You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1721 lines
96 KiB

### v2.3.0 (2015-01-15):
* [`e662a60`](
The new `whoami` endpoint might not return a value.
* [`c2cccd4`](
`npm-registry-client@5.0.0`: Includes the following fine changes
* [`ba6b73e`](
Move `/whoami` endpoint out of the package namespace (to `/-/whoami`).
* [`3b174b7`](
[#93]( Registries based
on token-based auth can now offer starring.
* [`4701a29`](
Fix HTTP[S] connection keep-alive on Node 0.11 / io.js 1.0.
* [`98e1e10`](
[#6791]( Add caching based on
Last-Modified / If-Modified-Since headers. Includes this
`npm-registry-client@5.0.0` change ([@lxe](
* [`07bc335`](
[#86]( Add Last-Modified
/ If-Modified-Since cache header handling. ([@lxe](
* [`706d49a`](
[#7107]( `getCacheStat` passes a stub
stat on Windows. ([@rmg](
* [`5fce278`](
[#5267]( Use `%COMSPEC%` when set on
Windows. ([@edmorley](
* [`cc2e099`](
[#7083]( Ensure Git cache prefix
exists before repo clone on Windows.
* [`c6fb430`](
[#4197]( Report `umask` as a 0-padded
octal literal. ([@smikes](
* [`209713e`](
[#4197]( `umask@1.1.0`: Properly
handle `umask`s (i.e. not decimal numbers).
* [`9eac0a1`](
Make the example for bin links non-destructive.
* [`6338bcf`](
`glob@4.3.5`: " -> ', for some reason. ([@isaacs](
### v2.2.0 (2015-01-08):
* [`88c531d`](
[#7056]( version doesn't need a
package.json. ([@othiym23](
* [`2656c19`](
[#7095]( Link to npm website instead
of registry. ([@konklone](
* [`c76b801`](
[#7067]( Obfuscate secrets, including
nerfed URLs. ([@smikes](
* [`17f66ce`](
[#6849]( Explain the tag workflow more
clearly. ([@smikes](
* [`e309df6`](
[#7096]( Really, `npm update -g` is
almost always a terrible idea. ([@smikes](
* [`acf287d`](
[#6999]( `npm run-script env`: add a
new default script that will print out environment values.
* [`560c009`](
[#6745]( Document `npm update --dev`.
* [`226a677`](
[#7046]( We have never been the Node
package manager. ([@linclark](
* [`38eef22`](
`npm-install-checks@1.0.5`: Compatibility with npmlog@^1.
### v2.1.18 (2015-01-01):
* [`bf8640b`](
[#7044]( Document `.npmignore` syntax.
### v2.1.17 (2014-12-25):
merry npm xmas
Working with [@phated](, I discovered that npm still
had some lingering race conditions around how it handles Git dependencies. The
following changes were intended to remedy to these issues. Thanks to
[@phated]( for all his help getting to the bottom of
* [`bdf1c84`](
[#7006]( Only `chown` template and
top-level Git cache directories. ([@othiym23](
* [`581a72d`](
[#7006]( Map Git remote inflighting to
clone paths rather than Git URLs. ([@othiym23](
* [`1c48d08`](
[#7009]( `normalize-git-url@1.0.0`:
Normalize Git URLs while caching. ([@othiym23](
* [`5423cf0`](
[#7009]( Pack tarballs to their final
locations atomically. ([@othiym23](
* [`7f6557f`](
[#7009]( Inflight local directory
packing, just to be safe. ([@othiym23](
Other changes:
* [`1c491e6`](
[#6991]( `npm version`: fix regression
in dirty-checking behavior ([@rlidwka](
* [`55ceb2b`](
[#1991]( modify docs to reflect actual
`npm restart` behavior ([@smikes](
* [`fb8e31b`](
[#6982]( when doing registry
operations, ensure registry URL always ends with `/`
* [`5bcba65`](
pull whitelisted Git environment variables out into a named constant
* [`be04bbd`](
[#7000]( No longer install badly-named
manpage files, and log an error when trying to uninstall them.
* [`6b7c5ec`](
[#7011]( Send auth for tarball fetches
for packages in `npm-shrinkwrap.json` from private registries.
* [`9b9de06`](
`glob@4.3.2`: Better handling of trailing slashes.
* [`030f3c7`](
`semver@4.2.0`: Diffing between version strings.
### v2.1.16 (2014-12-22):
* [`a4e4e33`](
[#6987]( `read-installed@3.1.5`: fixed
a regression where a new / empty package would cause read-installed to throw.
([@othiym23]( /
### v2.1.15 (2014-12-18):
* [`e5a2dee`](
[#6951]( `fs-vacuum@1.2.5`: Use
`path-is-inside` for better Windows normalization.
* [`ac6167c`](
[#6955]( Call `path.normalize` in
`lib/utils/gently-rm.js` for better Windows normalization.
* [`c625d71`](
[#6964]( Clarify CA configuration
docs. ([@jeffjo](
* [`58b8cb5`](
[#6950]( Fix documentation typos.
* [`7c1299d`](
[#6909]( Remove confusing mention of
rubygems `~>` semver operator. ([@mjtko](
* [`7dfdcc6`](
[#6909]( `semver@4.1.1`: Synchronize
documentation with PR [#6909](
* [`adfddf3`](
[#6925]( Correct typo in
`doc/api/` ([@oddurs](
* [`f5c534b`](
[#6920]( Remove recommendation to run
as root from ``.
* [`3ef4459`](
[#6920]( `` has
gone the way of all things. That means it's gone.
### v2.1.14 (2014-12-13):
* [`cf7aeae`](
[#6923]( Overaggressive link update
for new website broke node-gyp. ([@othiym23](
### v2.1.13 (2014-12-11):
* [`cbb890e`](
[#6897]( npm is a nice package manager
that runs server-side JavaScript. ([@othiym23](
* [`d9043c3`](
[#6893]( Remove erroneous docs about
preupdate / update / postupdate lifecycle scripts, which have never existed.
