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11 years ago
1.1.5 / 2014-06-26
* Readme: remove Contributors section
* Readme: update copyright
* On Windows, copy required DLLs next to ".node" file (#442 @pandell)
* Duplicate "msvc_settings" for "Debug" configuration
* Remove unneeded #include <nan.h>
* Use float constants to prevent double->float conversion warning
* Ignore Visual C++ 2013 warnings (#441 @pandell)
* Add algorithm include to for std::min (#435 @kkoopa)
* Updated NAN to 1.2.0 (#434 @kkoopa)
11 years ago
1.1.4 / 2014-06-08
* Fix compile error with Visual C++
* Add support for the lineDash API
* Update NAN
* New V8 compatibility
* Correctly limit bounds in PutImageData to prevent segment fault
* Fix segfault when onload and onerror are not function
* Add support for Node 0.11.9
11 years ago
1.1.3 / 2014-01-08
* Readjust the amount of allocated memory
* Fix argument index for filter parameter
* Make work properly on Debian 64bit
12 years ago
1.1.2 / 2013-10-31
* NAN dep upgrade, full node@<=0.11.8 compatibility
* Use node::MakeCallback() instead of v8::Function::Call()
* Improve nan location discovery
* Fix enabling gif/jpeg options on Ubuntu 13.04
15 years ago
12 years ago
1.1.1 / 2013-10-09
12 years ago
12 years ago
* add better support for outdated versions of Cairo
1.1.0 / 2013-08-01
* add png compression options
* add jpeg stream progressive mode option
12 years ago
* fix resource leaks on read errors
12 years ago
1.0.4 / 2013-07-23
12 years ago
* 0.11.4+ compatibility using NAN
* fix typo in context2d for imageSmoothingEnabled
12 years ago
1.0.3 / 2013-06-04
12 years ago
* add "nearest" and "bilinear" to patternQuality
* fix fread() retval check (items not bytes)
* removed unneeded private fields
12 years ago
1.0.2 / 2013-03-22
12 years ago
* add Context2d#imageSmoothingEnabled=
12 years ago
1.0.1 / 2013-02-25
12 years ago
* travis: test modern node versions
* change the node-gyp build to use pkg-config
12 years ago
1.0.0 / 2013-01-16
* add conditional pango font support [Julian Viereck]
* add `Canvas#{png,jpeg}Stream()` alias of create* legacy methods
* add support for grayscale JPEGs
* fix: explicitly cast the after work callback function to "uv_after_work_cb"
* fix test server for express 3.x
* fix: call cairo_surface_finish in ~Canvas when pdf
* remove old 0.4.x binding support. Closes #197
0.13.1 / 2012-08-20
13 years ago
* fix cases where GIF_LIB_VERSION is not defined
* fix auto-detection of optional libraries for OS X
* fix Context2d::SetFont for pango when setting normal weight/style
12 years ago
0.13.0 / 2012-08-12
13 years ago
* add pango support [c-spencer]
* add pango / png / jpeg gyp auto-detection [c-spencer]
* add `.gifVersion` [tootallnate]
* add `.jpegVersion` [tootallnate]
* add moar gyp stuff [tootallnate]
* remove wscript
* fix `closure_destroy()` with cast for `AdjustAmountOfExternalAllocatedMemory()`
12 years ago
0.12.1 / 2012-06-29
13 years ago
* fix jpeg malloc Image issue. Closes #160 [c-spencer]
* Improve Image mode API
* Add clearData method to handle reassignment of src, and clean up mime data memory handling.
* Improve how _data_len is managed and use to adjust memory, hide more of mime API behind cairo version conditional.
* Add optional mime-data tracking to Image.
