node-canvas extends the canvas API to provide interfacing with node, for example streaming PNG data, converting to a `Buffer` instance, etc. Among the interfacing API, in some cases the drawing API has been extended for SSJS image manipulation / creation usage, however keep in mind these additions may fail to render properly within browsers.
node-canvas adds `Image#src=Buffer` support, allowing you to read images from disc, redis, etc and apply them via `ctx.drawImage()`. Below we draw scaled down squid png by reading it from the disk with node's I/O.
node-canvas adds `Image#dataMode` support, which can be used to opt-in to mime data tracking of images (currently only JPEGs).
When mime data is tracked, in PDF mode JPEGs can be embedded directly into the output, rather than being re-encoded into PNG. This can drastically reduce filesize, and speed up rendering.
var img = new Image;
img.dataMode = Image.MODE_IMAGE; // Only image data tracked
img.dataMode = Image.MODE_MIME; // Only mime data tracked
img.dataMode = Image.MODE_MIME | Image.MODE_IMAGE; // Both are tracked
If image data is not tracked, and the Image is drawn to an image rather than a PDF canvas, the output will be junk. Enabling mime data tracking has no benefits (only a slow down) unless you are generating a PDF.
To create a `PNGStream` simply call `canvas.pngStream()`, and the stream will start to emit _data_ events, finally emitting _end_ when finished. If an exception occurs the _error_ event is emitted.
Currently _only_ sync streaming is supported, however we plan on supporting async streaming as well (of course :) ). Until then the `Canvas#toBuffer(callback)` alternative is async utilizing `eio_custom()`.
Can be either `path` or `glyph`. Using `glyph` is much faster than `path` for drawing, and when using a PDF context will embed the text natively, so will be selectable and lower filesize. The downside is that cairo does not have any subpixel precision for `glyph`, so this will be noticeably lower quality for text positioning in cases such as rotated text. Also, strokeText in `glyph` will act the same as fillText, except using the stroke style for the fill.
Basic PDF support was added in 0.11.0. Make sure to install cairo with `--enable-pdf=yes` for the PDF backend. node-canvas must know that it is creating
Although node-canvas is extremely new, and we have not even begun optimization yet it is already quite fast. For benchmarks vs other node canvas implementations view this [gist](, or update the submodules and run `$ make benchmark` yourself.
Want to contribute to node-canvas? patches for features, bug fixes, documentation, examples and others are certainly welcome. Take a look at the [issue queue]( for existing issues.
Examples are placed in _./examples_, be sure to check them out! most produce a png image of the same name, and others such as _live-clock.js_ launch an http server to be viewed in the browser.