You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

280 lines
7.9 KiB

var assert = require("assert")
, url = require("url")
, zlib = require("zlib")
, Stream = require("stream").Stream
var rm = require("rimraf")
, request = require("request")
, once = require("once")
module.exports = regRequest
// npm: means
// 1. https
// 2. send authorization
// 3. content-type is 'application/json' -- metadata
function regRequest (method, uri, options, cb_) {
assert(uri, "must pass resource to load")
assert(cb_, "must pass callback")
options = options || {}
var parsed = url.parse(uri)
var where = parsed.pathname
var what = options.body
var follow = (typeof options.follow === "boolean" ? options.follow : true)
this.log.verbose("request", "on initialization, where is", where)
if ( {
where = where + = ""
parsed.pathname = "/"
this.log.verbose("request", "after pass 1, where is", where)
// Since there are multiple places where an error could occur,
// don't let the cb be called more than once.
var cb = once(cb_)
if (where.match(/^\/?favicon.ico/)) {
return cb(new Error("favicon.ico isn't a package, it's a picture."))
var adduserChange = /^\/?-\/user\/org\.couchdb\.user:([^\/]+)\/-rev/
, isUserChange = where.match(adduserChange)
, adduserNew = /^\/?-\/user\/org\.couchdb\.user:([^\/]+)$/
, isNewUser = where.match(adduserNew)
, alwaysAuth = this.conf.get("always-auth")
, isDelete = method === "DELETE"
, isWrite = what || isDelete
if (isUserChange && !isWrite) {
return cb(new Error("trying to change user document without writing(?!)"))
// resolve to a full url on the registry
if (!where.match(/^https?:\/\//)) {
this.log.verbose("request", "url raw", where)
var q = where.split("?")
where = q.shift()
q = q.join("?")
if (where.charAt(0) !== "/") where = "/" + where
where = "." + where.split("/").map(function (p) {
p = p.trim()
if (p.match(/^org.couchdb.user/)) {
return p.replace(/\//g, encodeURIComponent("/"))
return p
if (q) where += "?" + q
var registry = url.format(parsed)
this.log.verbose("request", "resolving registry", [registry, where])
where = url.resolve(registry, where)
this.log.verbose("request", "after pass 2, where is", where)
var authed
// new users can *not* use auth, because they don't *have* auth yet
if (isNewUser) {
this.log.verbose("request", "new user, so can't send auth")
authed = false
else if (alwaysAuth) {
this.log.verbose("request", "always-auth set; sending authorization")
authed = true
else if (isWrite) {
this.log.verbose("request", "sending authorization for write operation")
authed = true
else {
// most of the time we don't want to auth
this.log.verbose("request", "no auth needed")
authed = false
var self = this
this.attempt(function (operation) {, method, where, what, options.etag, follow, authed
, function (er, parsed, raw, response) {
if (!er || (er.message && er.message.match(/^SSL Error/))) {
if (er)
er.code = "ESSL"
return cb(er, parsed, raw, response)
// Only retry on 408, 5xx or no `response`.
var statusCode = response && response.statusCode
var timeout = statusCode === 408
var serverError = statusCode >= 500
var statusRetry = !statusCode || timeout || serverError
if (er && statusRetry && operation.retry(er)) {"retry", "will retry, error on last attempt: " + er)
return undefined
if (response) {
self.log.verbose("headers", response.headers)
if (response.headers["npm-notice"]) {
self.log.warn("notice", response.headers["npm-notice"])
cb.apply(null, arguments)
function makeRequest (method, where, what, etag, follow, authed, cb_) {
var cb = once(cb_)
var parsed = url.parse(where)
var headers = {}
// metadata should be compressed
headers["accept-encoding"] = "gzip"
var er = this.authify(authed, parsed, headers)
if (er) return cb_(er)
var opts = this.initialize(
opts.followRedirect = follow
opts.encoding = null // tell request let body be Buffer instance
if (etag) {
this.log.verbose("etag", etag)
headers[method === "GET" ? "if-none-match" : "if-match"] = etag
// figure out wth "what" is
if (what) {
if (Buffer.isBuffer(what) || typeof what === "string") {
opts.body = what
headers["content-type"] = "application/json"
headers["content-length"] = Buffer.byteLength(what)
} else if (what instanceof Stream) {
headers["content-type"] = "application/octet-stream"
if (what.size) headers["content-length"] = what.size
} else {
delete what._etag
opts.json = what
this.log.http("request", method, parsed.href || "/")
var done =, method, where, cb)
var req = request(opts, decodeResponseBody(done))
req.on("error", cb)
req.on("socket", function (s) {
s.on("error", cb)
if (what && (what instanceof Stream)) {
function decodeResponseBody(cb) {
return function (er, response, data) {
if (er) return cb(er, response, data)
// don't ever re-use connections that had server errors.
// those sockets connect to the Bad Place!
if (response.socket && response.statusCode > 500) {
if (response.headers["content-encoding"] !== "gzip") return cb(er, response, data)
zlib.gunzip(data, function (er, buf) {
if (er) return cb(er, response, data)
cb(null, response, buf)
// cb(er, parsed, raw, response)
function requestDone (method, where, cb) {
return function (er, response, data) {
if (er) return cb(er)
var urlObj = url.parse(where)
if (urlObj.auth)
urlObj.auth = "***"
this.log.http(response.statusCode, url.format(urlObj))
var parsed
if (Buffer.isBuffer(data)) {
data = data.toString()
if (data && typeof data === "string" && response.statusCode !== 304) {
try {
parsed = JSON.parse(data)
} catch (ex) {
ex.message += "\n" + data
this.log.verbose("bad json", data)
this.log.error("registry", "error parsing json")
return cb(ex, null, data, response)
} else if (data) {
parsed = data
data = JSON.stringify(parsed)
// expect data with any error codes
if (!data && response.statusCode >= 400) {
return cb( response.statusCode + " "
+ require("http").STATUS_CODES[response.statusCode]
, null, data, response )
er = null
if (parsed && response.headers.etag) {
parsed._etag = response.headers.etag
if (parsed && parsed.error && response.statusCode >= 400) {
var w = url.parse(where).pathname.substr(1)
var name
if (!w.match(/^-/)) {
w = w.split("/")
name = w[w.indexOf("_rewrite") + 1]
if (name && parsed.error === "not_found") {
er = new Error("404 Not Found: " + name)
} else {
er = new Error(
parsed.error + " " + (parsed.reason || "") + ": " + w)
if (name) er.pkgid = name
er.statusCode = response.statusCode
er.code = "E" + er.statusCode
} else if (method !== "HEAD" && method !== "GET") {
// invalidate cache
// This is irrelevant for commands that do etag caching, but
// ls and view also have a timed cache, so this keeps the user
// from thinking that it didn't work when it did.
// Note that failure is an acceptable option here, since the
// only result will be a stale cache for some helper commands.
rm(this.cacheFile(where), function() {})
return cb(er, parsed, data, response)