* [`c5df4d0`](
[#6884]( Update to
in docs. ([@linclark](
* [`cb6ff8d`](
[#6879]( npm version: Update
shrinkwrap post-check. ([@othiym23](
* [`2a340bd`](
[#6868]( Use magic numbers instead of
regexps to distinguish tarballs from other things.
* [`f1c8bdb`](
[#6861]( `npm-registry-client@4.0.5`:
Distinguish between error properties that are part of the response and error
strings that should be returned to the user.
* [`d3a1b63`](
[#6762]( Make `npm outdated` ignore
private packages. ([@KenanY](
* [`16d8542`]( Drop support for node < 0.8, remove engines bits.
* [`b9c6046`](
`init-package-json@1.1.3`: ([@terinstock](
noticed that `init.license` configuration doesn't stick. Make sure that
dashed defaults don't trump dotted parameters.
* [`b6d6acf`](
`which@1.0.8`: No longer use graceful-fs for some reason.
* [`d39f673`](
`request@2.51.0`: Incorporate bug fixes. ([@nylen](
* [`c7ad727`](
`columnify@1.3.2`: Incorporate bug fixes.
### v2.1.12 (2014-12-04):
* [`e5b1e44`](
add alias verison=version ([@isaacs](
* [`5eed7bd`](
`request@2.49.0` ([@nylen](
* [`e72f81d`](
`glob@4.3.1` / `minimatch@2.0.1` ([@isaacs](
* [`b8dcc36`](
`graceful-fs@3.0.5` ([@isaacs](
### v2.1.11 (2014-11-27):
* [`4861d28`](
`which@1.0.7`: License update. ([@isaacs](
* [`30a2ea8`](
`ini@1.3.2`: License update. ([@isaacs](
* [`6a4ea05`](
`fstream@1.0.3`: Propagate error events to downstream streams.
* [`a558695`](
`tar@1.0.3`: Don't extract broken files, propagate `drain` event.
* [`989624e`](
[#6767]( Actually pass parameters when
adding git repo to cach under Windows.
* [`657af73`](
[#6774]( When verifying paths on
unbuild, resolve both source and target as symlinks.
* [`fd19c40`](
`realize-package-specifier@1.3.0`: Make it so that `npm install foo@1` work
when a file named `1` exists. ([@iarna](
* [`c8ac37a`](
`npm-registry-client@4.0.4`: Fix regression in failed fetch retries.
### v2.1.10 (2014-11-20):
* [`756f3d4`](
[#6735]( Log "already built" messages
at info, not error. ([@smikes](
* [`1b7330d`](
[#6729]( `npm-registry-client@4.0.3`:
GitHub won't redirect you through an HTML page to a compressed tarball if you
don't tell it you accept JSON responses.
* [`d9c7857`](
`readdir-scoped-modules@1.0.1`: Use `graceful-fs` so the whole dependency
tree gets read, even in case of `EMFILE`.
* [`3a085be`](
Grammar fix in docs. ([@icylace](
* [`3f8e2ff`](
Did you know that npm has a Code of Conduct? Add a link to it to ([@isaacs](
* [`319ccf6`](
`glob@4.2.1`: Performance tuning. ([@isaacs](
* [`835f046`](
`readable-stream@1.0.33`: Bug fixes. ([@rvagg](
* [`a34c38d`](
`request@2.48.0`: Bug fixes. ([@nylen](
### v2.1.9 (2014-11-13):
* [`eed9f61`](
[#6542]( `npm owner add / remove` now
works properly with scoped packages
* [`cd25973`](
[#6548]( using sudo won't leave the
cache's git directories with bad permissions
* [`56930ab`](
fixed irregular `npm cache ls` output (yes, that's a thing)
* [`740f483`](
legacy tests no longer poison user's own cache
* [`ce37f14`](
[#6169]( add terse output similar to
`npm publish / unpublish` for `npm owner add / remove`
* [`bf2b8a6`](
[#6680]( pass auth credentials to
registry when downloading search index
* [`00ecb61`](
[#6400]( `.npmignore` is respected for
git repos on cache / pack / publish
* [`d1b3a9e`](
[#6311]( `npm ls -l --depth=0` no
longer prints phantom duplicate children
* [`07c5f34`](
[#6690]( `uid-number@0.0.6`: clarify
confusing names in error-handling code ([@isaacs](
* [`1ac9be9`](
[#6684]( `npm init`: don't report
write if canceled ([@smikes](
* [`7bb207d`](
[#5754]( never remove app directories
on failed install ([@othiym23](
* [`705ce60`](
[#5754]( `fs-vacuum@1.2.2`: don't
throw when another fs task writes to a directory being vacuumed
* [`1b650f4`](
[#6255]( ensure that order credentials
are used from `.npmrc` doesn't regress
* [`9bb2c34`](
[#6644]( `warn` rather than `info` on
fetch failure ([@othiym23](
* [`e34a7b6`](
[#6524]( `npm-registry-client@4.0.2`:
proxy via `request` more transparently
* [`40afd6a`](
[#6524]( push proxy settings into
`request` ([@tauren](
### v2.1.8 (2014-11-06):
* [`063d843`](
npm version now updates version in npm-shrinkwrap.json
* [`3f53cd7`](
[#6559]( save local dependencies in
npm-shrinkwrap.json ([@Torsph](
* [`e249262`]( mention scoped pkgs in namespace Q
* [`6b06ec4`](
[#6642]( `init-package-json@1.1.2`:
Handle both `init-author-name` and ``.
