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# couch-login
This module lets you log into couchdb to get a session token, then make
requests using that session. It is basically just a thin wrapper around
[@mikeal's request module](
This is handy if you want a user to take actions in a couchdb database
on behalf of a user, without having to store their couchdb username and
password anywhere. (You do need to store the AuthSession token
somewhere, though.)
## Usage
var CouchLogin = require('couch-login')
// Nothing about this module is http-server specific of course.
// You could also use it to do authenticated requests against
// a couchdb using sessions and storing the token somewhere else.
http.createServer(function (req, res) {
var couch = new CouchLogin('')
// .. look up the token in the user's session or whatever ..
// Look at couch.decorate(req, res) for more on doing that
// automatically, below.
if (sessionToken) {
// this user already logged in.
couch.token = sessionToken
// now we can do things on their behalf, like:
// 1. View their session info.
// like doing request.get({ uri: couch + '/_session', ... })
// but with the cookie and whatnot
couch.get('/_session', function (er, resp, data) {
// er = some kind of communication error.
// resp = response object from the couchdb request.
// data = parsed JSON response body.
if (er || resp.statusCode !== 200) {
res.statusCode = resp.statusCode || 403
return res.end('Invalid login or something')
// now we have the session info, we know who this user is.
// hitting couchdb for this on every request is kinda costly,
// so maybe you should store the username wherever you're storing
// the sessionToken. RedSess is a good util for this, if you're
// into redis. And if you're not into redis, you're crazy,
// because it is awesome.
// now let's get the user record.
// note that this will 404 for anyone other than the user,
// unless they're a server admin.
couch.get('/_users/org.couchdb.user:' +, etc)
// PUTs and DELETEs will also use their session, of course, so
// your validate_doc_update's will see their info in userCtx
} else {
// don't have a sessionToken.
// get a username and password from the post body or something.
// maybe redirect to a /login page or something to ask for that.
var login = { name: name, password: password }
couch.login(login, function (er, resp, data) {
// again, er is an error, resp is the response obj, data is the json
if (er || resp.statusCode !== 200) {
res.statusCode = resp.statusCode || 403
return res.end('Invalid login or something')
// the data is something like
// {"ok":true,"name":"testuser","roles":[]}
// and couch.token is the token you'll need to save somewhere.
// at this point, you can start making authenticated requests to
// couchdb, or save data in their session, or do whatever it is
// that you need to do.
res.statusCode = 200
res.write("Who's got two thumbs and just logged you into couch?\n")
setTimeout(function () {
res.end("THIS GUY!")
}, 500)
## Class: CouchLogin
### new CouchLogin(couchdbUrl, token)
Create a new CouchLogin object bound to the couchdb url.
In addition to these, the `get`, `post`, `put`, and `del` methods all
proxy to the associated method on [request](
However, as you'll note in the example above, only the pathname portion
of the url is required. Urls will be appended to the couchdb url passed
into the constructor.
If you have to talk to more than one couchdb, then you'll need more than
one CouchLogin object, for somewhat obvious reasons.
All callbacks get called with the following arguments, which are exactly
identical to the arguments passed to a `request` callback.
* `er` {Error | null} Set if a communication error happens.
* `resp` {HTTP Response} The response from the request to couchdb
* `data` {Object} The parsed JSON data from couch
If the token is the string "anonymous", then it will not attempt to log
in before making requests. If the token is not "anonymous", then it
must be an object with the appropriate fields.
### couch.token
* {Object}
An object representing the couchdb session token. (Basically just a
cookie and a timeout.)
If the token has already timed out, then setting it will have no effect.
### couch.tokenSet
If set, this method is called whenever the token is saved.
For example, you could assign a function to this method to save the
token into a redis session, a cookie, or in some other database.
Takes a callback which should be called when the token is saved.
### couch.tokenGet
If set, this method is called to look up the token on demand.
The inverse of couch.tokenSet. Takes a callback which is called with
the `cb(er || null, token)`.
### couch.tokenDel
If set, this method is called to delete the token when it should be
Related to tokenGet and tokenSet. Takes a callback which should be
called when the token is deleted.
### couch.anonymous()
Return a new CouchLogin object that points at the same couchdb server,
but doesn't try to log in before making requests.
This is handy for situations where the user is not logged in at the
moment, but a request needs to be made anyway, and does not require
### couch.login(auth, callback)
* `auth` {Object} The login details
* `name` {String}
* `password` {String}
* `callback` {Function}
When the callback is called, the `couch.token` will already have been
set (assuming it worked!), so subsequent requests will be done as that
### couch.get(path, callback)
GET the supplied path from the couchdb using the credentials on the
Fails if the token is invalid or expired.
### couch.del(path, callback)
DELETE the supplied path from the couchdb using the credentials on the
Fails if the token is invalid or expired.
###, data, callback)
POST the data to the supplied path in the couchdb, using the credentials
on the token.
Fails if the token is invalid or expired.
### couch.put(path, data, callback)
PUT the data to the supplied path in the couchdb, using the credentials
on the token.
Fails if the token is invalid or expired.
### couch.changePass(newAuth, callback)
Must already be logged in. Updates the `_users` document with new salt
and hash, and re-logs in with the new credentials. Callback is called
with the same arguments as login, or the first step of the process that
### couch.signup(userData, callback)
Create a new user account. The userData must contain at least a `name`
and `password` field. Any additional data will be copied to the user
record. The `_id`, `name`, `roles`, `type`, `password_sha`, `salt`, and
`date` fields are generated.
Also signs in as the newly created user, on successful account creation.
### couch.deleteAccount(name, callback)
Deletes a user account. If not logged in as the user, or a server
admin, then the request will fail.
Note that this immediately invalidates any session tokens for the
deleted user account. If you are deleting the user's record, then you
ought to follow this with `couch.logout(callback)` so that it won't try
to re-use the invalid session.
### couch.logout(callback)
Delete the session out of couchdb. This makes the token permanently
invalid, and deletes it.
### couch.decorate(req, res)
Set up `req.couch` and `res.couch` as references to this couch login
Additionall, if `req.session` or `res.session` is set, then it'll call
`session.get('couch_token', cb)` as the tokenGet method,
`session.set('couch_token', token, cb)` as the tokenSet method, and
`session.del('couch_token', cb)` as the tokenDel method.
This works really nice with