* Refactor JPEG decoding into decodeJPEGIntoSurface
12 years ago
0.12.0 / 2012-05-02
13 years ago
* Added `textDrawingMode` context property [c-spencer]
* Added additional TextMetrics properties [c-spencer]
12 years ago
0.11.3 / 2012-04-25
13 years ago
* Fixed `Image` memory leak. Closes #150
* Fixed Context2d::hasShadow()
12 years ago
0.11.2 / 2012-04-12
13 years ago
* Fixed: pdf memory leak, free closure and surface in ~Canvas
12 years ago
0.11.1 / 2012-04-10
13 years ago
* Changed: renamed .nextPage() to .addPage()
12 years ago
0.11.0 / 2012-04-10
13 years ago
* Added quick PDF support
* Added `Canvas#type` getter
* Added ./examples/pdf-images.js
* Added ./examples/multiple-page-pdf.js
* Added ./examples/small-pdf.js
12 years ago
0.10.3 / 2012-02-27
13 years ago
* Fixed quadratic curve starting point for undefined path. Closes #155
12 years ago
0.10.2 / 2012-02-06
13 years ago
* Fixed: Context2d setters with invalid values ignored
* Changed: replaced seek with `fstat()`
12 years ago
0.10.1 / 2012-01-31
13 years ago
* Added _/opt/local/lib_ to wscript [obarthel]
* Added bounds checking to `rgba_to_string()` [obarthel]
* Fixed cleanup in JPEG Image loading [obarthel]
* Fixed missing CSS color table values [obarthel]
12 years ago
0.10.0 / 2012-01-18
13 years ago
* Added `ctx.createPattern()` [slaskis]
12 years ago
0.9.0 / 2012-01-13
13 years ago
* Added `createJPEGStream()` [Elijah Hamovitz]
12 years ago
0.8.3 / 2012-01-04
13 years ago
* Added support for libjpeg62-dev or libjpeg8-dev [wwlinx]
12 years ago
0.8.2 / 2011-12-14
13 years ago
* Fixed two memory leaks in context2d [Tharit]
* Fixed `make test-server`
12 years ago
0.8.1 / 2011-10-31
14 years ago
* Added 0.5.x support [TooTallNate]
* Fixed `measureText().width`. Closes #126
12 years ago
0.8.0 / 2011-10-28
14 years ago
* Added data uri support. Closes #49
12 years ago
0.7.3 / 2011-09-14
14 years ago
* Added better lineTo() / moveTo() exception messages
12 years ago
0.7.2 / 2011-08-30
14 years ago
* Changed: prefix some private methods with _
12 years ago
0.7.1 / 2011-08-25
14 years ago
* Added better image format detection
* Added libpath options to waf configuration; this was necessary to correctly detect gif and jpeg support on FreeBSD
12 years ago
0.7.0 / 2011-07-12
14 years ago
* Added GIF support [Brian McKinney]
12 years ago
0.6.0 / 2011-06-04
14 years ago
* Added `Image#src=Buffer` support. Closes #91
* Added `devDependencies`
* Added `source-atop` test
* Added _image-src.js_ example
* Removed `V8::AdjustAmountOfExternalAllocatedMemory()` call from `toBuffer()`
* Fixed v8 memory hint when resizing canvas [atomizer]
12 years ago
0.5.4 / 2011-04-20
14 years ago
* Added; special case of zero-width rectangle [atomizer]
* Fixed; do not clamp arguments to integer values [atomizer]
* Fixed; preserve current path during `fillRect()` and `strokeRect()` [atomizer]
* Fixed; `restorePath()`: clear current path before appending [atomizer]
12 years ago
0.5.3 / 2011-04-11
14 years ago
* Clamp image bounds in `PixelArray::PixelArray()` [Marcello Bastea-Forte]
12 years ago
0.5.2 / 2011-04-09
14 years ago
* Changed; make `PNGStream` a real `Stream` [Marcello Bastea-Forte]
12 years ago
0.5.1 / 2011-03-16
14 years ago
* Fixed (kinda) `img.src=` error handling
* Fixed; move closure.h down for malloc ref. Closes #80
12 years ago
0.5.0 / 2011-03-14
14 years ago
* Added several more operators (color-dodge, color-burn, difference, etc)
* Performance; no longer re-allocating `closure->data` for each png write
* Fixed freeing of `Context2d` states
* Fixed text alignment / baseline [Olaf]
* Fixed HandleScopes [Olaf]
* Fixed small misc memory leaks
12 years ago
* Fixed `Buffer` usage for node 0.4.x
0.4.3 / 2011-01-11
14 years ago