* [`9cb334c`](
[#6409]( document commit-ish with
GitHub URLs ([@smikes](
* [`0aefae9`](
[#2959]( npm run no longer fails
silently ([@flipside](
* [`e007a2c`](
[#3908]( include command in spawn
errors ([@smikes](
### v2.1.7 (2014-10-30):
* [`6750b05`](
[#6398]( `npm-registry-client@4.0.0`:
consistent API, handle relative registry paths, use auth more consistently
* [`7719cfd`](
[#6560]( use new npm-registry-client
API ([@othiym23](
* [`ed61971`](
move caching of search metadata from `npm-registry-client` to npm itself
* [`3457041`](
handle caching of metadata independently from `npm-registry-client`
* [`20a331c`](
[#6538]( map registry URLs to
credentials more safely ([@indexzero](
* [`4072e97`](
[#6589]( `npm-registry-client@4.0.1`:
allow publishing of packages with names identical to built-in Node modules
* [`254f0e4`](
`tar@1.0.2`: better error-handling ([@runk](
* [`73ee2aa`](
`request@2.47.0` ([@mikeal](
### v2.1.6 (2014-10-23):
* [`681b398`](
[#6523]( fix default `logelevel` doc
* [`80b368f`](
[#6528]( `npm version` should work in
a git directory without git ([@terinjokes](
* [`5f5f9e4`](
[#6483]( `init-package-json@1.1.1`:
Properly pick up default values from environment variables.
* [`a114870`](
perl 5.18.x doesn't like -pi without filenames
* [`de5ba00`](
`request@2.46.0`: Tests and cleanup.
* [`76933f1`](
`fstream-npm@1.0.1`: Always include `LICENSE[.*]`, `LICENCE[.*]`,
`CHANGES[.*]`, `CHANGELOG[.*]`, and `HISTORY[.*]`.
### v2.1.5 (2014-10-16):
* [`6a14b23`](
[#6397]( Defactor npmconf back into
npm. ([@othiym23](
* [`4000e33`](
[#6323]( Install `peerDependencies`
from top. ([@othiym23](
* [`5d119ae`](
[#6498]( Better error messages on
malformed `.npmrc` properties. ([@nicks](
* [`ae18efb`](
[#6093]( Replace instances of 'hash'
with 'object' in documentation. ([@zeke](
* [`53108b2`](
[#1558]( Clarify how local paths
should be used. ([@KenanY](
* [`344fa1a`](
[#6488]( Work around bug in marked.
* [`60c2942`](
`realize-package-specifier@1.2.0`: Handle names and rawSpecs more
consistently. ([@iarna](
* [`1b5c95f`](
`sha@1.3.0`: Change line endings?
* [`d7dee3f`](
`request@2.45.0`: Dependency updates, better proxy support, better compressed
response handling, lots of 'use strict'.
* [`3d75180`](
`opener@1.4.0`: Added gratuitous return.
* [`8e2703f`](
`retry@0.6.1` / `npm-registry-client@3.2.4`: Change of ownership.
* [`c87b00f`](
`once@1.3.1`: Wrap once with wrappy. ([@isaacs](
* [`01ec790`](
`npm-user-validate@0.1.1`: Correct repository URL.
* [`389e52c`](
`glob@4.0.6`: Now absolutely requires `graceful-fs`.
* [`e15ab15`](
`ini@1.3.0`: Tighten up whitespace handling.
* [`7610f3e`](
`archy@1.0.0` ([@substack](
* [`9c13149`](
`semver@4.1.0`: Add support for prerelease identifiers.
* [`f096c25`](
`graceful-fs@3.0.4`: Add a bunch of additional tests, skip the unfortunate
complications of `graceful-fs@3.0.3`. ([@isaacs](
### v2.1.4 (2014-10-09):
* [`3aeb440`](
[#6442]( proxying git needs `GIT_SSL_CAINFO`
* [`a8da8d6`](
[#6413]( write builtin config on any
global npm install ([@isaacs](
* [`9e4d632`](
[#6343]( don't pass run arguments to
pre & post scripts ([@TheLudd](
* [`d831b1f`](
[#6399]( race condition: inflight
installs, prevent `peerDependency` problems
* [`82b775d`](
[#6384]( race condition: inflight
caching by URL rather than semver range
* [`7bee042`](
`inflight@1.0.4`: callback can take arbitrary number of parameters
* [`3bff494`](
[#5195]( fixed regex color regression
for `npm search` ([@chrismeyersfsu](
* [`33ba2d5`](
[#6387]( allow `npm view global` if
package is specified ([@evanlucas](
* [`99c4cfc`](
[#6388]( npm-publish →
npm-developers(7) ([@kennydude](
* [`8d6bfcb`](
tap tests run with no system-wide side effects
* [`7a1472f`](
added npm cache cleanup script
* [`0ce6a37`](
stripped out dead test code (othiym23)
* replace spawn with common.npm (@chrismeyersfsu):
* [`0dcd614`](
* [`97f861c`](
* [`d01b3de`](
* [`7b63016`](
* [`c877553`](
* [`df98525`](
* [`99c4cfc`](
### v2.1.3 (2014-10-02):
* [`1e64473`](
`rm -rf npm submodule` command, which has been broken since the Carter
Administration ([@isaacs](
* [`3e431f9`](
[joyent/node#8492]( bye bye
customFds, hello stdio ([@othiym23](
Other changes:
* [`ea607a8`](
[#6372]( noisily error (without
aborting) on multi-{install,build} ([@othiym23](
* [`3ee2799`](
[#6372]( only make cache creation
requests in flight ([@othiym23](
* [`1a90ec2`](
[#6372]( wait to put Git URLs in
flight until normalized ([@othiym23](
* [`664795b`](
[#6372]( log what is and isn't in
flight ([@othiym23](
* [`00ef580`](
`inflight@1.0.3`: fix largely theoretical race condition, because we really
really hate race conditions ([@isaacs](
* [`1cde465`](
`realize-package-specifier@1.1.0`: handle local dependencies better
* [`86f084c`](
`realize-package-specifier@1.0.2`: dependency realization! in its own module!
* [`553d830`](
`npm-package-arg@2.1.3`: simplified semver, better tests
* [`bec9b61`](
`readable-stream@1.0.32`: for some reason
* [`ff08ec5`](
`dezalgo@1.0.1`: use wrappy for instrumentability
### v2.1.2 (2014-09-29):
* [`a1aa20e`](
`normalize-package-data@1.0.3`: don't prune bundledDependencies
* [`a1f5fe1`](
move locks back into cache, now path-aware
* [`a432c4b`](
convert lib/utils/tar.js to use atomic streams
* [`b8c3c74`](
`fs-write-stream-atomic@1.0.2`: Now works with streams1 fs.WriteStreams.
