You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

520 lines
22 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
// License & terms of use:
* Copyright (C) 1999-2016, International Business Machines
* Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
* file name: uresdata.h
* encoding: US-ASCII
* tab size: 8 (not used)
* indentation:4
* created on: 1999dec08
* created by: Markus W. Scherer
* 06/24/02 weiv Added support for resource sharing
#ifndef __RESDATA_H__
#define __RESDATA_H__
#include "unicode/utypes.h"
#include "unicode/udata.h"
#include "unicode/ures.h"
#include "putilimp.h"
#include "udataswp.h"
* Numeric constants for internal-only types of resource items.
* These must use different numeric values than UResType constants
* because they are used together.
* Internal types are never returned by ures_getType().
typedef enum {
/** Include a negative value so that the compiler uses the same int type as for UResType. */
/** Resource type constant for tables with 32-bit count, key offsets and values. */
* Resource type constant for tables with 16-bit count, key offsets and values.
* All values are URES_STRING_V2 strings.
/** Resource type constant for 16-bit Unicode strings in formatVersion 2. */
* Resource type constant for arrays with 16-bit count and values.
* All values are URES_STRING_V2 strings.
/* Resource type 15 is not defined but effectively used by RES_BOGUS=0xffffffff. */
} UResInternalType;
* A Resource is a 32-bit value that has 2 bit fields:
* 31..28 4-bit type, see enum below
* 27..0 28-bit four-byte-offset or value according to the type
typedef uint32_t Resource;
#define RES_BOGUS 0xffffffff
#define RES_MAX_OFFSET 0x0fffffff
#define RES_GET_TYPE(res) ((int32_t)((res)>>28UL))
#define RES_GET_OFFSET(res) ((res)&0x0fffffff)
#define RES_GET_POINTER(pRoot, res) ((pRoot)+RES_GET_OFFSET(res))
/* get signed and unsigned integer values directly from the Resource handle */
# define RES_GET_INT(res) (((int32_t)((res)<<4L))>>4L)
# define RES_GET_INT(res) (int32_t)(((res)&0x08000000) ? (res)|0xf0000000 : (res)&0x07ffffff)
#define RES_GET_UINT(res) ((res)&0x0fffffff)
#define URES_IS_ARRAY(type) ((int32_t)(type)==URES_ARRAY || (int32_t)(type)==URES_ARRAY16)
#define URES_IS_TABLE(type) ((int32_t)(type)==URES_TABLE || (int32_t)(type)==URES_TABLE16 || (int32_t)(type)==URES_TABLE32)
#define URES_IS_CONTAINER(type) (URES_IS_TABLE(type) || URES_IS_ARRAY(type))
#define URES_MAKE_RESOURCE(type, offset) (((Resource)(type)<<28)|(Resource)(offset))
#define URES_MAKE_EMPTY_RESOURCE(type) ((Resource)(type)<<28)
/* indexes[] value names; indexes are generally 32-bit (Resource) indexes */
enum {
* [0] contains the length of indexes[]
* which is at most URES_INDEX_TOP of the latest format version
* formatVersion==1: all bits contain the length of indexes[]
* but the length is much less than 0xff;
* formatVersion>1:
* only bits 7..0 contain the length of indexes[],
* bits 31..8 are reserved and set to 0
* formatVersion>=3:
* bits 31..8 poolStringIndexLimit bits 23..0
* [1] contains the top of the key strings,
* same as the bottom of resources or UTF-16 strings, rounded up
/** [2] contains the top of all resources */
* [3] contains the top of the bundle,
* in case it were ever different from [2]
/** [4] max. length of any table */
* [5] attributes bit set, see URES_ATT_* (new in formatVersion 1.2)
* formatVersion>=3:
* bits 31..16 poolStringIndex16Limit
* bits 15..12 poolStringIndexLimit bits 27..24
* [6] top of the 16-bit units (UTF-16 string v2 UChars, URES_TABLE16, URES_ARRAY16),
* rounded up (new in formatVersion 2.0, ICU 4.4)
/** [7] checksum of the pool bundle (new in formatVersion 2.0, ICU 4.4) */
* Nofallback attribute, attribute bit 0 in indexes[URES_INDEX_ATTRIBUTES].
* New in formatVersion 1.2 (ICU 3.6).
* If set, then this resource bundle is a standalone bundle.
* If not set, then the bundle participates in locale fallback, eventually
* all the way to the root bundle.
* If indexes[] is missing or too short, then the attribute cannot be determined
* reliably. Dependency checking should ignore such bundles, and loading should
* use fallbacks.
* Attributes for bundles that are, or use, a pool bundle.
* A pool bundle provides key strings that are shared among several other bundles
* to reduce their total size.
* New in formatVersion 2 (ICU 4.4).