* Fixed font family dereferencing. Closes #72
* Fixed; stripping of quotes from font-family before applying
* Fixed duplicate textAlign getter
* Removed sans-serif default of _Arial_
12 years ago
0.4.2 / 2010-12-28
14 years ago
* Fixed font size growing issue after successive calls. Closes #70
12 years ago
0.4.1 / 2010-12-18
14 years ago
* Fixed; toString() first argument of `{fill,stroke}Text()`. Closes #68
12 years ago
0.4.0 / 2010-12-12
14 years ago
* Added `drawImage()` with `Canvas` instance support. Closes #67
12 years ago
0.3.3 / 2010-11-30
14 years ago
* Added `CanvasRenderingContext2d#patternQuality` accessor, accepting _fast_, _good_, and _best_
* Fixed; pre-multiply `putImageData()` components
* Fixed; `PixelArray` data is not premultiplied
12 years ago
0.3.2 / 2010-11-26
14 years ago
* Added --profile option to config
* Fixed `eio_custom` segfault(s). Closes #46
* Fixed two named colors. Closes #62 [thanks noonat]
* Fixed a few warnings
* Fixed; freeing data in `Image::loadJPEG()` on failure
* Fixed; include _jpeglib_ only when __HAVE_JPEG__
* Fixed; using `strstr()` instead of `strnstr()`
12 years ago
0.3.1 / 2010-11-24
14 years ago
* Fixed; `Image` loading is sync until race-condition is resolved
* Fixed; `Image::loadJPEG()` return status based on errno
12 years ago
0.3.0 / 2010-11-24
14 years ago
* Added arcTo(). Closes #11
12 years ago
* Added c color parser, _./examples/ray.js_ is now twice as fast
14 years ago
* Fixed `putImageData()` bug messing up rgba channels
12 years ago
0.2.1 / 2010-11-19
14 years ago
* Added image _resize_ example
* Fixed canvas resizing via `{width,height}=`. Closes #57
* Fixed `Canvas#getContext()`, caching the CanvasRenderingContext
* Fixed async image loading (test server still messed)
12 years ago
0.2.0 / 2010-11-18
14 years ago
* Added jpeg `Image` support (when libjpeg is available)
* Added _hsl_ / _hsla_ color support. [Tom Carden]
12 years ago
0.1.0 / 2010-11-17
14 years ago
* Added `Image`
* Added `ImageData`
* Added `PixelArray`
* Added `CanvasRenderingContext2d#drawImage()`
* Added `CanvasRenderingContext2d#getImageData()`
* Added `CanvasRenderingContext2d#createImageData()`
* Added kraken blur benchmark example
* Added several new tests
* Fixed instanceof checks for many c++ methods
* Fixed test runner in firefox [Don Park]
12 years ago
0.0.8 / 2010-11-12
15 years ago
* Added `CanvasRenderingContext2d#drawImage()`
* Fixed `free()` call missing stdlib
* Fixed Image#{width,height} initialization to 0
* Fixed; load image on non-LOADING state
12 years ago
0.0.7 / 2010-11-12
15 years ago
* Fixed _lighter_ for older versions of cairo
12 years ago
0.0.6 / 2010-11-12
15 years ago
* Added `Image`
* Added conditional support for cairo 1.10.0 operators
12 years ago
0.0.5 / 2010-11-10
15 years ago
* Added custom port support to _test/server.js_
* Added more global composite operator support
* Added `Context2d#antialias=`
* Added _voronoi_ example
* Added -D__NDEBUG__ to default build
* Added __BUFFER_DATA__ macro for backwards compat buffer data access [Don Park]
* Fixed getter bug preventing patterns from being returned via `fillStyle` etc
* Fixed; __CAIRO_STATUS_NO_MEMORY___ on failed {re,m}alloc()
* Fixed; free `Canvas::ToBuffer()` closure data
12 years ago
0.0.4 / 2010-11-09
15 years ago
* Bump to fix npm engine cache bug...
12 years ago
0.0.3 / 2010-11-09
15 years ago
* Added async `toDataURL()` support
* Added async `toBuffer()` support
* Removed buffer utils
12 years ago
0.0.2 / 2010-11-08
15 years ago
* Added shadow support (faster/better gaussian blur to come)
* Added node v0.3 support [Don Park]
* Added -O3 to build
* Removed `Canvas#savePNG()` use `Canvas#createPNGStream()`
12 years ago
0.0.1 / 2010-11-04
15 years ago
12 years ago
* Initial release