Unless previously installed you'll _need___Cairo__ and __Pango__. For system-specific installation view the [Wiki](https://github.com/Automattic/node-canvas/wiki/_pages).
**El Capitan users:** If you have recently updated to El Capitan and are experiencing trouble when compiling, run the following command: `xcode-select --install`. Read more about the problem [on Stack Overflow](http://stackoverflow.com/a/32929012/148072).
node-canvas extends the canvas API to provide interfacing with node, for example streaming PNG data, converting to a `Buffer` instance, etc. Among the interfacing API, in some cases the drawing API has been extended for SSJS image manipulation / creation usage, however keep in mind these additions may fail to render properly within browsers.
node-canvas adds `Image#src=Buffer` support, allowing you to read images from disc, redis, etc and apply them via `ctx.drawImage()`. Below we draw scaled down squid png by reading it from the disk with node's I/O.
node-canvas adds `Image#dataMode` support, which can be used to opt-in to mime data tracking of images (currently only JPEGs).
When mime data is tracked, in PDF mode JPEGs can be embedded directly into the output, rather than being re-encoded into PNG. This can drastically reduce filesize, and speed up rendering.
var img = new Image;
img.dataMode = Image.MODE_IMAGE; // Only image data tracked
img.dataMode = Image.MODE_MIME; // Only mime data tracked
img.dataMode = Image.MODE_MIME | Image.MODE_IMAGE; // Both are tracked
If image data is not tracked, and the Image is drawn to an image rather than a PDF canvas, the output will be junk. Enabling mime data tracking has no benefits (only a slow down) unless you are generating a PDF.
To create a `PNGStream` simply call `canvas.pngStream()`, and the stream will start to emit _data_ events, finally emitting _end_ when finished. If an exception occurs the _error_ event is emitted.
Currently _only_ sync streaming is supported, however we plan on supporting async streaming as well (of course :) ). Until then the `Canvas#toBuffer(callback)` alternative is async utilizing `eio_custom()`.
It can be useful to use a custom font file if you are distributing code that uses node-canvas and a specific font. Or perhaps you are using it to do automated tests and you want the renderings to be the same across operating systems regardless of what fonts they have installed.
To do that, you should use `Canvas#registerFont`.
**You need to call it before the Canvas is created**
var canvas = new Canvas(500, 500),
ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
ctx.font = '12px "Comic Sans"';
ctx.fillText(250, 10, 'Everyone hates this font :(');
Can be either `path` or `glyph`. Using `glyph` is much faster than `path` for drawing, and when using a PDF context will embed the text natively, so will be selectable and lower filesize. The downside is that cairo does not have any subpixel precision for `glyph`, so this will be noticeably lower quality for text positioning in cases such as rotated text. Also, strokeText in `glyph` will act the same as fillText, except using the stroke style for the fill.
Basic PDF support was added in 0.11.0. Make sure to install cairo with `--enable-pdf=yes` for the PDF backend. node-canvas must know that it is creating
Although node-canvas is extremely new, and we have not even begun optimization yet it is already quite fast. For benchmarks vs other node canvas implementations view this [gist](https://gist.github.com/664922), or update the submodules and run `$ make benchmark` yourself.
Want to contribute to node-canvas? patches for features, bug fixes, documentation, examples and others are certainly welcome. Take a look at the [issue queue](https://github.com/Automattic/node-canvas/issues) for existing issues.
Examples are placed in _./examples_, be sure to check them out! most produce a png image of the same name, and others such as _live-clock.js_ launch an http server to be viewed in the browser.