#include "node_http.h"
#include "node.h"
#include <oi_socket.h>
#include <ebb_request_parser.h>
#include <string>
#include <list>
using namespace v8;
using namespace std;
static Persistent<ObjectTemplate> request_template;
// globals
static Persistent<String> path_str;
static Persistent<String> uri_str;
static Persistent<String> query_string_str;
static Persistent<String> fragment_str;
static Persistent<String> method_str;
static Persistent<String> http_version_str;
static Persistent<String> headers_str;
static Persistent<String> on_request_str;
static Persistent<String> on_body_str;
static Persistent<String> respond_str;
static Persistent<String> copy_str;
static Persistent<String> delete_str;
static Persistent<String> get_str;
static Persistent<String> head_str;
static Persistent<String> lock_str;
static Persistent<String> mkcol_str;
static Persistent<String> move_str;
static Persistent<String> options_str;
static Persistent<String> post_str;
static Persistent<String> propfind_str;
static Persistent<String> proppatch_str;
static Persistent<String> put_str;
static Persistent<String> trace_str;
static Persistent<String> unlock_str;
class Server {
Server (Handle<Object> _js_server);
~Server ();
int Start(struct addrinfo *servinfo);
void Stop();
Handle<Value> Callback()
HandleScope scope;
Handle<Value> value = js_server->Get(on_request_str);
return scope.Close(value);
oi_server server;
Persistent<Object> js_server;
class Connection {
Connection ()
oi_socket_init (&socket, 30.0);
ebb_request_parser_init (&parser);
ebb_request_parser parser;
oi_socket socket;
Persistent<Function> js_onRequest;
friend class Server;
class HttpRequest {
HttpRequest (Connection &c);
void MakeBodyCallback (const char *base, size_t length);
Local<Object> CreateJSObject ();
string path;
string query_string;
string fragment;
string uri;
list<string> header_fields;
list<string> header_values;
Connection &connection;
ebb_request parser_info;
Persistent<Object> js_object;
static Handle<Value>
GetMethodString (int method)
switch(method) {
case EBB_COPY: return copy_str;
case EBB_DELETE: return delete_str;
case EBB_GET: return get_str;
case EBB_HEAD: return head_str;
case EBB_LOCK: return lock_str;
case EBB_MKCOL: return mkcol_str;
case EBB_MOVE: return move_str;
case EBB_OPTIONS: return options_str;
case EBB_POST: return post_str;
case EBB_PROPFIND: return propfind_str;
case EBB_PROPPATCH: return proppatch_str;
case EBB_PUT: return put_str;
case EBB_TRACE: return trace_str;
case EBB_UNLOCK: return unlock_str;
return Null();
static Handle<Value>
RespondCallback (const Arguments& args)
HandleScope scope;
Handle<External> field = Handle<External>::Cast(args.Holder()->GetInternalField(0));
HttpRequest* request = static_cast<HttpRequest*>(field->Value());
Handle<Value> arg = args[0];
// TODO Make sure that we write reponses in the correct order. With
// keep-alive it's possible that one response can return before the last
// one has been sent!!!
//printf("response called\n");
if(arg == Null()) {
//printf("response got null\n");
delete request;
} else {
Handle<String> s = arg->ToString();
//printf("response called len %d\n", s->Length());
oi_buf *buf = oi_buf_new2(s->Length());
s->WriteAscii(buf->base, 0, s->Length());
oi_socket_write(&request->connection.socket, buf);
return Undefined();
static void
on_path (ebb_request *req, const char *buf, size_t len)
HttpRequest *request = static_cast<HttpRequest*> (req->data);
request->path.append(buf, len);
static void
on_uri (ebb_request *req, const char *buf, size_t len)
HttpRequest *request = static_cast<HttpRequest*> (req->data);
request->uri.append(buf, len);
static void
on_query_string (ebb_request *req, const char *buf, size_t len)
HttpRequest *request = static_cast<HttpRequest*> (req->data);
request->query_string.append(buf, len);
static void
on_fragment (ebb_request *req, const char *buf, size_t len)
HttpRequest *request = static_cast<HttpRequest*> (req->data);
request->fragment.append(buf, len);
static void
on_header_field (ebb_request *req, const char *buf, size_t len, int header_index)
HttpRequest *request = static_cast<HttpRequest*> (req->data);
if( request->header_fields.size() == header_index - 1) {
request->header_fields.back().append(buf, len);
} else {
request->header_fields.push_back( string(buf, len) );
static void
on_header_value (ebb_request *req, const char *buf, size_t len, int header_index)
HttpRequest *request = static_cast<HttpRequest*> (req->data);
if( request->header_values.size() == header_index - 1) {
request->header_values.back().append(buf, len);
} else {
request->header_values.push_back( string(buf, len) );
static void
on_headers_complete (ebb_request *req)
HttpRequest *request = static_cast<HttpRequest*> (req->data);
HandleScope scope;
Local<Object> js_request = request->CreateJSObject();
// Set up an exception handler before calling the Process function
TryCatch try_catch;
// Invoke the process function, giving the global object as 'this'
// and one argument, the request.
