You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

117 lines
3.6 KiB

module.exports = exec
exec.spawn = spawn
exec.pipe = pipe
var log = require("./log.js")
, child_process = require("child_process")
, util = require("util")
, npm = require("../npm.js")
, myUID = process.getuid ? process.getuid() : null
, myGID = process.getgid ? process.getgid() : null
, isRoot = process.getuid && myUID === 0
, constants = require("constants")
, uidNumber = require("uid-number")
function exec (cmd, args, env, takeOver, cwd, uid, gid, cb) {
if (typeof cb !== "function") cb = gid, gid = null
if (typeof cb !== "function") cb = uid, uid = null
if (typeof cb !== "function") cb = cwd, cwd = null
if (typeof cb !== "function") cb = takeOver, takeOver = true
if (typeof cb !== "function") cb = env, env = process.env
gid = gid == null ? myGID : gid
uid = uid == null ? myUID : uid
if (!isRoot) {
if (npm.config.get("unsafe-perm")) {
uid = myUID
gid = myGID
} else if (uid !== myUID || gid !== myGID) {
var e = new Error("EPERM: setuid() operation not permitted")
e.errno = constants.EPERM
return cb(e)
if (uid !== myUID) {
log.verbose(uid, "Setting uid from "+myUID)
log.verbose(new Error().stack, "stack at uid setting")
if (uid && gid && (isNaN(uid) || isNaN(gid))) {
// get the numeric values
return uidNumber(uid, gid, function (er, uid, gid) {
if (er) return cb(er)
exec(cmd, args, env, takeOver, cwd, uid, gid, cb)
log.silly(cmd+" "" "), "exec")
var stdout = ""
, stderr = ""
, cp = spawn(cmd, args, env, takeOver, cwd, uid, gid)
cp.stdout && cp.stdout.on("data", function (chunk) {
if (chunk) stdout += chunk
cp.stderr && cp.stderr.on("data", function (chunk) {
if (chunk) stderr += chunk
cp.on("exit", function (code) {
var er = null
if (code) er = new Error("`"+cmd
+(args.length ? " "
+" ")
: "")
+"` failed with "+code)
cb(er, code, stdout, stderr)
return cp
function logger (d) { if (d) process.stderr.write(d+"") }
function pipe (cp1, cp2, cb) {
util.pump(cp1.stdout, cp2.stdin)
var errState = null
, buff1 = ""
, buff2 = ""
if (log.level <= log.LEVEL.silly) {
cp1.stderr.on("data", logger)
cp2.stderr.on("data", logger)
} else {
cp1.stderr.on("data", function (d) { buff1 += d })
cp2.stderr.on("data", function (d) { buff2 += d })
cp1.on("exit", function (code) {
if (!code) return log.verbose( || "<unknown>", "success")
if (!cp2._exited) cp2.kill()
log.error(buff1, || "<unknown>")
cb(errState = new Error(
"Failed "+( || "<unknown>")+"\nexited with "+code))
cp2.on("exit", function (code) {
cp2._exited = true
if (errState) return
if (!code) return log.verbose( || "<unknown>", "success", cb)
log.error(buff2, || "<unknown>")
cb(new Error( "Failed "
+ ( || "<unknown>")
+ "\nexited with " + code ))
function spawn (c, a, env, takeOver, cwd, uid, gid) {
var fds = [ 0, 1, 2 ]
, opts = { customFds : takeOver ? fds : [-1,-1,-1]
, env : env || process.env
, cwd : cwd || null }
, cp
if (uid && !isNaN(uid)) opts.uid = +uid
if (gid && !isNaN(gid)) opts.gid = +gid
var name = c +" "+" ")
log.silly([c, a, opts.cwd], "spawning")
cp = child_process.spawn(c, a, opts) = name
return cp