* [`c7ab76f`](
logging cleanup ([@othiym23](
* [`4b2d95d`](
[#6329]( efficiently validate tmp
tarballs safely ([@othiym23](
### v2.1.1 (2014-09-26):
* [`563225d`](
[#6318]( clean up locking; prefix
lockfile with "." ([@othiym23](
* [`c7f30e4`](
[#6318]( remove locking code around
tarball packing and unpacking ([@othiym23](
### v2.1.0 (2014-09-25):
* [`3635601`](
[#5520]( Add `'npm view .'`.
Other changes:
* [`f24b552`](
[#6294]( Lock cache → lock cache
target. ([@othiym23](
* [`ad54450`](
[#6296]( Ensure that npm-debug.log
file is created when rollbacks are done.
* [`6810071`](
docs: Default loglevel "http" → "warn".
* [`35ac89a`](
Skip installation of installed scoped packages.
* [`e468527`](
Ensure cleanup executes for scripts-whitespace-windows test.
* [`ef9101b`](
Ensure cleanup executes for packed-scope test.
* [`69b4d18`](
`fs-write-stream-atomic@1.0.1`: Fix a race condition in our race-condition
fixer. ([@isaacs](
* [`26b17ff`](
[#6272]( `npmconf` decides what the
default prefix is. ([@othiym23](
* [`846faca`](
Fix development dependency is preferred over dependency.
* [`9d1a9db`](
[#3265]( Re-apply a71615a. Fixes
[#3265]( again, with a test!
* [`1d41db0`](
`marked-man@0.1.4`: Fixes formatting of synopsis blocks in man docs.
* [`a623da0`](
[#5867]( Specify dummy git template
dir when cloning to prevent copying hooks.
### v2.0.2 (2014-09-19):
* [`42c872b`](
`fs-write-stream-atomic@1.0.0` ([@isaacs](
* [`6784767`](
[#5920]( make all write streams atomic
* [`f6fac00`](
[#5920]( barf on 0-length cached
tarballs ([@isaacs](
* [`3b37592`](
`write-file-atomic@1.1.0`: use graceful-fs
### v2.0.1 (2014-09-18):
* [`74c5ab0`](
[#6201]( `npmconf@2.1.0`: scope
always-auth to registry URI ([@othiym23](
* [`774b127`](
[#6201]( `npm-registry-client@3.2.2`:
use scoped always-auth settings ([@othiym23](
* [`f2d2190`](
[#6201]( support saving
`--always-auth` when logging in ([@othiym23](
* [`17c941a`](
[#6163]( use `write-file-atomic`
instead of `fs.writeFile()` ([@fiws](
* [`fb5724f`](
[#5925]( `npm init -f`: allow `npm
init` to run without prompting
* [`b706d63`](
[#3059]( disable prepublish when
running `npm install --production`
* [`119f068`](
attach the node version used when publishing a package to its registry
metadata ([@othiym23](
* [`8fe0081`](
seriously, don't use `npm -g update npm`
* [`ea5b3d4`](
`request@2.44.0` ([@othiym23](
### v2.0.0 (2014-09-12):
* [`4378a17`](
`semver@4.0.0`: prerelease versions no longer show up in ranges; `^0.x.y`
behaves the way it did in `semver@2` rather than `semver@3`; docs have been
reorganized for comprehensibility ([@isaacs](
* [`c6ddb64`](
npm now assumes that node is newer than 0.6
Other changes:
* [`ea515c3`](
[#6043]( `slide@1.1.6`: wait until all
callbacks have finished before proceeding
* [`0b0a59d`](
[#6043]( defer rollbacks until just
before the CLI exits ([@isaacs](
* [`a11c88b`](
[#6175]( pack scoped packages
correctly ([@othiym23](
* [`e4e48e0`](
[#6121]( `read-installed@3.1.2`: don't
mark linked dev dependencies as extraneous
* [`d673e41`](
`cmd-shim@2.0.1`: depend on `graceful-fs` directly
* [`9d54d45`](
`npm-registry-couchapp@2.5.3`: make tests more reliable on Travis
* [`673d738`](
ensure permissions are set correctly in cache when running as root
* [`6e6a5fb`](
prepare for upgrade to `node-semver@4.0.0`
* [`ab8dd87`](
swap out `ronn` for `marked-man@0.1.3` ([@isaacs](
* [`803da54`](
`npm-registry-client@3.2.0`: prepare for `node-semver@4.0.0` and include more
error information ([@isaacs](
* [`4af0e71`](
make default error display less scary ([@isaacs](
* [`4fd9e79`](
`npm-registry-client@3.2.1`: handle errors returned by the registry much,
much better ([@othiym23](
* [`ca791e2`](
restore a long (always?) missing pass for deduping
* [`ca0ef0e`](
correctly interpret relative paths for local dependencies
* [`5eb8db2`](
`npm-package-arg@2.1.2`: support git+file:// URLs for local bare repos
* [`860a185`](
tweak docs to no longer advocate checking in `node_modules`
* [`80e9033`](
add links to downloads to docs
### v1.4.28 (2014-09-12):
* [`f4540b6`](
[#6043]( defer rollbacks until just
before the CLI exits ([@isaacs](
* [`1eabfd5`](
[#6043]( `slide@1.1.6`: wait until all
callbacks have finished before proceeding
### v2.0.0-beta.3 (2014-09-04):
* [`fa79413`](
[#6119]( fall back to registry installs
if package.json is missing in a local directory ([@iarna](
* [`16073e2`](
`npm-package-arg@2.1.0`: support file URIs as local specs
