Pfennig font family

This file provides detailed information on the Pfennig family of fonts.
This information should be distributed along with the Pfennig fonts and
any derivative works.

Basic Font Information

Pfennig is a sans-serif font with support for Latin, Cyrillic, Greek and Hebrew
character sets. It contains sufficient characters for Latin-0 through Latin-10,
as well as all modern Cyrillic scripts, the full Vietnamese range, modern Greek,
modern Hebrew, and the Pan-African Alphabet.  It supports the standard Roman
ligatures and uses OpenType tables for diacritic placement.

Pfennig supports the following Unicode ranges:

Range          Description            Coverage
U+0020-U+007F  Basic Latin            Full
U+00A0-U+00FF  Latin-1 Supplement     Full
U+0100-U+017F  Latin Extended-A       Full
U+0180-U+024F  Latin Extended-B       146/208
U+0250-U+02AF  IPA Extensions         32/96
U+02B0-U+02FF  Spacing Modifiers      18/80
U+0300-U+036F  Combining Diacritics   34/112
U+0370-U+03FF  Greek                  74/134
U+0400-U+04FF  Cyrillic               214/256
U+0500-U+052F  Cyrillic Supplement    14/44
U+0590-U+05FF  Hebrew                 27/87
U+1DC0-U+1DFF  Comb. Diacritic Supp.  4/43
U+1E00-U+1EFF  Latin Extended Add'l   173/256
U+2000-U+206F  General Punctuation    19/107
U+2070-U+209F  Super/Subscripts	      1/42
U+20A0-U+20CF  Currency Symbols       1/26 (Euro sign only)
U+2100-U+214F  Letterlike Symbols     2/80
U+2200-U+22FF  Mathematical Operators 2/256
U+25A0-U+25FF  Geometric Shapes       1/96 (Dotted circle only)
U+2C60-U+2C7F  Latin Extended-C       5/32
U+A720-U+A7FF  Latin Extended-D       5/129
U+FB00-U+FB06  Latin Ligatures        5/7 (all except archaic ligatures)


2012-04-10  Added Cyrillic glyphs for Orok, Khanty, Nenets (in Unicode
2012-04-07  Improved AE ligature and U+A78D; added a few glyphs with
2011-09-24  Added a few African Latin glyphs; improved Cyrillic breve; major
            spacing improvements in italics; improved TTF hints.
2010-08-31  Further refinements of Vietnamese range in all faces.
2010-08-04  Added several obscure African letters.  Corrected some stacked
            diacritics. Corrected proposed codepoint for H with hook.
2010-06-23  Added modern Hebrew and Greek ranges
2010-06-17  Added all anchors needed for diacritic attachment for
            Pan-African to upright fonts; italic fonts are by nature unsuitable
            for Pan-African due to stylistic clashes (e.g. between a and alpha).
            Improved lowercase thorn in all fonts. Added dropped umlaut on A, O
            and U in upright fonts, accessible as ss01.
2010-06-04  Finished up requirements for Pan-African Alphabet;
            improved Vietnamese italic & bold-italic
2010-04-23  Completed support for all Cyrillic codepoints for modern
2010-04-14  More glyphs: African, modern Pinyin, Amerindian
2010-04-12  Moved non-Unicode glyphs to PUA; added a few more African
2010-04-06  Diacritic improvement in Bold Vietnamese. Additional glyphs
            for Skolt Sami, the Pan-Nigerian Alphabet, and various other
            African languages.
2010-03-31  Further spacing enhancements in non-italic. Improvements in
            Vietnamese range in Medium to prevent excessive diacritic
            height. Spacing improvements in italic ligatures.
2009-09-18  Major overhaul of spacing in non-italic
2009-08-06  Added Vietnamese range.
2009-07-30  Kerned Latin ranges.
2009-07-29  Added Cyrillic range.
2009-07-24  Initial release

Information for Contributors

This font is licensed under the Open Font License (OFL).  There is no Reserved
Name clause for the Pfennig font, enabling the free conversion between font

You can read more about the OFL here:

If you'd like to make changes to the original font, you are free to contact
the author of the original font (for contact information, please see the
"Contributors" section below).  Glyph changes should be in a FontForge .sfd
file (please make sure your version of FontForge is reasonably up-to-date).
Please send *only* the changed glyphs, not the entire font range.  The author
reserves the right to reject or modify any contributions.  If your contribution
is accepted, your name will appear in the Contributors section (unless you
specify otherwise).


Daniel Johnson (font maintainer)
il.basso.buffo at gmail dot com