* File format for .res resource bundle files
* ICU 56: New in formatVersion 3 compared with 2: -------------
* Resource bundles can optionally use shared string-v2 values
* stored in the pool bundle.
* If so, then the indexes[] contain two new values
* in previously-unused bits of existing indexes[] slots:
* - poolStringIndexLimit:
* String-v2 offsets (in 32-bit Resource words) below this limit
* point to pool bundle string-v2 values.
* - poolStringIndex16Limit:
* Resource16 string-v2 offsets below this limit
* point to pool bundle string-v2 values.
* Guarantee: poolStringIndex16Limit <= poolStringIndexLimit
* The local bundle's poolStringIndexLimit is greater than
* any pool bundle string index used in the local bundle.
* The poolStringIndexLimit should not be greater than
* the maximum possible pool bundle string index.
* The maximum possible pool bundle string index is the index to the last non-NUL
* pool string character, due to suffix sharing.
* In the pool bundle, there is no structure that lists the strings.
* (The root resource is an empty Table.)
* If the strings need to be enumerated (as genrb --usePoolBundle does),
* then iterate through the pool bundle's 16-bit-units array from the beginning.
* Stop at the end of the array, or when an explicit or implicit string length
* would lead beyond the end of the array,
* or when an apparent string is not NUL-terminated.
* (Future genrb version might terminate the strings with
* what looks like a large explicit string length.)
* ICU 4.4: New in formatVersion 2 compared with 1.3: -------------
* Three new resource types -- String-v2, Table16 and Array16 -- have their
* values stored in a new array of 16-bit units between the table key strings
* and the start of the other resources.
* genrb eliminates duplicates among Unicode string-v2 values.
* Multiple Unicode strings may use the same offset and string data,
* or a short string may point to the suffix of a longer string. ("Suffix sharing")
* For example, one string "abc" may be reused for another string "bc" by pointing
* to the second character. (Short strings-v2 are NUL-terminated
* and not preceded by an explicit length value.)
* It is allowed for all resource types to share values.
* The swapper code (ures_swap()) has been modified so that it swaps each item
* exactly once.
* A resource bundle may use a special pool bundle. Some or all of the table key strings
* of the using-bundle are omitted, and the key string offsets for such key strings refer
* to offsets in the pool bundle.
* The using-bundle's and the pool-bundle's indexes[URES_INDEX_POOL_CHECKSUM] values
* must match.
* Two bits in indexes[URES_INDEX_ATTRIBUTES] indicate whether a resource bundle
* is or uses a pool bundle.
* Table key strings must be compared in ASCII order, even if they are not
* stored in ASCII.
* New in formatVersion 1.3 compared with 1.2: -------------
* genrb eliminates duplicates among key strings.
* Multiple table items may share one key string, or one item may point
* to the suffix of another's key string. ("Suffix sharing")
* For example, one key "abc" may be reused for another key "bc" by pointing
* to the second character. (Key strings are NUL-terminated.)
* -------------
* An ICU4C resource bundle file (.res) is a binary, memory-mappable file
* with nested, hierarchical data structures.
* It physically contains the following:
* Resource root; -- 32-bit Resource item, root item for this bundle's tree;
* currently, the root item must be a table or table32 resource item
* int32_t indexes[indexes[0]]; -- array of indexes for friendly
* reading and swapping; see URES_INDEX_* above
* new in formatVersion 1.1 (ICU 2.8)
* char keys[]; -- characters for key strings
* (formatVersion 1.0: up to 65k of characters; 1.1: <2G)
* (minus the space for root and indexes[]),
* which consist of invariant characters (ASCII/EBCDIC) and are NUL-terminated;
* padded to multiple of 4 bytes for 4-alignment of the following data
* uint16_t 16BitUnits[]; -- resources that are stored entirely as sequences of 16-bit units
* (new in formatVersion 2/ICU 4.4)
* data is indexed by the offset values in 16-bit resource types,
* with offset 0 pointing to the beginning of this array;
* there is a 0 at offset 0, for empty resources;
* padded to multiple of 4 bytes for 4-alignment of the following data
* data; -- data directly and indirectly indexed by the root item;
* the structure is determined by walking the tree
* Each resource bundle item has a 32-bit Resource handle (see typedef above)
* which contains the item type number in its upper 4 bits (31..28) and either
* an offset or a direct value in its lower 28 bits (27..0).
* The order of items is undefined and only determined by walking the tree.
* Leaves of the tree may be stored first or last or anywhere in between,
* and it is in theory possible to have unreferenced holes in the file.
* 16-bit-unit values:
* Starting with formatVersion 2/ICU 4.4, some resources are stored in a special
* array of 16-bit units. Each resource value is a sequence of 16-bit units,
* with no per-resource padding to a 4-byte boundary.
