You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

138 lines
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module.exports = which
which.sync = whichSync
var isWindows = process.platform === 'win32' ||
process.env.OSTYPE === 'cygwin' ||
process.env.OSTYPE === 'msys'
var path = require('path')
var COLON = isWindows ? ';' : ':'
var isExe
var fs = require('fs')
var isAbsolute = require('is-absolute')
var G = parseInt('0010', 8)
var U = parseInt('0100', 8)
var UG = parseInt('0110', 8)
if (isWindows) {
// On windows, there is no good way to check that a file is executable
isExe = function isExe () { return true }
} else {
isExe = function isExe (mod, uid, gid) {
var ret = (mod & 1)
|| (mod & G) && process.getgid && gid === process.getgid()
|| (mod & U) && process.getuid && uid === process.getuid()
|| (mod & UG) && process.getuid && 0 === process.getuid()
if (!ret && process.getgroups && (mod & G)) {
var groups = process.getgroups()
for (var g = 0; g < groups.length; g++) {
if (groups[g] === gid)
return true
return ret
Merge remote-tracking branch &#39;ry/v0.6&#39; into v0.6-merge Conflicts: ChangeLog Makefile deps/npm/AUTHORS deps/npm/html/api/bin.html deps/npm/html/api/bugs.html deps/npm/html/api/commands.html deps/npm/html/api/config.html deps/npm/html/api/deprecate.html deps/npm/html/api/docs.html deps/npm/html/api/edit.html deps/npm/html/api/explore.html deps/npm/html/api/help-search.html deps/npm/html/api/init.html deps/npm/html/api/install.html deps/npm/html/api/link.html deps/npm/html/api/load.html deps/npm/html/api/ls.html deps/npm/html/api/npm.html deps/npm/html/api/outdated.html deps/npm/html/api/owner.html deps/npm/html/api/pack.html deps/npm/html/api/prefix.html deps/npm/html/api/prune.html deps/npm/html/api/publish.html deps/npm/html/api/rebuild.html deps/npm/html/api/restart.html deps/npm/html/api/root.html deps/npm/html/api/run-script.html deps/npm/html/api/search.html deps/npm/html/api/shrinkwrap.html deps/npm/html/api/start.html deps/npm/html/api/stop.html deps/npm/html/api/submodule.html deps/npm/html/api/tag.html deps/npm/html/api/test.html deps/npm/html/api/uninstall.html deps/npm/html/api/unpublish.html deps/npm/html/api/update.html deps/npm/html/api/version.html deps/npm/html/api/view.html deps/npm/html/api/whoami.html deps/npm/html/doc/README.html deps/npm/html/doc/adduser.html deps/npm/html/doc/bin.html deps/npm/html/doc/bugs.html deps/npm/html/doc/build.html deps/npm/html/doc/bundle.html deps/npm/html/doc/cache.html deps/npm/html/doc/changelog.html deps/npm/html/doc/coding-style.html deps/npm/html/doc/completion.html deps/npm/html/doc/config.html deps/npm/html/doc/deprecate.html deps/npm/html/doc/developers.html deps/npm/html/doc/disputes.html deps/npm/html/doc/docs.html deps/npm/html/doc/edit.html deps/npm/html/doc/explore.html deps/npm/html/doc/faq.html deps/npm/html/doc/folders.html deps/npm/html/doc/help-search.html deps/npm/html/doc/help.html deps/npm/html/doc/index.html deps/npm/html/doc/init.html deps/npm/html/doc/install.html deps/npm/html/doc/json.html deps/npm/html/doc/link.html deps/npm/html/doc/list.html deps/npm/html/doc/npm.html deps/npm/html/doc/outdated.html deps/npm/html/doc/owner.html deps/npm/html/doc/pack.html deps/npm/html/doc/prefix.html deps/npm/html/doc/prune.html deps/npm/html/doc/publish.html deps/npm/html/doc/rebuild.html deps/npm/html/doc/registry.html deps/npm/html/doc/removing-npm.html deps/npm/html/doc/restart.html deps/npm/html/doc/root.html deps/npm/html/doc/run-script.html deps/npm/html/doc/scripts.html deps/npm/html/doc/search.html deps/npm/html/doc/semver.html deps/npm/html/doc/shrinkwrap.html deps/npm/html/doc/star.html deps/npm/html/doc/start.html deps/npm/html/doc/stop.html deps/npm/html/doc/submodule.html deps/npm/html/doc/tag.html deps/npm/html/doc/test.html deps/npm/html/doc/uninstall.html deps/npm/html/doc/unpublish.html deps/npm/html/doc/update.html deps/npm/html/doc/version.html deps/npm/html/doc/view.html deps/npm/html/doc/whoami.html deps/npm/man/man1/npm.1 deps/npm/man/man3/npm.3 deps/npm/package.json doc/api/url.markdown lib/http.js src/node_version.h test/simple/test-fs-sync-fd-leak.js
13 years ago
function getPathInfo(cmd, opt) {
var colon = opt.colon || COLON
var pathEnv = opt.path || process.env.PATH || ''
var pathExt = ['']
pathEnv = pathEnv.split(colon)
if (isWindows) {
pathExt = (opt.pathExt || process.env.PATHEXT || '.EXE').split(colon)
if (cmd.indexOf('.') !== -1 && pathExt[0] !== '')
// If it's absolute, then we don't bother searching the pathenv.
// just check the file itself, and that's it.
if (isAbsolute(cmd))
pathEnv = ['']
return {env: pathEnv, ext: pathExt}
function which (cmd, opt, cb) {
if (typeof opt === 'function') {
cb = opt
opt = {}
var info = getPathInfo(cmd, opt)
var pathEnv = info.env
var pathExt = info.ext
var found = []
;(function F (i, l) {
if (i === l) {
if (opt.all && found.length)
return cb(null, found)
return cb(new Error('not found: '+cmd))
var pathPart = pathEnv[i]
if (pathPart.charAt(0) === '"' && pathPart.slice(-1) === '"')
pathPart = pathPart.slice(1, -1)
var p = path.resolve(pathPart, cmd)
;(function E (ii, ll) {
if (ii === ll) return F(i + 1, l)
var ext = pathExt[ii]
fs.stat(p + ext, function (er, stat) {
if (!er &&
stat.isFile() &&
isExe(stat.mode, stat.uid, stat.gid)) {
if (opt.all)
found.push(p + ext)
return cb(null, p + ext)
return E(ii + 1, ll)
})(0, pathExt.length)
})(0, pathEnv.length)
function whichSync (cmd, opt) {
opt = opt || {}
var info = getPathInfo(cmd, opt)
var pathEnv = info.env
var pathExt = info.ext
var found = []
for (var i = 0, l = pathEnv.length; i < l; i ++) {
var pathPart = pathEnv[i]
if (pathPart.charAt(0) === '"' && pathPart.slice(-1) === '"')
pathPart = pathPart.slice(1, -1)
var p = path.join(pathPart, cmd)
for (var j = 0, ll = pathExt.length; j < ll; j ++) {
var cur = p + pathExt[j]
var stat
try {
stat = fs.statSync(cur)
if (stat.isFile() && isExe(stat.mode, stat.uid, stat.gid)) {
if (opt.all)
return cur
} catch (ex) {}
if (opt.all && found.length)
return found
throw new Error('not found: '+cmd)