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* Canvas - Context2d
* Copyright (c) 2010 LearnBoost <tj@learnboost.com>
* MIT Licensed
* Module dependencies.
var canvas = require('../build/default/canvas')
, Context2d = canvas.CanvasRenderingContext2d
, CanvasGradient = canvas.CanvasGradient
, ImageData = canvas.ImageData
, PixelArray = canvas.CanvasPixelArray;
* Export `Context2d` as the module.
var Context2d = exports = module.exports = Context2d;
* Cache color string RGBA values.
var cache = {};
* Text baselines.
var baselines = ['alphabetic', 'top', 'bottom', 'middle', 'ideographic', 'hanging'];
* Font RegExp helpers.
var weights = 'normal|bold|bolder|lighter|[1-9]00'
, styles = 'normal|italic|oblique'
, units = 'px|pt|pc|in|cm|mm|%'
, string = '\'([^\']+)\'|"([^"]+)"|[\\w-]+';
* Font parser RegExp;
var fontre = new RegExp('^ *'
+ '(?:(' + weights + ') *)?'
+ '(?:(' + styles + ') *)?'
+ '([\\d\\.]+)(' + units + ') *'
+ '((?:' + string + ')( *, *(?:' + string + '))*)'
* Parse font `str`.
* @param {String} str
* @return {Object}
* @api private
var parseFont = exports.parseFont = function(str){
var font = {}
, captures = fontre.exec(str);
// Invalid
if (!captures) return;
// Cached
if (cache[str]) return cache[str];
// Populate font object
font.weight = captures[1] || 'normal';
font.style = captures[2] || 'normal';
font.size = parseFloat(captures[3]);
font.unit = captures[4];
14 years ago
font.family = captures[5].replace(/["']/g, '');
// TODO: dpi
// TODO: remaining unit conversion
switch (font.unit) {
case 'pt':
font.size /= .75;
case 'in':
font.size *= 96;
case 'mm':
font.size *= 96.0 / 25.4;
case 'cm':
font.size *= 96.0 / 2.54;
return cache[str] = font;
* Create a linear gradient at the given point `(x0, y0)` and `(x1, y1)`.
* @param {Number} x0
* @param {Number} y0
* @param {Number} x1
* @param {Number} y1
* @return {CanvasGradient}
* @api public
Context2d.prototype.createLinearGradient = function(x0, y0, x1, y1){
return new CanvasGradient(x0, y0, x1, y1);
* Create a radial gradient at the given point `(x0, y0)` and `(x1, y1)`
* and radius `r0` and `r1`.
* @param {Number} x0
* @param {Number} y0
* @param {Number} r0
* @param {Number} x1
* @param {Number} y1
* @param {Number} r1
* @return {CanvasGradient}
* @api public
Context2d.prototype.createRadialGradient = function(x0, y0, r0, x1, y1, r1){
return new CanvasGradient(x0, y0, r0, x1, y1, r1);
* Reset transform matrix to identity, then apply the given args.
* @param {...}
* @api public
Context2d.prototype.setTransform = function(){
this.transform.apply(this, arguments);
* Set the fill style with the given css color string.
* @api public
Context2d.prototype.__defineSetter__('fillStyle', function(val){
if (val instanceof CanvasGradient) {
this.lastFillStyle = val;
} else if ('string' == typeof val) {
* Get previous fill style.
* @return {CanvasGradient|String}
* @api public
Context2d.prototype.__defineGetter__('fillStyle', function(){
return this.lastFillStyle || this.fillColor;
* Set the stroke style with the given css color string.
* @api public
Context2d.prototype.__defineSetter__('strokeStyle', function(val){
if (val instanceof CanvasGradient) {
this.lastStrokeStyle = val;
} else if ('string' == typeof val) {
* Get previous stroke style.
* @return {CanvasGradient|String}
* @api public
Context2d.prototype.__defineGetter__('strokeStyle', function(){
return this.lastStrokeStyle || this.strokeColor;
* Set font.
* @see exports.parseFont()
* @api public
Context2d.prototype.__defineSetter__('font', function(val){
if ('string' == typeof val) {
var font;
if (font = parseFont(val)) {
this.lastFontString = val;
, font.style
, font.size
, font.unit
, font.family);
* Get the current font.
* @api public
Context2d.prototype.__defineGetter__('font', function(){
return this.lastFontString || '10px sans-serif';
* Set text baseline.
* @api public
Context2d.prototype.__defineSetter__('textBaseline', function(val){
var n = baselines.indexOf(val);
if (~n) {
this.lastBaseline = val;
* Get the current baseline setting.
* @api public
Context2d.prototype.__defineGetter__('textBaseline', function(){
return this.lastBaseline || 'alphabetic';
* Set text alignment.
* @api public
Context2d.prototype.__defineSetter__('textAlign', function(val){
switch (val) {
case 'center':
this.lastTextAlignment = val;
case 'left':
case 'start':
this.lastTextAlignment = val;
case 'right':
case 'end':
this.lastTextAlignment = val;
* Get the current font.
* @see exports.parseFont()
* @api public
Context2d.prototype.__defineGetter__('textAlign', function(){
return this.lastTextAlignment || 'start';
* Get `ImageData` with the given rect.
* @param {Number} x
* @param {Number} y
* @param {Number} width
* @param {Number} height
* @return {ImageData}
* @api public
Context2d.prototype.getImageData = function(x, y, width, height){
var arr = new PixelArray(this.canvas, x, y, width, height);
return new ImageData(arr);
* Create `ImageData` with the given dimensions or
* `ImageData` instance for dimensions.
* @param {Number|ImageData} width
* @param {Number} height
* @return {ImageData}
* @api public
Context2d.prototype.createImageData = function(width, height){
if (width instanceof ImageData) {
height = width.height;
width = width.width;
return new ImageData(new PixelArray(width, height));