const int argc = 1;
Handle<Value> argv[argc] = { js_request };
Handle<Value> r = request->connection.js_onRequest->Call(Context::GetCurrent()->Global(), argc, argv);
static void
on_request_complete (ebb_request *req)
HttpRequest *request = static_cast<HttpRequest*> (req->data);
request->MakeBodyCallback(NULL, 0); // EOF
static void
on_body (ebb_request *req, const char *base, size_t length)
HttpRequest *request = static_cast<HttpRequest*> (req->data);
request->MakeBodyCallback(base, length);
static ebb_request * on_request
( void *data
Connection *connection = static_cast<Connection*> (data);
HttpRequest *request = new HttpRequest(*connection);
return &request->parser_info;
static void on_read
( oi_socket *socket
, const void *buf
, size_t count
Connection *connection = static_cast<Connection*> (socket->data);
ebb_request_parser_execute ( &connection->parser
// FIXME change ebb to use void*
, static_cast<const char*> (buf)
, count
if(ebb_request_parser_has_error(&connection->parser)) {
fprintf(stderr, "parse error closing connection\n");
static void on_close
( oi_socket *socket
Connection *connection = static_cast<Connection*> (socket->data);
// TODO free requests
delete connection;
static void on_drain
( oi_socket *socket
Connection *connection = static_cast<Connection*> (socket->data);
HttpRequest::~HttpRequest ()
//printf("request is being destructed\n");
connection.socket.on_drain = oi_socket_close;
HandleScope scope;
// delete a reference to the respond method
HttpRequest::HttpRequest (Connection &c) : connection(c)
parser_info.on_path = on_path;
parser_info.on_query_string = on_query_string;
parser_info.on_uri = on_uri;
parser_info.on_fragment = on_fragment;
parser_info.on_header_field = on_header_field;
parser_info.on_header_value = on_header_value;
parser_info.on_headers_complete = on_headers_complete;
parser_info.on_body = on_body;
parser_info.on_complete = on_request_complete;
parser_info.data = this;
HttpRequest::MakeBodyCallback (const char *base, size_t length)
HandleScope handle_scope;
// XXX don't always allocate onBody strings
Handle<Value> onBody_val = js_object->Get(on_body_str);
if (!onBody_val->IsFunction()) return;
Handle<Function> onBody = Handle<Function>::Cast(onBody_val);
TryCatch try_catch;
const int argc = 1;
Handle<Value> argv[argc];
if(length) {
// TODO use array for binary data
Handle<String> chunk = String::New(base, length);
argv[0] = chunk;
} else {
argv[0] = Null();
Handle<Value> result = onBody->Call(js_object, argc, argv);
HttpRequest::CreateJSObject ()
HandleScope scope;
if (request_template.IsEmpty()) {
Handle<ObjectTemplate> raw_template = ObjectTemplate::New();
raw_template->Set(respond_str, FunctionTemplate::New(RespondCallback));
request_template = Persistent<ObjectTemplate>::New(raw_template);
// Create an empty http request wrapper.
Handle<Object> result = request_template->NewInstance();
// Wrap the raw C++ pointer in an External so it can be referenced
// from within JavaScript.
Handle<External> request_ptr = External::New(this);
// Store the request pointer in the JavaScript wrapper.