* [`9164acb`](
`github-url-from-username-repo@1.0.2`: don't match strings that are already
URIs ([@othiym23](
* [`4067d6b`](
[#5629]( support saving of local packages
in `package.json` ([@dylang](
* [`1b2ffdf`](
[#6097]( document scoped packages
* [`0a67d53`](
[#6007]( `request@2.42.0`: properly
set headers on proxy requests ([@isaacs](
* [`9bac6b8`](
`npmconf@2.0.8`: disallow semver ranges in tag configuration
* [`d2d4d7c`](
[#6082]( don't allow tagging with a
semver range as the tag name ([@isaacs](
### v1.4.27 (2014-09-04):
* [`4cf3c8f`](
[#6007]( request@2.42.0: properly set
headers on proxy requests ([@isaacs](
* [`403cb52`](
[#6055]( npmconf@1.1.8: restore
case-insensitivity of environmental config
### v2.0.0-beta.2 (2014-08-29):
* [`ed207e8`](
`npm-registry-client@3.1.7`: Clean up auth logic and improve logging around
auth decisions. Also error on trying to change a user document without
writing to it. ([@othiym23](
* [`66c7423`](
`npmconf@2.0.7`: support -C as an alias for --prefix
* [`0dc6a07`](
[#6059]( run commands in prefix, not
cwd ([@isaacs](
* [`65d2179`](
`github-url-from-username-repo@1.0.1`: part 3 handle slashes in branch names
* [`e8d75d0`](
[#6057]( `read-installed@3.1.1`:
properly handle extraneous dev dependencies of required dependencies
* [`0602f70`](
[#6064]( ls: do not show deps of
extraneous deps ([@isaacs](
### v2.0.0-beta.1 (2014-08-28):
* [`78a1fc1`](
`github-url-from-git@1.4.0`: add support for git+https and git+ssh
* [`bf247ed`](
`columnify@1.2.1` ([@othiym23](
* [`4bbe682`](
`cmd-shim@2.0.0`: upgrade to graceful-fs 3
* [`ae1d590`](
`npm-package-arg@2.0.4`: accept slashes in branch names
* [`b2f51ae`](
`semver@3.0.1`: semver.clean() is cleaner
* [`1d041a8`](
`github-url-from-username-repo@1.0.0`: accept slashes in branch names
* [`02c85d5`](
`async-some@1.0.1` ([@othiym23](
* [`5af493e`](
ensure lifecycle spawn errors caught properly
* [`60fe012`](
`npmconf@2.0.6`: init.version defaults to 1.0.0
* [`b4c717b`](
`npm-registry-client@3.1.4`: properly encode % in passwords
* [`7b55f44`](
doc: Fix 'npm help index' ([@isaacs](
### v1.4.26 (2014-08-28):
* [`eceea95`](
`github-url-from-git@1.4.0`: add support for git+https and git+ssh
* [`e561758`](
`columnify@1.2.1` ([@othiym23](
* [`0c4fab3`](
`cmd-shim@2.0.0`: upgrade to graceful-fs 3
* [`2d69e4d`](
`github-url-from-username-repo@1.0.0`: accept slashes in branch names
* [`81f9b2b`](
ensure lifecycle spawn errors caught properly
* [`bfaab8c`](
`npm-registry-client@2.0.7`: properly encode % in passwords
* [`91cfb58`](
doc: Fix 'npm help index' ([@isaacs](
### v2.0.0-beta.0 (2014-08-21):
* [`685f8be`](
`npm-registry-client@3.1.3`: Print the notification header returned by the
registry, and make sure status codes are printed without gratuitous quotes
around them. ([@isaacs]( /
* [`a8cb676`](
[#5900]( remove `npm` from its own
`engines` field in `package.json`. None of us remember why it was there.
* [`6c47201`](
[#6013]( save git URLs correctly in
`_resolved` fields ([@isaacs](
* [`e4e1223`](
[#5936]( document the use of tags in
`package.json` ([@KenanY](
* [`c92b8d4`](
[#6004]( manually installed scoped
packages are tracked correctly ([@dead](
* [`21ca0aa`](
[#5945]( link scoped packages
correctly ([@dead](
* [`16bead7`](
[#5958]( ensure that file streams work
in all versions of node ([@dead](
* [`dbf0cab`](
you can now pass quoted args to `npm run-script`
* [`0583874`](
`tar@1.0.1`: Add test for removing an extract target immediately after
* [`cdf3b04`](
`lockfile@1.0.0`: Fix incorrect interaction between `wait`, `stale`, and
`retries` options. Part 2 of race condition leading to `ENOENT`
* [`22d72a8`](
`fstream@1.0.2`: Fix a double-finish call which can result in excess FS
operations after the `close` event. Part 1 of race condition leading to
`ENOENT` errors.
### v1.4.25 (2014-08-21):
* [`64c0ec2`](
`npm-registry-client@2.0.6`: Print the notification header returned by the
registry, and make sure status codes are printed without gratuitous quotes
around them.
* [`a8ed12b`]( `tar@1.0.1`:
Add test for removing an extract target immediately after unpacking.
* [`70fd11d`](
`lockfile@1.0.0`: Fix incorrect interaction between `wait`, `stale`,
and `retries` options. Part 2 of race condition leading to `ENOENT`
* [`0072c4d`](
`fstream@1.0.2`: Fix a double-finish call which can result in excess
FS operations after the `close` event. Part 2 of race condition
leading to `ENOENT` errors.
