You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

119 lines
4.5 KiB

'use strict';
const common = require('../common');
const assert = require('assert');
const SlowBuffer = require('buffer').SlowBuffer;
const vm = require('vm');
// coerce values to string
const errMsg = common.expectsError({
type: TypeError,
message: 'The "string" argument must be one of type string, ' +
'buffer, or arrayBuffer'
}, 4);
assert.throws(() => { Buffer.byteLength(32, 'latin1'); }, errMsg);
assert.throws(() => { Buffer.byteLength(NaN, 'utf8'); }, errMsg);
assert.throws(() => { Buffer.byteLength({}, 'latin1'); }, errMsg);
assert.throws(() => { Buffer.byteLength(); }, errMsg);
assert.strictEqual(Buffer.byteLength('', undefined, true), -1);
assert(ArrayBuffer.isView(new Buffer(10)));
assert(ArrayBuffer.isView(new SlowBuffer(10)));
// buffer
const incomplete = Buffer.from([0xe4, 0xb8, 0xad, 0xe6, 0x96]);
assert.strictEqual(Buffer.byteLength(incomplete), 5);
const ascii = Buffer.from('abc');
assert.strictEqual(Buffer.byteLength(ascii), 3);
// ArrayBuffer
const buffer = new ArrayBuffer(8);
assert.strictEqual(Buffer.byteLength(buffer), 8);
// TypedArray
const int8 = new Int8Array(8);
assert.strictEqual(Buffer.byteLength(int8), 8);
const uint8 = new Uint8Array(8);
assert.strictEqual(Buffer.byteLength(uint8), 8);
const uintc8 = new Uint8ClampedArray(2);
assert.strictEqual(Buffer.byteLength(uintc8), 2);
const int16 = new Int16Array(8);
assert.strictEqual(Buffer.byteLength(int16), 16);
const uint16 = new Uint16Array(8);
assert.strictEqual(Buffer.byteLength(uint16), 16);
const int32 = new Int32Array(8);
assert.strictEqual(Buffer.byteLength(int32), 32);
const uint32 = new Uint32Array(8);
assert.strictEqual(Buffer.byteLength(uint32), 32);
const float32 = new Float32Array(8);
assert.strictEqual(Buffer.byteLength(float32), 32);
const float64 = new Float64Array(8);
assert.strictEqual(Buffer.byteLength(float64), 64);
// DataView
const dv = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(2));
assert.strictEqual(Buffer.byteLength(dv), 2);
// special case: zero length string
assert.strictEqual(Buffer.byteLength('', 'ascii'), 0);
assert.strictEqual(Buffer.byteLength('', 'HeX'), 0);
// utf8
assert.strictEqual(Buffer.byteLength('∑éllö wørl∂!', 'utf-8'), 19);
assert.strictEqual(Buffer.byteLength('κλμνξο', 'utf8'), 12);
assert.strictEqual(Buffer.byteLength('挵挶挷挸挹', 'utf-8'), 15);
assert.strictEqual(Buffer.byteLength('𠝹𠱓𠱸', 'UTF8'), 12);
// without an encoding, utf8 should be assumed
assert.strictEqual(Buffer.byteLength('hey there'), 9);
assert.strictEqual(Buffer.byteLength('𠱸挶νξ#xx :)'), 17);
assert.strictEqual(Buffer.byteLength('hello world', ''), 11);
// it should also be assumed with unrecognized encoding
assert.strictEqual(Buffer.byteLength('hello world', 'abc'), 11);
assert.strictEqual(Buffer.byteLength('ßœ∑≈', 'unkn0wn enc0ding'), 10);
// base64
assert.strictEqual(Buffer.byteLength('aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ=', 'base64'), 11);
assert.strictEqual(Buffer.byteLength('aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ=', 'BASE64'), 11);
assert.strictEqual(Buffer.byteLength('bm9kZS5qcyByb2NrcyE=', 'base64'), 14);
assert.strictEqual(Buffer.byteLength('aGkk', 'base64'), 3);
Buffer.byteLength('bHNrZGZsa3NqZmtsc2xrZmFqc2RsZmtqcw==', 'base64'), 25
// special padding
assert.strictEqual(Buffer.byteLength('aaa=', 'base64'), 2);
assert.strictEqual(Buffer.byteLength('aaaa==', 'base64'), 3);
assert.strictEqual(Buffer.byteLength('Il était tué'), 14);
assert.strictEqual(Buffer.byteLength('Il était tué', 'utf8'), 14);
['ascii', 'latin1', 'binary']
.reduce((es, e) => es.concat(e, e.toUpperCase()), [])
.forEach((encoding) => {
assert.strictEqual(Buffer.byteLength('Il était tué', encoding), 12);
['ucs2', 'ucs-2', 'utf16le', 'utf-16le']
.reduce((es, e) => es.concat(e, e.toUpperCase()), [])
.forEach((encoding) => {
assert.strictEqual(Buffer.byteLength('Il était tué', encoding), 24);
// Test that ArrayBuffer from a different context is detected correctly
const arrayBuf = vm.runInNewContext('new ArrayBuffer()');
assert.strictEqual(Buffer.byteLength(arrayBuf), 0);
// Verify that invalid encodings are treated as utf8
for (let i = 1; i < 10; i++) {
const encoding = String(i).repeat(i);
assert.strictEqual(Buffer.byteLength('foo', encoding),
Buffer.byteLength('foo', 'utf8'));