* 16-bit container types (Table16 and Array16) contain Resource16 values
* which are offsets to String-v2 resources in the same 16-bit-units array.
* Direct values:
* - Empty Unicode strings have an offset value of 0 in the Resource handle itself.
* - Starting with formatVersion 2/ICU 4.4, an offset value of 0 for
* _any_ resource type indicates an empty value.
* - Integer values are 28-bit values stored in the Resource handle itself;
* the interpretation of unsigned vs. signed integers is up to the application.
* All other types and values use 28-bit offsets to point to the item's data.
* The offset is an index to the first 32-bit word of the value, relative to the
* start of the resource data (i.e., the root item handle is at offset 0).
* To get byte offsets, the offset is multiplied by 4 (or shifted left by 2 bits).
* All resource item values are 4-aligned.
* New in formatVersion 2/ICU 4.4: Some types use offsets into the 16-bit-units array,
* indexing 16-bit units in that array.
* The structures (memory layouts) for the values for each item type are listed
* in the table below.
* Nested, hierarchical structures: -------------
* Table items contain key-value pairs where the keys are offsets to char * key strings.
* The values of these pairs are either Resource handles or
* offsets into the 16-bit-units array, depending on the table type.
* Array items are simple vectors of Resource handles,
* or of offsets into the 16-bit-units array, depending on the array type.
* Table key string offsets: -------
* Key string offsets are relative to the start of the resource data (of the root handle),
* i.e., the first string has an offset of 4+sizeof(indexes).
* (After the 4-byte root handle and after the indexes array.)
* If the resource bundle uses a pool bundle, then some key strings are stored
* in the pool bundle rather than in the local bundle itself.
* - In a Table or Table16, the 16-bit key string offset is local if it is
* less than indexes[URES_INDEX_KEYS_TOP]<<2.
* Otherwise, subtract indexes[URES_INDEX_KEYS_TOP]<<2 to get the offset into
* the pool bundle key strings.
* - In a Table32, the 32-bit key string offset is local if it is non-negative.
* Otherwise, reset bit 31 to get the pool key string offset.
* Unlike the local offset, the pool key offset is relative to
* the start of the key strings, not to the start of the bundle.
* An alias item is special (and new in ICU 2.4): --------------
* Its memory layout is just like for a UnicodeString, but at runtime it resolves to
* another resource bundle's item according to the path in the string.
* This is used to share items across bundles that are in different lookup/fallback
* chains (e.g., large collation data among zh_TW and zh_HK).
* This saves space (for large items) and maintenance effort (less duplication of data).
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Resource types:
* Most resources have their values stored at four-byte offsets from the start
* of the resource data. These values are at least 4-aligned.
* Some resource values are stored directly in the offset field of the Resource itself.
* See UResType in unicode/ures.h for enumeration constants for Resource types.
* Some resources have their values stored as sequences of 16-bit units,
* at 2-byte offsets from the start of a contiguous 16-bit-unit array between
* the table key strings and the other resources. (new in formatVersion 2/ICU 4.4)
* At offset 0 of that array is a 16-bit zero value for empty 16-bit resources.
* Resource16 values in Table16 and Array16 are 16-bit offsets to String-v2
* resources, with the offsets relative to the start of the 16-bit-units array.
* Starting with formatVersion 3/ICU 56, if offset<poolStringIndex16Limit
* then use the pool bundle's 16-bit-units array,
* otherwise subtract that limit and use the local 16-bit-units array.
* Type Name Memory layout of values
* (in parentheses: scalar, non-offset values)
* 0 Unicode String: int32_t length, UChar[length], (UChar)0, (padding)
* or (empty string ("") if offset==0)
* 1 Binary: int32_t length, uint8_t[length], (padding)
* - the start of the bytes is 16-aligned -
* 2 Table: uint16_t count, uint16_t keyStringOffsets[count], (uint16_t padding), Resource[count]
* 3 Alias: (physically same value layout as string, new in ICU 2.4)
* 4 Table32: int32_t count, int32_t keyStringOffsets[count], Resource[count]
* (new in formatVersion 1.1/ICU 2.8)
* 5 Table16: uint16_t count, uint16_t keyStringOffsets[count], Resource16[count]
* (stored in the 16-bit-units array; new in formatVersion 2/ICU 4.4)
* 6 Unicode String-v2:UChar[length], (UChar)0; length determined by the first UChar:
* - if first is not a trail surrogate, then the length is implicit
* and u_strlen() needs to be called
* - if first<0xdfef then length=first&0x3ff (and skip first)
* - if first<0xdfff then length=((first-0xdfef)<<16) | second UChar
* - if first==0xdfff then length=((second UChar)<<16) | third UChar
* (stored in the 16-bit-units array; new in formatVersion 2/ICU 4.4)
* Starting with formatVersion 3/ICU 56, if offset<poolStringIndexLimit
* then use the pool bundle's 16-bit-units array,
* otherwise subtract that limit and use the local 16-bit-units array.