result->SetInternalField(0, request_ptr);
result->Set ( path_str
, String::New(path.c_str(), path.length())
result->Set ( uri_str
, String::New(uri.c_str(), uri.length())
result->Set ( query_string_str
, String::New(query_string.c_str(), query_string.length())
result->Set ( fragment_str
, String::New(fragment.c_str(), fragment.length())
result->Set ( method_str
, GetMethodString(parser_info.method)
char version[10];
snprintf ( version
, 10 // big enough? :)
, "%d.%d"
, parser_info.version_major
, parser_info.version_minor
result->Set ( http_version_str
, String::New(version)
Handle<Object> headers = Object::New();
list<string>::iterator field_iterator = header_fields.begin();
list<string>::iterator value_iterator = header_values.begin();
while( value_iterator != header_values.end() ) {
string &f = *field_iterator;
string &v = *value_iterator;
headers->Set( String::New(f.c_str(), f.length() )
, String::New(v.c_str(), v.length() )
result->Set(headers_str, headers);
js_object = Persistent<Object>::New(result);
return scope.Close(result);
static oi_socket*
on_connection (oi_server *_server, struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t len)
HandleScope scope;
Server *server = static_cast<Server*> (_server->data);
Handle<Value> callback_v = server->Callback();
if(callback_v == Undefined())
return NULL;
Connection *connection = new Connection();
connection->socket.on_read = on_read;
connection->socket.on_error = NULL;
connection->socket.on_close = on_close;
connection->socket.on_timeout = NULL;
connection->socket.on_drain = on_drain;
connection->socket.data = connection;
connection->parser.new_request = on_request;
connection->parser.data = connection;
Handle<Function> f = Handle<Function>::Cast(callback_v);
connection->js_onRequest = Persistent<Function>::New(f);
return &connection->socket;
static void
server_destroy (Persistent<Value> _, void *data)
Server *server = static_cast<Server *> (data);
delete server;
Server::Server (Handle<Object> _js_server)
oi_server_init(&server, 1024);
server.on_connection = on_connection;
server.data = this;
HandleScope scope;
js_server = Persistent<Object>::New (_js_server);
// are we ever going to need this external?
js_server->SetInternalField (0, External::New(this));
js_server.MakeWeak (this, server_destroy);
Server::~Server ()
js_server.Clear(); // necessary?
Server::Start(struct addrinfo *servinfo)
int r = oi_server_listen(&server, servinfo);
if(r == 0)
oi_server_attach(&server, node_loop());
return r;
oi_server_close (&server);
oi_server_detach (&server);
/* This constructor takes 2 arguments: host, port. */
static Handle<Value>
server_constructor (const Arguments& args)
if (args.Length() < 2)
return Undefined();
HandleScope scope;
String::AsciiValue host(args[0]->ToString());
String::AsciiValue port(args[1]->ToString());
// get addrinfo for localhost, PORT
struct addrinfo *servinfo;
struct addrinfo hints;
memset(&hints, 0, sizeof hints);
hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC;
hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;
hints.ai_flags = AI_PASSIVE;
int r = getaddrinfo(NULL, *port, &hints, &servinfo);
if (r != 0)
return Undefined(); // XXX raise error?
// TODO host is ignored for now assumed localhost
Server *server = new Server(args.This());
if(server == NULL)
return Undefined(); // XXX raise error?
r = server->Start(servinfo);
if (r != 0)
return Undefined(); // XXX raise error?
return args.This();
Init_http (Handle<Object> target)
HandleScope scope;
Local<FunctionTemplate> server_t = FunctionTemplate::New(server_constructor);
target->Set(String::New("HTTPServer"), server_t->GetFunction());
path_str = Persistent<String>::New( String::NewSymbol("path") );
uri_str = Persistent<String>::New( String::NewSymbol("uri") );
query_string_str = Persistent<String>::New( String::NewSymbol("query_string") );
fragment_str = Persistent<String>::New( String::NewSymbol("fragment") );
method_str = Persistent<String>::New( String::NewSymbol("method") );
http_version_str = Persistent<String>::New( String::NewSymbol("http_version") );
headers_str = Persistent<String>::New( String::NewSymbol("headers") );
on_request_str = Persistent<String>::New( String::NewSymbol("onRequest") );
on_body_str = Persistent<String>::New( String::NewSymbol("onBody") );
respond_str = Persistent<String>::New( String::NewSymbol("respond") );
copy_str = Persistent<String>::New( String::New("COPY") );
delete_str = Persistent<String>::New( String::New("DELETE") );
get_str = Persistent<String>::New( String::New("GET") );
head_str = Persistent<String>::New( String::New("HEAD") );
lock_str = Persistent<String>::New( String::New("LOCK") );
mkcol_str = Persistent<String>::New( String::New("MKCOL") );
move_str = Persistent<String>::New( String::New("MOVE") );
options_str = Persistent<String>::New( String::New("OPTIONS") );
post_str = Persistent<String>::New( String::New("POST") );
propfind_str = Persistent<String>::New( String::New("PROPFIND") );
proppatch_str = Persistent<String>::New( String::New("PROPPATCH") );
put_str = Persistent<String>::New( String::New("PUT") );
trace_str = Persistent<String>::New( String::New("TRACE") );
unlock_str = Persistent<String>::New( String::New("UNLOCK") );