// utilities for working with the js-registry site.
module.exports = RegClient
var fs = require('fs')
, url = require('url')
, path = require('path')
, npmlog
, cacheFile = require('npm-cache-filename')
try {
npmlog = require("npmlog")
} catch (er) {
npmlog = { error: noop, warn: noop, info: noop,
verbose: noop, silly: noop, http: noop,
pause: noop, resume: noop }
function noop () {}
function RegClient (conf) {
// accept either a plain-jane object, or a npmconf object
// with a "get" method.
if (typeof conf.get !== 'function') {
var data = conf
conf = { get: function (k) { return data[k] }
, set: function (k, v) { data[k] = v }
, del: function (k) { delete data[k] } }
this.conf = conf
// if provided, then the registry needs to be a url.
// if it's not provided, then we're just using the cache only.
var registry = conf.get('registry')
if (registry) {
registry = url.parse(registry)
if (!registry.protocol) throw new Error(
'Invalid registry: ' + registry.url)
registry = registry.href
if (registry.slice(-1) !== '/') {
registry += '/'
this.conf.set('registry', registry)
} else {
registry = null
this.registry = registry
if (!conf.get('cache')) throw new Error("Cache dir is required")
this.cacheFile = cacheFile(this.conf.get('cache'))
this.log = conf.log || conf.get('log') || npmlog
require('fs').readdirSync(__dirname + "/lib").forEach(function (f) {
if (!f.match(/\.js$/)) return
RegClient.prototype[f.replace(/\.js$/, '')] = require('./lib/' + f)