'use strict';
const common = require('../common');
const assert = require('assert');
const URLSearchParams = require('url').URLSearchParams;
const { test, assert_equals, assert_true } = require('../common/wpt');
/* The following tests are copied from WPT. Modifications to them should be
upstreamed first. Refs:
License: http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/2008/04-testsuite-copyright.html
/* eslint-disable */
test(function() {
var params = new URLSearchParams('a=b&c=d');
params.set('a', 'B');
assert_equals(params + '', 'a=B&c=d');
params = new URLSearchParams('a=b&c=d&a=e');
params.set('a', 'B');
assert_equals(params + '', 'a=B&c=d')
params.set('e', 'f');
assert_equals(params + '', 'a=B&c=d&e=f')
}, 'Set basics');
test(function() {
var params = new URLSearchParams('a=1&a=2&a=3');
assert_true(params.has('a'), 'Search params object has name "a"');
assert_equals(params.get('a'), '1', 'Search params object has name "a" with value "1"');
params.set('first', 4);
assert_true(params.has('a'), 'Search params object has name "a"');
assert_equals(params.get('a'), '1', 'Search params object has name "a" with value "1"');
params.set('a', 4);
assert_true(params.has('a'), 'Search params object has name "a"');
assert_equals(params.get('a'), '4', 'Search params object has name "a" with value "4"');
}, 'URLSearchParams.set');
/* eslint-enable */
// Tests below are not from WPT.
const params = new URLSearchParams();
assert.throws(() => {
}, common.expectsError({
type: TypeError,
message: 'Value of "this" must be of type URLSearchParams'
assert.throws(() => {
}, common.expectsError({
type: TypeError,
message: 'The "name" and "value" arguments must be specified'
const obj = {
toString() { throw new Error('toString'); },
valueOf() { throw new Error('valueOf'); }
const sym = Symbol();
assert.throws(() => params.append(obj, 'b'), /^Error: toString$/);
assert.throws(() => params.append('a', obj), /^Error: toString$/);
assert.throws(() => params.append(sym, 'b'),
/^TypeError: Cannot convert a Symbol value to a string$/);
assert.throws(() => params.append('a', sym),
/^TypeError: Cannot convert a Symbol value to a string$/);