* (Note different limits for Resource16 vs. Resource.)
* 7 Integer: (28-bit offset is integer value)
* 8 Array: int32_t count, Resource[count]
* 9 Array16: uint16_t count, Resource16[count]
* (stored in the 16-bit-units array; new in formatVersion 2/ICU 4.4)
* 14 Integer Vector: int32_t length, int32_t[length]
* 15 Reserved: This value denotes special purpose resources and is for internal use.
* Note that there are 3 types with data vector values:
* - Vectors of 8-bit bytes stored as type Binary.
* - Vectors of 16-bit words stored as type Unicode String or Unicode String-v2
* (no value restrictions, all values 0..ffff allowed!).
* - Vectors of 32-bit words stored as type Integer Vector.
* Structure for a single, memory-mapped ResourceBundle.
typedef struct ResourceData {
UDataMemory *data;
const int32_t *pRoot;
const uint16_t *p16BitUnits;
const char *poolBundleKeys;
Resource rootRes;
int32_t localKeyLimit;
const uint16_t *poolBundleStrings;
int32_t poolStringIndexLimit;
int32_t poolStringIndex16Limit;
UBool noFallback; /* see URES_ATT_NO_FALLBACK */
UBool isPoolBundle;
UBool usesPoolBundle;
UBool useNativeStrcmp;
} ResourceData;
* Read a resource bundle from memory.
res_read(ResourceData *pResData,
const UDataInfo *pInfo, const void *inBytes, int32_t length,
UErrorCode *errorCode);
* Load a resource bundle file.
* The ResourceData structure must be allocated externally.
U_CFUNC void
res_load(ResourceData *pResData,
const char *path, const char *name, UErrorCode *errorCode);
* Release a resource bundle file.
* This does not release the ResourceData structure itself.
U_CFUNC void
res_unload(ResourceData *pResData);
res_getPublicType(Resource res);
* Return a pointer to a zero-terminated, const UChar* string
* and set its length in *pLength.
* Returns NULL if not found.
res_getString(const ResourceData *pResData, Resource res, int32_t *pLength);
res_getAlias(const ResourceData *pResData, Resource res, int32_t *pLength);
U_INTERNAL const uint8_t * U_EXPORT2
res_getBinary(const ResourceData *pResData, Resource res, int32_t *pLength);
U_INTERNAL const int32_t * U_EXPORT2
res_getIntVector(const ResourceData *pResData, Resource res, int32_t *pLength);
res_getResource(const ResourceData *pResData, const char *key);
res_countArrayItems(const ResourceData *pResData, Resource res);
res_getArrayItem(const ResourceData *pResData, Resource array, int32_t indexS);
res_getTableItemByIndex(const ResourceData *pResData, Resource table, int32_t indexS, const char ** key);
res_getTableItemByKey(const ResourceData *pResData, Resource table, int32_t *indexS, const char* * key);
* Iterates over the path and stops when a scalar resource is found.
* Follows aliases.
* Modifies the contents of *path (replacing separators with NULs),
* and also moves *path forward while it finds items.
* @param path input: "CollationElements/Sequence" or "zoneStrings/3/2" etc.;
* output: points to the part that has not yet been processed
U_CFUNC Resource res_findResource(const ResourceData *pResData, Resource r,
char** path, const char** key);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#include "resource.h"
class ResourceDataValue : public ResourceValue {
ResourceDataValue() : pResData(NULL), res(URES_NONE) {}
virtual ~ResourceDataValue();
void setData(const ResourceData *data) { pResData = data; }
void setResource(Resource r) { res = r; }
virtual UResType getType() const;
virtual const UChar *getString(int32_t &length, UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
virtual const UChar *getAliasString(int32_t &length, UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
virtual int32_t getInt(UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
virtual uint32_t getUInt(UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
virtual const int32_t *getIntVector(int32_t &length, UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
virtual const uint8_t *getBinary(int32_t &length, UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
virtual ResourceArray getArray(UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
virtual ResourceTable getTable(UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
virtual UBool isNoInheritanceMarker() const;
virtual int32_t getStringArray(UnicodeString *dest, int32_t capacity,
UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
virtual int32_t getStringArrayOrStringAsArray(UnicodeString *dest, int32_t capacity,
UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
virtual UnicodeString getStringOrFirstOfArray(UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
const ResourceData *pResData;
Resource res;
#endif /* __cplusplus */
* Swap an ICU resource bundle. See udataswp.h.
* @internal
U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
ures_swap(const UDataSwapper *ds,
const void *inData, int32_t length, void *outData,
UErrorCode *pErrorCode);