### v2.0.0-alpha.7 (2014-08-14):
* [`f23f1d8`](
doc: update version doc to include `pre-*` increment args
* [`b6bb746`](
build: add 'make tag' to tag current release as latest
* [`27c4bb6`](
build: publish with `--tag=v1.4-next` ([@isaacs](
* [`cff66c3`](
build: add script to output `v1.4-next` publish tag
* [`22abec8`](
build: remove outdated `docpublish` make target
* [`1be4de5`](
build: remove `unpublish` step from `make publish`
* [`e429e20`](
doc: add new changelog ([@othiym23](
* [`9243d20`](
lifecycle: test lifecycle path modification
* [`021770b`](
lifecycle: BREAKING CHANGE do not add the directory containing node executable
* [`1d5c41d`](
install: rename .gitignore when unpacking foreign tarballs
* [`9aac267`](
cache: detect non-gzipped tar files more reliably
* [`3f24755`](
`readdir-scoped-modules@1.0.0` ([@isaacs](
* [`151cd2f`](
`read-installed@3.1.0` ([@isaacs](
* [`f5a9434`](
test: fix Travis timeouts ([@dylang](
* [`126cafc`](
`npm-registry-couchapp@2.5.0` ([@othiym23](
### v1.4.24 (2014-08-14):
* [`9344bd9`](
doc: add new changelog ([@othiym23](
* [`4be76fd`](
doc: update version doc to include `pre-*` increment args
* [`e4f2620`](
build: add `make tag` to tag current release as `latest`
* [`ec2596a`](
build: publish with `--tag=v1.4-next` ([@isaacs](
* [`9ee55f8`](
build: add script to output `v1.4-next` publish tag
* [`aecb56f`](
build: remove outdated `docpublish` make target
* [`b57a9b7`](
build: remove unpublish step from `make publish`
* [`2c6acb9`](
install: rename `.gitignore` when unpacking foreign tarballs
* [`22f3681`](
cache: detect non-gzipped tar files more reliably
### v2.0.0-alpha.6 (2014-08-07):
* [`ea547e2`]( Bump semver to
version 3: `^0.x.y` is now functionally the same as `=0.x.y`.
Other changes:
* [`d987707`]( move fetch into
npm-registry-client ([@othiym23](
* [`9b318e2`]( `read-installed@3.0.0`
* [`9d73de7`]( remove unnecessary
mkdirps ([@isaacs](
* [`33ccd13`]( Don't squash execute
perms in `_git-remotes/` dir ([@adammeadows](
* [`48fd233`]( `npm-package-arg@2.0.1`
### v1.4.23 (2014-07-31):
* [`8dd11d1`]( update several
dependencies to avoid using `semver`s starting with 0.
### v1.4.22 (2014-07-31):
* [`d9a9e84`]( `read-package-json@1.2.4`
* [`86f0340`](
`github-url-from-git@1.2.0` ([@isaacs](
* [`a94136a`]( `fstream@0.1.29`
* [`bb82d18`]( `glob@4.0.5`
* [`5b6bcf4`]( `cmd-shim@1.1.2`
* [`c2aa8b3`]( license: Cleaned up
legalese with actual lawyer ([@isaacs](
* [`63fe0ee`]( `init-package-json@1.0.0`
### v2.0.0-alpha-5 (2014-07-22):
This release bumps up to 2.0 because of this breaking change, which could
potentially affect how your package's scripts are run:
* [`df4b0e7`](
[#5518]( BREAKING CHANGE: support
passing arguments to `run` scripts ([@bcoe](
Other changes:
* [`cd422c9`](
[#5748]( link binaries for scoped
packages ([@othiym23](
* [`4c3c778`](
[#5758]( `npm link` includes scope
when linking scoped package ([@fengmk2](
* [`f9f58dd`](
[#5707]( document generic pre- /
post-commands ([@sudodoki](
* [`ac7a480`](
[#5406]( `npm cache` displays usage
when called without arguments
* [`f4554e9`](
Test fixes for Windows ([@isaacs](
* update dependencies ([@othiym23](
### v1.5.0-alpha-4 (2014-07-18):
* fall back to `_auth` config as default auth when using default registry
* support for 'init.version' for those who don't want to deal with semver 0.0.x
oddities ([@rvagg](
* [`be06213`](
remove residual support for `win` log level
### v1.5.0-alpha-3 (2014-07-17):
* [`a3a85dd`](
`--save` scoped packages correctly ([@othiym23](
* [`18a3385`](
`npm-registry-client@3.0.2` ([@othiym23](
* [`375988b`](
invalid package names are an early error for optional deps
* consistently use `node-package-arg` instead of arbitrary package spec
splitting ([@othiym23](
### v1.4.21 (2014-07-14):
* [`88f51aa`](
fix handling for 301s in `npm-registry-client@2.0.3`
### v1.5.0-alpha-2 (2014-07-01):
* [`54cf625`](
fix handling for 301s in `npm-registry-client@3.0.1`
* [`e410861`](
don't crash if no username set on `whoami`
* [`0353dde`](
respect `--json` for output ([@isaacs](
* [`b3d112a`](
outdated: Don't show headings if there's nothing to output
* [`bb4b90c`](
outdated: Default to `latest` rather than `*` for unspecified deps
### v1.4.20 (2014-07-02):
* [`0353dde`](
respect `--json` for output ([@isaacs](
* [`b3d112a`](
outdated: Don't show headings if there's nothing to output
* [`bb4b90c`](
outdated: Default to `latest` rather than `*` for unspecified deps
### v1.5.0-alpha-1 (2014-07-01):
* [`eef4884`](
use the correct piece of the spec for GitHub shortcuts
### v1.5.0-alpha-0 (2014-07-01):
* [`7f55057`](
install scoped packages ([#5239](
* [`0df7e16`](
publish scoped packages ([#5239](
* [`0689ba2`](
support (and save) --scope=@s config
* [`f34878f`](
scope credentials to registry ([@othiym23](
* [`0ac7ca2`](
capture and store bearer tokens when sent by registry
* [`63c3277`](
only delete files that are created by npm
* [`4f54043`](
`npm-package-arg@2.0.0` ([@othiym23](
* [`9e1460e`](
`read-package-json@1.2.3` ([@othiym23](
* [`719d8ad`](
`fs-vacuum@1.2.1` ([@othiym23](
* [`9ef8fe4`](
`async-some@1.0.0` ([@othiym23](
* [`a964f65`](
`npmconf@2.0.1` ([@othiym23](
* [`113765b`](
`npm-registry-client@3.0.0` ([@othiym23](
### v1.4.19 (2014-07-01):
* [`f687433`]( relative URLS for
working non-root registry URLS ([@othiym23](
* [`bea190c`](
[#5591]( bump nopt and npmconf
### v1.4.18 (2014-06-29):
* Bump glob dependency from 4.0.2 to 4.0.3. It now uses graceful-fs when
available, increasing resilience to [various filesystem
### v1.4.17 (2014-06-27):
* replace escape codes with ansicolors
* Allow to build all the docs OOTB. ([@GeJ](
* Use core.longpaths on win32 git - fixes
[#5525]( ([@bmeck](
* `npmconf@1.1.2` ([@isaacs](
* Consolidate color sniffing in config/log loading process
* add verbose log when project config file is ignored
* npmconf: Float patch to remove 'scope' from config defs
* doc: npm-explore can't handle a version
* Add user-friendly errors for ENOSPC and EROFS.
