var fs = require('fs'),
path = require('path'),
exec = require('child_process').exec,
cmd = process.argv[2],
dest_dir = process.argv[3] || '';
if (cmd !== 'install' && cmd !== 'uninstall') {
console.error('Unknown command: ' + cmd);
// Use the built-in config reported by the current process
var variables = process.config.variables,
node_prefix = variables.node_prefix || '/usr/local';
// Execution queue
var queue = [],
dirs = [];
// Copy file from src to dst
function copy(src, dst, callback) {
// If src is array - copy each file separately
if (Array.isArray(src)) {
src.forEach(function(src) {
copy(src, dst, callback);
dst = path.join(dest_dir, node_prefix, dst);
var dir = dst.replace(/\/[^\/]*$/, '/');
// Create directory if hasn't done this yet
if (dirs.indexOf(dir) === -1) {
queue.push('mkdir -p ' + dir);
// Queue file/dir copy
queue.push('cp -rf ' + src + ' ' + dst);
// Remove files
function remove(files) {
files.forEach(function(file) {
file = path.join(dest_dir, node_prefix, file);
queue.push('rm -rf ' + file);
// Add/update shebang (#!) line
function shebang(line, file) {
var content = fs.readFileSync(file, 'utf8');
var firstLine = content.split(/\n/, 1)[0];
var newContent;
if (firstLine.slice(0, 2) === '#!') {
newContent = line + content.slice(firstLine.length);
} else {
newContent = line + '\n' + content;
if (content !== newContent) {
fs.writeFileSync(file, newContent, 'utf8');
var mode = parseInt('0777', 8) & (~process.umask());
fs.chmodSync(file, mode);
// Run every command in queue, one-by-one
function run() {
var cmd = queue.shift();
if (!cmd) return;
if (Array.isArray(cmd) && cmd[0] instanceof Function) {
var func = cmd[0];
var args = cmd.slice(1);
console.log.apply(null, [func.name].concat(args));
func.apply(null, args);
} else {
exec(cmd, function(err, stdout, stderr) {
if (stderr) console.error(stderr);
if (err) process.exit(1);
if (cmd === 'install') {
// Copy includes
// Node
'src/node.h', 'src/node_buffer.h', 'src/node_object_wrap.h',
// v8
'deps/v8/include/v8-debug.h', 'deps/v8/include/v8-preparser.h',
'deps/v8/include/v8-profiler.h', 'deps/v8/include/v8-testing.h',
'deps/v8/include/v8.h', 'deps/v8/include/v8stdint.h',
// uv
], 'include/node/');
// Private uv headers
'deps/uv/include/uv-private/eio.h', 'deps/uv/include/uv-private/ev.h',
], 'include/node/uv-private/');
], 'include/node/');
// Copy binary file
copy('out/Release/node', 'bin/node');
// Install node-waf
if (variables.node_install_waf) {
copy('tools/wafadmin', 'lib/node/');
copy('tools/node-waf', 'bin/node-waf');
// Install npm (eventually)
if (variables.node_install_npm) {
// Frequently, in development, the installed npm is a symbolic
// link to the development folder, and so installing this is
// a bit annoying. If it's a symlink, skip it.
var isSymlink = false;
try {
var st = fs.lstatSync(path.resolve(node_prefix, 'lib/node_modules/npm'));
isSymlink = st.isSymbolicLink();
} catch (e) {}
if (!isSymlink) {
copy('deps/npm', 'lib/node_modules/npm');
queue.push('ln -sf ../lib/node_modules/npm/bin/npm-cli.js ' +
path.join(dest_dir, node_prefix, 'bin/npm'));
queue.push([shebang, '#!' + path.join(node_prefix, 'bin/node'),
path.join(dest_dir, node_prefix,
} else {
'bin/node', 'bin/npm', 'bin/node-waf',
'include/node/*', 'lib/node_modules', 'lib/node'