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# Node.js Core Test Common Modules
This directory contains modules used to test the Node.js implementation.
## Table of Contents
* [Common module API](#common-module-api)
* [WPT module](#wpt-module)
## Common Module API
The `common` module is used by tests for consistency across repeated
### allowGlobals(...whitelist)
* `whitelist` [<Array>] Array of Globals
* return [<Array>]
Takes `whitelist` and concats that with predefined `knownGlobals`.
### arrayStream
A stream to push an array into a REPL
### busyLoop(time)
* `time` [<Number>]
Blocks for `time` amount of time.
### canCreateSymLink
API to indicate whether the current running process can create
symlinks. On Windows, this returns false if the process running
doesn't have privileges to create symlinks (specifically
On non-Windows platforms, this currently returns true.
### crashOnUnhandledRejection()
Installs a `process.on('unhandledRejection')` handler that crashes the process
after a tick. This is useful for tests that use Promises and need to make sure
no unexpected rejections occur, because currently they result in silent
### ddCommand(filename, kilobytes)
* return [<Object>]
Platform normalizes the `dd` command
### enoughTestMem
* return [<Boolean>]
Check if there is more than 1gb of total memory.
### expectsError([fn, ]settings[, exact])
* `fn` [<Function>] a function that should throw.
* `settings` [<Object>]
that must contain the `code` property plus any of the other following
properties (some properties only apply for `AssertionError`):
* `code` [<String>]
expected error must have this value for its `code` property.
* `type` [<Function>]
expected error must be an instance of `type` and must be an Error subclass.
* `message` [<String>] or [<RegExp>]
if a string is provided for `message`, expected error must have it for its
`message` property; if a regular expression is provided for `message`, the
regular expression must match the `message` property of the expected error.
* `name` [<String>]
expected error must have this value for its `name` property.
* `generatedMessage` [<String>]
(`AssertionError` only) expected error must have this value for its
`generatedMessage` property.
* `actual` <any>
(`AssertionError` only) expected error must have this value for its
`actual` property.
* `expected` <any>
(`AssertionError` only) expected error must have this value for its
`expected` property.
* `operator` <any>
(`AssertionError` only) expected error must have this value for its
`operator` property.
* `exact` [<Number>] default = 1
* return [<Function>]
If `fn` is provided, it will be passed to `assert.throws` as first argument
and `undefined` will be returned.
Otherwise a function suitable as callback or for use as a validation function
passed as the second argument to `assert.throws()` will be returned. If the
returned function has not been called exactly `exact` number of times when the
test is complete, then the test will fail.
### expectWarning(name, expected)
* `name` [<String>]
* `expected` [<String>] | [<Array>]
Tests whether `name` and `expected` are part of a raised warning.
### fileExists(pathname)
* pathname [<String>]
* return [<Boolean>]
Checks if `pathname` exists
### fixturesDir
* return [<String>]
Path to the 'fixtures' directory.
### getArrayBufferViews(buf)
* `buf` [<Buffer>]
* return [<ArrayBufferView[]>]
Returns an instance of all possible `ArrayBufferView`s of the provided Buffer.
### globalCheck
* return [<Boolean>]
Turn this off if the test should not check for global leaks.
### hasCrypto
* return [<Boolean>]
Checks for 'openssl'.
### hasFipsCrypto
* return [<Boolean>]
Checks `hasCrypto` and `crypto` with fips.
### hasIntl
* return [<Boolean>]
Checks if [internationalization] is supported.
### hasSmallICU
* return [<Boolean>]
Checks `hasIntl` and `small-icu` is supported.
### hasIPv6
* return [<Boolean>]
Checks whether `IPv6` is supported on this platform.
### hasMultiLocalhost
* return [<Boolean>]
Checks if there are multiple localhosts available.
### hijackStderr(listener)
* `listener` [<Function>]: a listener with a single parameter
called `data`.
Eavesdrop to `process.stderr.write` calls. Once `process.stderr.write` is
called, `listener` will also be called and the `data` of `write` function will
be passed to `listener`. What's more, `process.stderr.writeTimes` is a count of
the number of calls.
### hijackStdout(listener)
* `listener` [<Function>]: a listener with a single parameter
called `data`.
Eavesdrop to `process.stdout.write` calls. Once `process.stdout.write` is
called, `listener` will also be called and the `data` of `write` function will
be passed to `listener`. What's more, `process.stdout.writeTimes` is a count of
the number of calls.
### inFreeBSDJail
* return [<Boolean>]
Checks whether free BSD Jail is true or false.
### isAIX
* return [<Boolean>]
Platform check for Advanced Interactive eXecutive (AIX).
### isAlive(pid)
* `pid` [<Number>]
* return [<Boolean>]
Attempts to 'kill' `pid`
### isFreeBSD
* return [<Boolean>]
Platform check for Free BSD.