* bump tar and fstream deps ([@isaacs](
* Run the npm-registry-couchapp tests along with npm tests
### v1.2.8000 (2014-06-17):
* Same as v1.4.16, but with the spinner disabled, and a version number that
starts with v1.2.
### v1.4.16 (2014-06-17):
* `npm-registry-client@2.0.2` ([@isaacs](
* `fstream@0.1.27` ([@isaacs](
* `sha@1.2.4` ([@isaacs](
* `rimraf@2.2.8` ([@isaacs](
* `npmlog@1.0.1` ([@isaacs](
* `npm-registry-client@2.0.1` ([@isaacs](
* removed redundant dependency ([@othiym23](
* `npmconf@1.0.5` ([@isaacs](
* Properly handle errors that can occur in the config-loading process
### v1.4.15 (2014-06-10):
* cache: atomic de-race-ified package.json writing
* `fstream@0.1.26` ([@isaacs](
* `graceful-fs@3.0.2` ([@isaacs](
* `osenv@0.1.0` ([@isaacs](
* Only spin the spinner when we're fetching stuff
* Update `osenv@0.1.0` which removes ~/tmp as possible tmp-folder
* `ini@1.2.1` ([@isaacs](
* `graceful-fs@3` ([@isaacs](
* Update glob and things depending on glob
* github-url-from-username-repo and read-package-json updates
* `editor@0.1.0` ([@isaacs](
* `columnify@1.1.0` ([@isaacs](
* bump ansi and associated deps ([@isaacs](
### v1.4.14 (2014-06-05):
* char-spinner: update to not bork windows
### v1.4.13 (2014-05-23):
* Fix `npm install` on a tarball.
* Fix an issue with the spinner on Node 0.8.
* Re-add `npm.commands.cache.clean` and `` APIs, and
document `npm.commands.cache.*` as npm-cache(3).
### v1.4.12 (2014-05-23):
* remove normalize-package-data from top level, de-^-ify inflight dep
* Always sort saved bundleDependencies ([@isaacs](
* add inflight to bundledDependencies
### v1.4.11 (2014-05-22):
* fix `npm ls` labeling issue
* `node-gyp@0.13.1`
* default repository to https:// instead of git://
* addLocalTarball: Remove extraneous unpack
* Massive cache folder refactor ([@othiym23]( and
* Busy Spinner, no http noise ([@isaacs](
* Per-project .npmrc file support ([@isaacs](
* `npmconf@1.0.0`, Refactor config/uid/prefix loading process
* Allow once-disallowed characters in passwords
* Send npm version as 'version' header ([@isaacs](
* fix cygwin encoding issue (Karsten Tinnefeld)
* Allow non-github repositories with `npm repo`
* Allow peer deps to be satisfied by grandparent
* Stop optional deps moving into deps on `update --save`
* Ensure only matching deps update with `update --save*`
* Add support for `prerelease`, `preminor`, `prepatch` to `npm version`
### v1.4.10 (2014-05-05):
* Don't set referer if already set
* fetch: Send referer and npm-session headers
* `run-script`: Support `--parseable` and `--json`
* list runnable scripts ([@evanlucas](
* Use marked instead of ronn for html docs
### v1.4.9 (2014-05-01):
* Send referer header (with any potentially private stuff redacted)
* Fix critical typo bug in previous npm release
### v1.4.8 (2014-05-01):
* Check SHA before using files from cache
* adduser: allow change of the saved password
* Make `npm install` respect `config.unicode`
* Fix lifecycle to pass `Infinity` for config env value
* Don't return 0 exit code on invalid command
* cache: Handle 404s and other HTTP errors as errors
* Resolve ~ in path configs to env.HOME
* Include npm version in default user-agent conf
* npm init: Use ISC as default license, use save-prefix for deps
* Many test and doc fixes
### v1.4.7 (2014-04-15):
* Add `--save-prefix` option that can be used to override the default of `^`
when using `npm install --save` and its counterparts.
* Allow `--silent` to silence the echoing of commands that occurs with `npm
* Some speed improvements to the cache, which should improve install times.
* Improve ability to retry registry requests when a subset of the registry
servers are down.
* Fix marking of peer dependencies as extraneous.
* Fix npm crashing when doing `npm shrinkwrap` in the presence of a
`package.json` with no dependencies.
* Fix error when using `npm view` on packages that have no versions or have
been unpublished.
### v1.4.6 (2014-03-19):
* Fix extraneous package detection to work in more cases.
([`f671286`](, npm/read-installed#20,
### v1.4.5 (2014-03-18):
* Sort dependencies in `package.json` when doing `npm install --save` and all
its variants.
* Add `--save-exact` option, usable alongside `--save` and its variants, which
will write the exact version number into `package.json` instead of the
appropriate semver-compatibility range.
* Accept gzipped content from the registry to speed up downloads and save
npm/npm-registry-client#40, [@fengmk2](
* Fix `npm ls`'s `--depth` and `--log` options.
npm/read-installed#13, [@zertosh](
* Fix "Adding a cache directory to the cache will make the world implode" in
certain cases.
domenic/path-is-inside#1, [@pmarques](
* Fix readmes not being uploaded in certain rare cases.
### v1.4.4 (2014-02-20):
* Add `npm t` as an alias for `npm test` (which is itself an alias for `npm run
test`, or even `npm run-script test`). We like making running your tests
easy. ([`14e650b`](, [@isaacs](
### v1.4.3 (2014-02-16):
* Add back `npm prune --production`, which was removed in 1.3.24.
