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97 lines
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/* eslint-disable no-debugger */
'use strict';
const common = require('../common');
const assert = require('assert');
const vm = require('vm');
const spawn = require('child_process').spawn;
assert.throws(function() {
}, /SyntaxError/);
assert.throws(function() {
vm.runInDebugContext({ toString: });
}, /AssertionError/);
assert.throws(function() {
vm.runInDebugContext('throw URIError("BAM")');
}, /URIError/);
assert.throws(function() {
vm.runInDebugContext('(function(f) { f(f) })(function(f) { f(f) })');
}, /RangeError/);
assert.strictEqual(typeof vm.runInDebugContext('this'), 'object');
assert.strictEqual(typeof vm.runInDebugContext('Debug'), 'object');
assert.strictEqual(vm.runInDebugContext(), undefined);
assert.strictEqual(vm.runInDebugContext(0), 0);
assert.strictEqual(vm.runInDebugContext(null), null);
assert.strictEqual(vm.runInDebugContext(undefined), undefined);
// See, accessing named interceptors
// and accessors inside a debug event listener should not crash.
const Debug = vm.runInDebugContext('Debug');
let breaks = 0;
function ondebugevent(evt, exc) {
if (evt !== Debug.DebugEvent.Break) return;
exc.frame(0).evaluate('process.env').properties(); // Named interceptor.
exc.frame(0).evaluate('process.title').getTruncatedValue(); // Accessor.
breaks += 1;
function breakpoint() {
assert.strictEqual(breaks, 0);
assert.strictEqual(breaks, 0);
assert.strictEqual(breaks, 1);
// Can set listeners and breakpoints on a single line file
const Debug = vm.runInDebugContext('Debug');
const fn = require(common.fixturesDir + '/exports-function-with-param');
let called = false;
Debug.setListener(function(event, state, data) {
if ( === 'BreakEvent') {
called = true;
assert.strictEqual(Debug.showBreakPoints(fn), '(arg) { [B0]return arg; }');
assert.strictEqual(called, true);
// See, fatal errors should not
// crash the process.
const script = common.fixturesDir + '/vm-run-in-debug-context.js';
let proc = spawn(process.execPath, [script]);
const data = [];
proc.stdout.on('data', common.mustNotCall());
proc.stderr.on('data', data.push.bind(data));
proc.stderr.once('end', common.mustCall(function() {
const haystack = Buffer.concat(data).toString('utf8');
assert(/SyntaxError: Unexpected token \*/.test(haystack));
proc.once('exit', common.mustCall(function(exitCode, signalCode) {
assert.strictEqual(exitCode, 1);
assert.strictEqual(signalCode, null);
proc = spawn(process.execPath, [script, 'handle-fatal-exception']);
proc.stdout.on('data', common.mustNotCall());
proc.stderr.on('data', common.mustNotCall());
proc.once('exit', common.mustCall(function(exitCode, signalCode) {
assert.strictEqual(exitCode, 42);
assert.strictEqual(signalCode, null);