* Use default arguments when undefined arguments are passed.
* Throw TypeError on first invalid argument
* Accept a number 'encoderOptions' as the quality
* Fall through to image/png if an unsupported encoding is requested
* Return "data:," if the canvas has no pixels
* Lower-case the format before testing for support
Remove the undocumented 3rd argument of the emitters (bytes left in buffer).
Add a column to the browser tests that displays JPEGs.
Revise how buffers are allocated.
From "[WHATWG HTML Living Standard]
(https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/indices.html#event-load)", the definition of 'onload':
> Fired at the Window when the document has finished loading; fired at an
element containing a resource (e.g. img, embed) when its resource has finished
To adhere to that specification both handlers should be called as many times as Image loads.
From Google Chrome's Developer Tools:
> function handler(evt) { console.log('img handler: %s', evt.type); }
< undefined
> var img = document.createElement('img')
< undefined
> img.onload = handler
< handler(evt)
> img.onerror = handler
< handler(evt)
> img.src = 'https://www.google.com/images/errors/logo_sm_2.png'; true
< true
< img handler: load
> img.src = 'https://www.google.com/images/errors/logo_sm_2.png'; true
< true
< img handler: load
> img.src = 'https://example.com/404.png'; true
< true
< img handler: error
> img.src = 'https://example.com/404.png'; true
< true
< img handler: error
hsl() and hsla() color values are now supported, with corresponding unit tests.
Also added rebeccapurple (from CSS Color Level 4) to the named color list.
Described here:
The test images match on Chrome, but not on Firefox. It looks like
Firefox resets the lineDash to [] when given invalid parameters. My
reading of the spec agrees with Chrome.