* Default `npm install --save` and its counterparts to use the `^` version
specifier, instead of `~`.
* Make `npm shrinkwrap` output dependencies in a sorted order, so that diffs
between shrinkwrap files should be saner now.
* Fix `npm dedupe` not correctly respecting dependency constraints.
* Fix `npm ls` giving spurious warnings when you used `"latest"` as a version
* Fixed a bug where using `npm link` on packages without a `name` value could
cause npm to delete itself.
* Fixed `npm install ./pkg@1.2.3` to actually install the directory at
`pkg@1.2.3`; before it would try to find version `1.2.3` of the package
`./pkg` in the npm registry.
[@rlidwka](; see also
* Fix `npm outdated` to respect the `color` configuration option.
* Fix `npm outdated --parseable`.
* Fix a lockfile-related errors when using certain Git URLs.
### v1.4.2 (2014-02-13):
* Fixed an issue related to mid-publish GET requests made against the registry.
### v1.4.1 (2014-02-13):
* Fix `npm shrinkwrap` forgetting to shrinkwrap dependencies that were also
development dependencies.
* Fixed publishing of pre-existing packages with uppercase characters in their
### v1.4.0 (2014-02-12):
* Remove `npm publish --force`. See
* Other changes to the registry client related to saved configs and couch
logins. ([@isaacs](;
* Show an error to the user when doing `npm update` and the `package.json`
specifies a version that does not exist.
* Fix some issues with cache ownership in certain installation configurations.
* Fix issues where GitHub shorthand dependencies `user/repo` were not always
treated the same as full Git URLs.
### v1.3.26 (2014-02-02):
* Fixes and updates to publishing code
* Fix `npm bugs` with no arguments.
### v1.3.25 (2014-01-25):
* Remove gubblebum blocky font from documentation headers.
### v1.3.24 (2014-01-19):
* Make the search output prettier, with nice truncated columns, and a `--long`
option to create wrapping columns.
([`20439b2`]( and
* Support multiple packagenames in `npm docs`.
* Fix the `npm adduser` bug regarding "Error: default value must be string or
number" again. ([`b9b4248`](,
* Fix `scripts` entries containing whitespaces on Windows.
* Fix `npm update` for Git URLs that have credentials in them
* Fix `npm install` overwriting `npm link`-ed dependencies when they are tagged
Git dependencies. ([`af9bbd9`](,
* Remove `npm prune --production` since it buggily removed some dependencies
that were necessary for production; see
[#4509]( Hopefully it can make its
triumphant return, one day.
Dependency updates:
* [`909cccf`]( `read-package-json@1.1.6`
* [`a3891b6`]( `rimraf@2.2.6`
* [`ac6efbc`]( `sha@1.2.3`
* [`dd30038`]( `node-gyp@0.12.2`
* [`c8c3ebe`]( `npm-registry-client@0.3.3`
* [`4315286`]( `npmconf@0.1.12`
### v1.3.23 (2014-01-03):
* Properly handle installations that contained a certain class of circular
### v1.3.22 (2013-12-25):
* Fix a critical bug in `npm adduser` that would manifest in the error message
"Error: default value must be string or number."
* Allow `npm bugs` in the current directory to open the current package's bugs
* Several fixes to various error messages to include more useful or updated
### v1.3.21 (2013-12-17):
* Fix a critical bug that prevented publishing due to incorrect hash
### v1.3.20 (2013-12-17):
* Fixes a critical bug in v1.3.19. Thankfully, due to that bug, no one could
install npm v1.3.19 :)
### v1.3.19 (2013-12-16):
* Adds atomic PUTs for publishing packages, which should result in far fewer
requests and less room for replication errors on the server-side.
### v1.3.18 (2013-12-16):
* Added an `--ignore-scripts` option, which will prevent `package.json` scripts
from being run. Most notably, this will work on `npm install`, so e.g. `npm
install --ignore-scripts` will not run preinstall and prepublish scripts.
* Fixed a bug introduced in 1.3.16 that would manifest with certain cache
configurations, by causing spurious errors saying "Adding a cache directory
to the cache will make the world implode."
* Re-fixed the multiple download of URL dependencies, whose fix was reverted in
### v1.3.17 (2013-12-11):
* This release reverts
which avoided re-downloading URL and shinkwrap dependencies when doing `npm
install`. You can see the in-depth reasoning in
the problem was, that the patch changed the behavior of `npm install -f` to
reinstall all dependencies.
* A new version of the no-re-downloading fix has been submitted as
[#4303]( and will hopefully be
included in the next release.
### v1.3.16 (2013-12-11):
* Git URL dependencies are now updated on `npm install`, fixing a two-year old
[@robertkowalski]( Additional progress on
reducing the resulting Git-related I/O is tracked as
[#4191](, but for now, this will be a
big improvement.
* Added a `--json` mode to `npm outdated` to give a parseable output.
* Made `npm outdated` much prettier and more useful. It now outputs a
color-coded and easy-to-read table.
* Added the `--depth` option to `npm outdated`, so that e.g. you can do `npm
outdated --depth=0` to show only top-level outdated dependencies.
* Added a `--no-git-tag-version` option to `npm version`, for doing the usual
job of `npm version` minus the Git tagging. This could be useful if you need
to increase the version in other related files before actually adding the
* Made `npm repo` and `npm docs` work without any arguments, adding them to the
list of npm commands that work on the package in the current directory when
invoked without arguments.
[@wilmoore]( There are a few other commands we
still want to implement this for; see
* Pass through the `GIT_SSL_NO_VERIFY` environment variable to Git, if it is
set; we currently do this with a few other environment variables, but we
missed that one.
* Fixed `npm dedupe` on Windows due to incorrect path separators being used
* Fixed the `npm help` command when multiple words were searched for; it
previously gave a `ReferenceError`.
* Stopped re-downloading URL and shrinkwrap dependencies, as demonstrated in
[@spmason]( You can use the `--force` option to
force re-download and installation of all dependencies.