ttl}); cache = caching({store: store}); cache.set(key, value, ttl, function(err) { check_err(err); cache.get(key, function(err, result) { assert.equal(result, value); done(); }); }); }); it("allows us to pass in a path to our own store", function(done) { var store_path = '../lib/stores/memory'; cache = caching({store: store_path}); cache.set(key, value, ttl, function(err) { check_err(err); cache.get(key, function(err, result) { assert.equal(result, value); done(); }); }); }); it("allows us to pass in a module (uninstantiated)", function(done) { var store = memory_store; cache = caching({store: store}); cache.set(key, value, ttl, function(err) { check_err(err); cache.get(key, function(err, result) { assert.equal(result, value); done(); }); }); }); }); });