module.exports = rebuild
var readInstalled = require("./utils/read-installed.js")
, semver = require("semver")
, log = require("./utils/log.js")
, path = require("path")
, npm = require("./npm.js")
, output = require("./utils/output.js")
, asyncMap = require("slide").asyncMap
, fs = require("graceful-fs")
, exec = require("./utils/exec.js")
rebuild.usage = "npm rebuild [<name>[@<version>] [name[@<version>] ...]]"
rebuild.completion = require("./utils/completion/installed-deep.js")
function rebuild (args, cb) {
readInstalled(npm.prefix, function (er, data) {
log(typeof data, "read Installed")
if (er) return cb(er)
var set = filter(data, args)
, folders = Object.keys(set).filter(function (f) {
return f !== npm.prefix
if (!folders.length) return cb()
log.silly(folders, "rebuild set")
cleanBuild(folders, set, cb)
function cleanBuild (folders, set, cb) {
// https://github.com/isaacs/npm/issues/1872
// If there's a wscript, try 'node-waf clean'
// But don't die on either of those if they fail.
// Just a best-effort kind of deal.
asyncMap(folders, function (f, cb) {
fs.readdir(f, function (er, files) {
// everything should be a dir.
if (er) return cb(er)
if (files.indexOf("wscript") !== -1) {
exec("node-waf", ["clean"], null, false, f, thenBuild)
} else thenBuild()
function thenBuild (er) {
// ignore error, just continue
// it could be that it's not configured yet or whatever.
}, function (er) {
if (er) return cb(er)
npm.commands.build(folders, function (er) {
if (er) return cb(er)
output.write(folders.map(function (f) {
return set[f] + " " + f
}).join("\n"), cb)
function filter (data, args, set, seen) {
if (!set) set = {}
if (!seen) seen = {}
if (set.hasOwnProperty(data.path)) return set
if (seen.hasOwnProperty(data.path)) return set
seen[data.path] = true
var pass
if (!args.length) pass = true // rebuild everything
else if (data.name && data._id) {
for (var i = 0, l = args.length; i < l; i ++) {
var arg = args[i]
, nv = arg.split("@")
, n = nv.shift()
, v = nv.join("@")
if (n !== data.name) continue
if (!semver.satisfies(data.version, v)) continue
pass = true
if (pass && data._id) {
log.verbose([data.path, data._id], "path id")
set[data.path] = data._id
// need to also dive through kids, always.
// since this isn't an install these won't get auto-built unless
// they're not dependencies.
Object.keys(data.dependencies || {}).forEach(function (d) {
// return
var dep = data.dependencies[d]
if (typeof dep === "string") return
filter(dep, args, set, seen)
return set