for each pkg in prefix that isn't a git repo
look for a new version of pkg that satisfies dep
if so, install it.
if not, then update it
module.exports = update
update.usage = "npm update [pkg]"
var npm = require("./npm.js")
, asyncMap = require("slide").asyncMap
, log = require("npmlog")
// load these, just so that we know that they'll be available, in case
// npm itself is getting overwritten.
, install = require("./install.js")
, build = require("./build.js")
update.completion = npm.commands.outdated.completion
function update (args, cb) {
npm.commands.outdated(args, true, function (er, outdated) {
log.info("outdated", "updating", outdated)
if (er) return cb(er)
asyncMap(outdated, function (ww, cb) {
// [[ dir, dep, has, want, req ]]
var where = ww[0]
, dep = ww[1]
, want = ww[3]
, what = dep + "@" + want
, req = ww[5]
, url = require('url')
// use the initial installation method (repo, tar, git) for updating
if (url.parse(req).protocol) what = req
npm.commands.install(where, what, cb)
}, cb)