You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

51 lines
1.4 KiB

'use strict';
var aFrom = require('es5-ext/array/from')
, toArray = require('es5-ext/array/to-array');
module.exports = function (T, a) {
var arr = ['raz', 'dwa', 'trzy'], set = new T(arr), x = {}, y = {}, i = 0;
a(set instanceof T, true, "Set");
a(set.size, 3, "Size");
a(set.has('raz'), true, "Has: true");
a(set.has(x), false, "Has: false");
a(set.add(x), set, "Add: return");
a(set.has(x), true, "Add");
a(set.size, 4, "Add: Size");
a(set.delete({}), false, "Delete: false");
set.forEach(function () {
a.deep(aFrom(arguments), [arr[i], arr[i], set],
"ForEach: Arguments: #" + i);
a(this, y, "ForEach: Context: #" + i);
if (i === 0) {
a(set.delete('raz'), true, "Delete: true");
a(set.has('raz'), false, "Delete");
a(set.size, 3, "Delete: size");
}, y);
arr.splice(0, 1);
a.deep(toArray(set.entries()), [['dwa', 'dwa'], ['trzy', 'trzy'], [x, x],
['cztery', 'cztery']], "Entries");
a.deep(toArray(set.keys()), ['dwa', 'trzy', x, 'cztery'], "Keys");
a.deep(toArray(set.values()), ['dwa', 'trzy', x, 'cztery'], "Values");
a.deep(toArray(set), ['dwa', 'trzy', x, 'cztery'], "Iterator");
a(set.size, 0, "Clear: size");
a(set.has('trzy'), false, "Clear: has");
a.deep(toArray(set), [], "Clear: Values");
a.h1("Empty initialization");
set = new T();
a(set.size, 1);
a(set.has('foo'), true);