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< title > search< / title >
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< h1 > < a href = "../api/search.html" > search< / a > < / h1 > < p > Search for packages< / p >
< h2 id = "SYNOPSIS" > SYNOPSIS< / h2 >
< pre > < code > npm.commands.search(searchTerms, [silent,] [staleness,] callback)< / code > < / pre >
< h2 id = "DESCRIPTION" > DESCRIPTION< / h2 >
< p > Search the registry for packages matching the search terms. The available parameters are:< / p >
< ul > < li > searchTerms:
Array of search terms. These terms are case-insensitive.< / li > < li > silent:
If true, npm will not log anything to the console.< / li > < li > staleness:
This is the threshold for stale packages. " Fresh" packages are not refreshed
from the registry. This value is measured in seconds.< / li > < li > < p > callback:
Returns an object where each key is the name of a package, and the value
is information about that package along with a ' words' property, which is
a space-delimited string of all of the interesting words in that package.
The only properties included are those that are searched, which generally include:< / p > < ul > < li > name< / li > < li > description< / li > < li > maintainers< / li > < li > url< / li > < li > keywords< / li > < / ul > < / li > < / ul >
< p > A search on the registry excludes any result that does not match all of the
search terms. It also removes any items from the results that contain an
excluded term (the " searchexclude" config). The search is case insensitive
and doesn' t try to read your mind (it doesn' t do any verb tense matching or the
like).< / p >
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< p id = "footer" > search — npm@1.2.0< / p >
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