<h1><ahref="../api/config.html">config</a></h1><p>Manage the npm configuration files</p>
<pre><code>npm.commands.config(args, callback)
var val = npm.config.get(key)
npm.config.set(key, val)</code></pre>
<p>This function acts much the same way as the command-line version. The first
element in the array tells config what to do. Possible values are:</p>
<ul><li><p><code>set</code></p><p>Sets a config parameter. The second element in <code>args</code> is interpreted as the
key, and the third element is interpreted as the value.</p></li><li><p><code>get</code></p><p>Gets the value of a config parameter. The second element in <code>args</code> is the
key to get the value of.</p></li><li><p><code>delete</code> (<code>rm</code> or <code>del</code>)</p><p>Deletes a parameter from the config. The second element in <code>args</code> is the
key to delete.</p></li><li><p><code>list</code> (<code>ls</code>)</p><p>Show all configs that aren't secret. No parameters necessary.</p></li><li><p><code>edit</code>:</p><p>Opens the config file in the default editor. This command isn't very useful