### isLinux
* return [<Boolean>]
Platform check for Linux.
### isLinuxPPCBE
* return [<Boolean>]
Platform check for Linux on PowerPC.
### isOSX
* return [<Boolean>]
Platform check for macOS.
### isSunOS
* return [<Boolean>]
Platform check for SunOS.
### isWindows
* return [<Boolean>]
Platform check for Windows.
### isWOW64
* return [<Boolean>]
Platform check for Windows 32-bit on Windows 64-bit.
### leakedGlobals
* return [<Array>]
Checks whether any globals are not on the `knownGlobals` list.
### localhostIPv4
* return [<String>]
Gets IP of localhost
### localIPv6Hosts
* return [<Array>]
Array of IPV6 hosts.
### mustCall([fn][, exact])
* `fn` [<Function>] default = () => {}
* `exact` [<Number>] default = 1
* return [<Function>]
Returns a function that calls `fn`. If the returned function has not been called
exactly `exact` number of times when the test is complete, then the test will
If `fn` is not provided, an empty function will be used.
### mustCallAtLeast([fn][, minimum])
* `fn` [<Function>] default = () => {}
* `minimum` [<Number>] default = 1
* return [<Function>]
Returns a function that calls `fn`. If the returned function has not been called
at least `minimum` number of times when the test is complete, then the test will
If `fn` is not provided, an empty function will be used.
### mustNotCall([msg])
* `msg` [<String>] default = 'function should not have been called'
* return [<Function>]
Returns a function that triggers an `AssertionError` if it is invoked. `msg` is
used as the error message for the `AssertionError`.
### nodeProcessAborted(exitCode, signal)
* `exitCode` [<Number>]
* `signal` [<String>]
* return [<Boolean>]
Returns `true` if the exit code `exitCode` and/or signal name `signal` represent
the exit code and/or signal name of a node process that aborted, `false`
### opensslCli
* return [<Boolean>]
Checks whether 'opensslCli' is supported.
### platformTimeout(ms)
* `ms` [<Number>]
* return [<Number>]
Platform normalizes timeout.
### PIPE
* return [<String>]
Path to the test sock.
### PORT
* return [<Number>] default = `12346`
Port tests are running on.
### printSkipMessage(msg)
* `msg` [<String>]
Logs '1..0 # Skipped: ' + `msg`
### refreshTmpDir
* return [<String>]
Deletes the 'tmp' dir and recreates it
### restoreStderr()
Restore the original `process.stderr.write`.
### restoreStdout()
Restore the original `process.stdout.write`.
### rootDir
* return [<String>]
Path to the 'root' directory. either `/` or `c:\\` (windows)
### skip(msg)
* `msg` [<String>]
Logs '1..0 # Skipped: ' + `msg` and exits with exit code `0`.
### spawnPwd(options)
* `options` [<Object>]
* return [<Object>]
Platform normalizes the `pwd` command.
### spawnSyncPwd(options)
* `options` [<Object>]
* return [<Object>]
Synchronous version of `spawnPwd`.
### tmpDir
* return [<String>]
The realpath of the 'tmp' directory.
### tmpDirName
* return [<String>]
Name of the temp directory used by tests.
## Countdown Module
The `Countdown` module provides a simple countdown mechanism for tests that
require a particular action to be taken after a given number of completed
tasks (for instance, shutting down an HTTP server after a specific number of
<!-- eslint-disable strict, required-modules -->
const Countdown = require('../common/countdown');
function doSomething() {
const countdown = new Countdown(2, doSomething);
### new Countdown(limit, callback)
* `limit` {number}
* `callback` {function}
Creates a new `Countdown` instance.
### Countdown.prototype.dec()
Decrements the `Countdown` counter.
### Coutndown.prototype.remaining
Specifies the remaining number of times `Countdown.prototype.dec()` must be
called before the callback is invoked.
## Fixtures Module
The `common/fixtures` module provides convenience methods for working with
files in the `test/fixtures` directory.
### fixtures.fixturesDir
* [&lt;String>]
The absolute path to the `test/fixtures/` directory.
### fixtures.path(...args)
* `...args` [&lt;String>]
Returns the result of `path.join(fixtures.fixturesDir, ...args)`.
### fixtures.readSync(args[, enc])
* `args` [&lt;String>] | [&lt;Array>]
Returns the result of
`fs.readFileSync(path.join(fixtures.fixturesDir, ...args), 'enc')`.
### fixtures.readKey(arg[, enc])
* `arg` [&lt;String>]
Returns the result of
`fs.readFileSync(path.join(fixtures.fixturesDir, 'keys', arg), 'enc')`.
## WPT Module
The wpt.js module is a port of parts of
[W3C testharness.js]( for testing the
implementation with tests from
[W3C Web Platform Tests](